Media & Public Relations for Political Candidates Debate
9 Week Part-Time Contract
Start Date: August 24, 2015
End Date: October 19, 2015
Payment: $500 Stipend
Hours: Maximum of 15 hours/week
Position Description:
BCSEA Vancouver is looking for a rockstar to manage media & public relations for two upcoming Political Candidate Debates in the North Vancouver and Burnaby-North Seymour Ridings co-hosted by BCSEA Vancouver & the Dogwood Initiative. The position will have a stipend of $500 and free admission to all upcoming BCSEA Vancouver 2016 events ($150 value). This is a unique opportunity to get hands on experience working on a team hosting a major political event.
Ideal Candidate is excited to:
· Engage media (CBC, CTV, Local News, Radio etc.) and relevant stakeholders before, during and after the events in late September & early October 2015. Includes writing press releases, organizing press coverage and managing journalists on event day.
· Manage event postings for free print and web channels.
· Plan, post and engage on event social media channels to build up our community and create awareness for the event.
· Propose and help execute guerrilla marketing tactics to ensure an audience which represents all socio-economic, age and political demographics.
· Work with the BCSEA Vancouver event team & the Dogwood Initiative media team before, during & after the event.
To Apply: Please contact Veronica Owens or Tatyana Soboleva, Co-Chairs at
About BCSEA Vancouver
BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) Vancouver is a non-profit organization that aims to be the voice for climate solutions. We are passionate, environmentally-minded professionals who organize community outreach and networking events on renewable energy and the clean energy economy. Our events feature knowledgeable industry, government and business leaders, cutting-edge electric vehicle & renewable energy technologies, and the latest information on research and policy. Every event has a professional networking component, audience interaction and features hands-on displays. Our events take the form of speaker series, film screenings, exhibitions, district energy or building tours and socials.
We partner with like-minded organizations such as the Canadian Wind Energy Association, Air & Waste Management Association, UBC, Langara College, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Dogwood Initiative, Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association, Canadian Passive House Association and the Cascadia Green Building Council.
We aim to provide a space for high-quality, intelligent discussion which demystifies technology and offers real-world solutions to individuals and companies for a better, more sustainable future.