Public Session: There were TWO members of the public present.

Present: Councillors Nelson (Chair) Ashcroft, Crawford, Dix, Fraser-Darling, Fritzsche, Greybrook, Roberts, Taylor and Woodward. Also in attendance was District Councillor, Mr R Sampson.
1. Apologies for absence: Councillor J Scott. The Chair informed members that as from the minutes of this meeting, reason for absence would no longer be recorded in the minutes.
2. Declaration of Interests: There were no declarations made under the 2000 Local Government Act.
3. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting of the Parish Council: Draft notes of the last meeting of the PC had been circulated to all Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Greybrook and seconded by Cllr Taylor that these notes be accepted as a true record of the Parish Council meeting held on 16 November 2011; Agreed.
4. Clerk’s Report: There were no matters to be reported at this point other than were on the agenda for the meeting.
5. Financial Matters:
a. Presentation and approval of Parish Council Balance Sheet and Cash Book as at 10 January 2012.
The Clerk presented the Balance Sheet and Cash Book as at 10 January 2012. It was proposed by Cllr Dix and seconded by Cllr Taylor that the Cash Book and Balance Sheet be accepted as a true record; Agreed.
The Chair informed members that council spending in relation to the annual budget was 'on track' but that there was approximately £4K in the PC's account which was available for community projects. The sum was anticipated to have been required in order to help fund the extension to the new children's play area had not been required as extra external funding had been found for this project.
b. Authorisation of Cheque Payments – It was proposed by Cllr Ashcroft and seconded by Cllr Fraser-Darling that the following payments be authorised; agreed:
Payee / Reason for payment / £
Broker Network / Increase of premium for VH shed and contents / 42.40
Viking / Stationery (ink, envelopes and paper) – underpayment of Inv: 56479 dated 10 Oct 11 / 18.13
P J Fleming / Salary and expenses Dec 2011/Jan 2012 / 605.65
R Powell / Community Cleaning 31 Oct to 12 Dec 2011 / 121.80
HMRC / PAYE in respect of Clerk's salary for Jan 2012 / 70.60
HMRC / PAYE in respect of Clerk's salary for Feb 2012 / 70.60
A Roberts / Payment for maintenance of the war memorial / 14.00
John Lord / Repairs to Burial Ground gates / 181.00
SLCC / Membership Renewal for 2012 / 97.00
L.I.V.E.S. / Start-up grant for the Caythorpe L.I.V.E.S. group
(This payment added following discussion at Para 5e) / 500.00
NOTE: It was proposed by Cllr Roberts and seconded by Cllr Dix that, as urgent confidential discussion was required before approval of the parish precept for 2012/13, the council move into closed session with public and press excluded; agreed.
Following discussion on the possible requirement for extra funds in the coming months to purchase the old Police Station in Old Lincoln Road, it was proposed by Cllr Dix and seconded by Cllr Roberts that any such funding would have to be found in addition to the proposed precept bid for 2012/13; agreed.
NOTE: Following the above discussion, the public and press were invited back into the meeting.
c. Presentation and approval of the Parish Precept for 2012/13. Following the discussion above, the Chair informed members that the parish council had not received any comments following the publication of the proposed precept bid for 2012/13 in the Caythorpe News. Therefore, it was proposed by Cllr Dix and seconded by Cllr Fritzsche that Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council should set its precept at £27,450.00 for the coming financial year; agreed.
d. Approval of conditional grant for maintenance of the St Vincent’s churchyard. It was proposed by Cllr Roberts and seconded by Cllr Dix that approval be given for a grant of £560.00 to maintain the St Vincent’s churchyard; agreed subject to the parish council review of the latest PCC accounts.
e. Approval of grant to local Lincolnshire Integrated Voluntary Emergency Service (L.I.V.E.S.) Group. Councillor Greybrook updated members on the successful launch of the Caythorpe/Fulbeck/Brandon (CAYFULBR) L.I.V.E.S. group. There were now four members of the group who were sufficiently trained to cover the area. More volunteers were to complete their training in the coming weeks and it was hoped to have a full service as soon as possible. It was proposed by Cllr Dix and seconded by Cllr Roberts that a sum of £500.00 be granted to the CAYFULBR L.I.V.E.S. group; agreed. Councillor Greybrook had requested a meeting with the Practice Manager, together with the First Responder Group Co-ordinator, to discuss what support the Practice can give to the Group and whether they can make a donation to the CAYFULBR L.I.V.E.S. fund.
