Hampshire County Council

Request for Pre-Application Planning Advice

This form should be completed in conjunction with the Council’s Guidance Note on Pre-Application Advice. It is important that you complete this form accurately and include the correct fee and supporting information before returning it to Development Management Team at Strategic Planning via e-mail at or by post to the address shown at the bottom of this form.

1 / Applicant Details / 2 / Agent Details
Name: / Name:
Company: / Company:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Day time Phone:
Mobile / Day time Phone:
Email: / Email:
3 / Address of Application Site
4 / Interest in Property/Land
Please state your interest in the property or land, e.g. owner/occupier, developer, prospective purchaser etc.
5 / Proposal
Please refer to guidance notes
5a / Summary Description of Proposal
5b / Key facts of Proposal
[Key facts to be inserted giving overview of proposal]
a) / Temporary or permanent:
b) / Nature/type – minerals (type) or waste and type/category of waste:
c) / New site/physical extension ( Full permission) or variation to existing:
d) / New buildings or extension to existing buildings:
e) / Mineral void/waste capacity (tonnes and m3):
f) / No. daily HCV lorry loads (average and maximum):
g) / Hours/days of working:
h) / Highway contribution/lorry routing/and note any related 106:
i) / No. of new jobs created on site:
j) / No of vehicle ( lorry and staff/visitor) parking spaces:
k) / New access created:
l) / Trees/hedgerows removed:
m) / Landscape enhancement:
n) / Biodiversity enhancement (including any mitigation land) and 106 to secure management:
o) / New footpaths/bridleways/cycleways/temporary diversions and related 106:
p) / Other ( including deed of variations/revocation of existing agreements):
6 / Viewing the Site
Can the whole site be seen from the road or public land? / Yes o No o
7 / Attached Plans and Supporting Information
Details with an * are mandatory
Grid Reference of site * / o / Details of current use of the site/building * / o
Location Plan which shows the site area and its surrounding context * / o / Site history – what has the site previously been used for? / o
Layout plan/Site plan which shows the proposed development in detail * / o / Draft Design and Access Statement (if required for the type of application) / o
For waste management development details of annual throughput, waste sources/types and potential catchment areas * / o / Photographs of the site , and/or drawings showing site buildings, trees as existing / o
For mineral development details of quantities to be extracted or processed per annum, likely timescales and value added processes * / o / Sketch drawings showing height/scale / o
Proposed access arrangements and vehicle movements including number of HGVs * / o
8 / Exempt Development
If you consider your development proposal to be exempt from payment in accordance with the Council’s Fee Schedule, please state the reason why:
9 / Freedom of Information Act
If you consider your application to be confidential, please set out the reasons why, and for what period, any information in regard to the enquiry needs to remain confidential
10 / Declaration
I/we (the undersigned) hereby apply for pre-application advice on the proposed development as described in this form and the accompanying plans/drawings and additional information (and enclose the relevant payment for this service).
Please make cheques payable to Hampshire County Council
I also agree to pay any additional sums arising from the provision of the service as required, as outlined in the Planning Advice Charging Guide
Signed: / Date:

Hampshire County Council,

Economy, Transport and Environment,

Strategic Planning,

Elizabeth II Court West,


SO23 8UD

Tel: 01962 846732 (HPSN: 8 200 6732)

Fax: 01962 847055

Web: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste.htm