Thank-you for your invitation. Byron Katie is honored and considers it a great privilege to be invited to bring The Work to your community. Katie loves that we are able to work together to serve as many people as possible in our efforts to make the world a kinder, more peaceful place.

So that we are able to serve you, please fill in the following information:

Fill out this application in Word (all boxes will expand as needed as you write), save it, and send as an attachment in an email to r see the mailing address at end of this form.

Today’s Date: / Requested Date(s) & Year:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
Country: / Website:
Requestor’s Name: / Title:
Email #1: / Email #2:
Work Phone: / Cell Phone:
Home Phone: / FAX

Event Requested:

Weekend Workshop / 1 Day Workshop / Evening Event / Lecture/Speaker
Book Signing / Fundraiser / Teleconference / Guest
Hosted Event for Katie / Other – Specify:

Event Location:

Street Address:
City, State, Zip, Country:
Nearest Airport:

Event Contact:

Street Address:
City, State, Zip, Country
Work Phone: / Cell Phone:
Home Phone: / FAX

Overview of Event/Description:

Are you extending this invitation to Byron Katie as an:

Individual / Organization

If an organization are you:

Non-profit / For-profit / Church
Other – please describe:

What speaker fee, honorarium or percentage of ticket sales from the event are you offering?


Can you provide transportation? (Business class preferred) / Yes / No
And overnight accommodations for Katie? / Yes / No

How do you plan to advertise and/or market this event? Please check all that apply and fill in the corresponding number of people reached:

Newsletter / How many on mailing list?
Website / How many visits per day?
Catalog/Brochure / How many on mailing list?
TV/Radio / How many viewers/listeners?
Newspaper / Circulation?
Public Event / What kind & number of attendees?
Other – please describe:

How many people do you expect to have in attendance?



Do you have an onsite bookstore?:
If not, is there space to sell Katie’s books onsite?:

Please provide any additional relevant information here:

Please visit the PRESS room at for materials to promote/advertise your event!

This form can also be mailed to: Byron Katie International, Inc

PO Box 1206

Ojai, CA 93024