6. The Parish Environment.
a. Planning - To receive reports on planning matters affecting the village: Councillor Dix informed the members that there were no outstanding planning matters of which they were not aware.
b. Discussion on the Parish Council’s response to the possible closure of Leadenham domestic waste tip:
The Chair updated members on the latest events surrounding the possible closure of the Leadenham domestic waste tip. At present, the LCC were proposing to increase the radius of travel for people using domestic waste sites in the county from 7 miles to 12 miles. If this was accepted by the LCC then the site at Leadenham would close. The closure of the tip would lead to an increase in fly-tipping in the area and increase the carbon footprint of all local residents who used the tip as they would have to travel to either
Sleaford, Grantham or Newark to use such facilities.
It was proposed by Cllr Dix and seconded by Cllr Fritzsche that the Chair would write to the Chair of the LCC and to the waste portfolio holder Cllr Strange, to add the Parish Council’s voice to those other councils who did not want the tip to close: agreed.
It was noted that that there had been no communication from our County Councillor, Mr Farrar over this matter. The Chair agreed to write to Councillor Farrar asking for his help and to speak with Stephen Phillips MP to ask him to ensure that Cllr Farrar contacts the parish council over this matter and represents our views to the LCC before any further discussion on the closure of the tip.
c. Fulbeck Airfield site: Councillor Roberts reminded the members that there was an industrial site on Fulbeck airfield which was likely to become available in the near future. He added that the last time such a property became available the site was occupied by travellers over a weekend to the consternation and frustration of the local District Council. District Councillor Bob Sampson agreed to bring the matter to the attention of the relevant department within SKDC to ensure that had a system which would cope with another such eventuality.
7. Recreation and Leisure Facilities.
a. Report from the Playing Fields Committee:
·  Winter protection for the heating system is now in place along with added insulation.
·  The next event is the Caythorpe Dash on 19 Feb 2012.
·  There has been some fly-tipping along the boundary of the field.
·  One window broken in the pavilion. Possible provision of grilles to prevent re-occurrence.
b. Report from the Village Hall:
·  Frost stats have been fitted to the boiler to keep temperature above 5 degrees at all times.
·  Over 100 children and parents attended the kids Christmas Party.
·  Bookings are up. We are looking forward to the first Jazz Night on 21 January.
8. Community Involvement.
Queen's Diamond Jubilee: Councillor Neil Fritzsche informed members that he had had some constructive replies to his round-robin email about the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and that he had organised a meeting of all interested parties on 1 February 2012 in the Sports & Social club at 7pm. He had organised a comprehensive programme of events for the week and as long as there were sufficient volunteers to man the events, he hoped that all would take place as planned.
9. Transport and Highways.
a.  Parking/Congestion in the High Street: The Chair informed members that the parking problem had got a little better but there was still room for improvement.
b.  Highway Maintenance: The Clerk would forward a list of highway maintenance/lighting issues to the LCC Highways including a report of subsidence along Frieston Heath Lane.
10. Community Safety.
A number of incidents in relation to hare coursing have been reported in the Caythorpe Area. This is one of the forces priorities and farmers/landowners/dog walkers/gamekeepers are encouraged to phone in reports of suspicious males with dogs when they are seen.
·  16 Nov 11 – ‘Tanglewood’, Gorse Hill Lane, Caythorpe – Shed and garage burglary at approx. 11.00am (shed and garage locks cut off and tools and various other items taken.
·  21 Nov 11 – ‘Hermit Lodge’, Frieston Path, Caythorpe – overnight theft of landrover from premises.
·  Orchard Cottage, Frieston – Overnight theft of pallets, radio and lead piping.
Caythorpe is generally a low crime area. There are occasional burglaries (shed /garage /dwelling) in the area but are few and far between. Members of the public are urged to report any suspicious persons to the police. To report a crime/incident phone Lincolnshire Police on the 24hr non-emergency line 0300 111 0300.
11. Items of urgent business. None.
12. Arrangements for next meeting. The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 14 March 2012 in the Village Hall beginning at 7.15pm.
14 March 2012 Chairman: / Action
Cllr Scott
Clerk/Cllr Greybrook
Cllr Sampson
Cllr Fritzsche
All Cllrs
21 / Chair, Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council