Thanks to Salem's Ministers: Communion10:30Bev Archer, Nik Schwantes, Darwin Schwantes, Carla GerdesUshers 10:30Doug Yager, Mill Logeman, Mark & Lanette Wise Sound Tech 8:30Tom Olson 10:30 Phil Konsor Programing,ProjectionJoe Palmersten
We encourage members and friends to bring special gifts to be distributed in our community and world through Sunday Seeds.
Each Sunday of the month is designated for a specific Sunday “Seed” – an opportunity to give towards that need.
This Sunday’s Seeds: St. Cloud Crisis nursery – diapers, wipes, etc., are collected in the lattice container by the church library.Next week: non-perishable food and personal care items are collected for the Salvation Army in the cart in the hallway.
Salem Softball: this week Salem began play off action with victories over Joy Christian Center 12-4 and 16-4 over Joshua’s Cars. Wednesday was a 15-14 loss to Rupp Printing. This coming Wednesday play off schedule is not available.
Boys Game Day for Jr & Sr High! Thursday, August 20,1:00-8:00pm in the Youth Room. We’ll be playing board games, Heroscape, video games, card games, and more! Come for some or all of the day! Eat lunch before you come and bring $3 for pizza and a snack to share. See you there!
Ladies Night!All Jr High and Sr High Ladies are welcome! Starts at 4:00pm on Thursday, Aug. 13, and we will be done by 10pm. Cost $7 due at the door. Post on the Facebook event ideas for Katlyn, she’s really excited!
Fall rummage sale at Salem Saturday, Sept 19. Proceeds go to programs for preschoolers at Salem and those in our companion synod in Durban, South Africa.Please consider contributing to the sale with good used or newitems. No electronic equipment or large furniture, etc. We would like to have anyone available to help, either setting up onFriday, Sept. 18th or the day of the sale. Joan West- 253-9620
Concert TONIGHT,Sunday, Aug. 9, at 7:30pm, Recital Hall,
Performing Arts Center, SCSU.Vocal music: Jason Parker, tenor and Charles Echols, piano, will perform Robert Schumann’s “Poet’s Love.”Local vocal groups “5 Good Reasons” and “5th Voice”
will also perform. Free. Open to the public.
Sunday School Volunteers Needed!
Jodi is looking for just a few more volunteers to work with Salem's Kids this school year. Please prayerfully consider how you can help out our children's ministry program here at Salem.
Opportunities include:
Classroom Leader - review the curriculum each week and engage kids in the story, activity and crafts. Our Club 5 & 6 kids use a different format that is more discussion based.
Substitute Leader - be "on call" to fill in for leaders when they are unable.
Classroom Assistant - help the kids and leader with the story, activities and crafts each week.
Music - teach songs to kids once a month, help with music for the Christmas program.
Decorations - help Jodi decorate the Salem's Kids area for each season.
Volunteers are needed for all our classes: Kingdom Kids(pre-school-kindergarten); Discover 1 & 2(grades 1 & 2); Explore 3 & 4(grades 3 & 4) Club 5 & 6(grades 5 & 6.Please sign up in the black Welcome Bookor fill out a form on the small table near the stairs.. Contact Jodi Burling with any questions - email , phone: 320-774-8672.
School Kits for Lutheran World Relieffor children in need throughout the world - What wonderful news! Three families have already provided 123 completed school bags toward our goal of 350. A very special thanks to each of them.
Still needed to complete the other 200 bags are boxes of 16 or 24 crayons, 2 1/2 “ erasers, blunt scissors and 134 bags.
Check the Women’s Bulletin Board by the office for step by step directions for sewing drawstring school bags. Please bring your gift items to the church office. Monetary donations to assist in completing and sending the bags are also needs.
Organic, fairly-traded coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate bars are available for purchase in the Gathering Area. Lutheran World Relief buys coffees from small farmers in Latin American and other countries. Gourmet quality! If you have special requests, please contact Emily or Karl Fischer, 763-222-3871.
Today 8:30Worship/Baptism (broadcast on WMIN 1010 AM); 10:30am Worship/Communion; 12 noon Community Meal
This Week at Salem
Monday, August 10 9:00am Fitness
Tuesday, August 11 11:00am Prayer Keepers
Thursday, August 13 9:00am Fitness; 1-3:00pm Prayer Shawl Group;7:00pm NA
Saturday, August 1511:00am Spenders Anonymous
Sunday, August 16 8:30am Worship/Communion (broadcast on WMIN 1010 AM) 10:30am Worship/Baptism
“Strategies to Maximize Social Security” offered by Thrivent Financial representative Marcus Anderson, Tuesday, Aug. 11, and Wednesday, Aug. 12 ,7:00pm - 8:00pm at Salem. To reserve your place, contact Marcus at email or 320-266-5085. Root beer floatswill be served. No products will be sold.
Are family and friends reading Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See? Winner of the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, this book tops the 2015-2016 list for Salem’s Tuesday Noon Book Club. Borrow a copy to read, and come to the discussion on September 8th.
Want to discover the ultimate potential of your marriage? Registerfor the August 22-23 Marriage Encounter at are held at Mt Olivet Conference and Retreat Center inFarmington. Visit for additional information orcall 651.454.3238
Prayer Shawl Group meets at church every Thursday 1-3:00pm. Come when you can. Completed shawls are on display in the window in the church office and Gathering Area, and available for giving. If you know of someone in need of the special comfort that these shawls provide, we invite you to take a shawl for them. If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Bush at 320-281-3043.
CHURCH STAFF: Senior PastorWayne Anderson; Associate PastorKristen Anderson;Administrative Assistant Viv Kloskin; Youth Ministries Eric Blake; Technology/Social Media/Youth Katlyn Walz; Finance Clerk Lisa Miller Sunday School Coordinator Jodi Burling; Property Manager Earl Kothman; Custodian Eddy Setterholm; Music Coordinator Scott Campbell; 10:30am Worship Music/Sanctuary Choir Tom Speckhard; Choir Directors Lori Potter,Sarah Hanek,Hollie Bursch; Principal Organist Dr. Charles Echols
Caller for funeral cakes needed. As an outreach to families in a time of need, Salem provides cakes for funeral lunches. This is an easy ministry to do from your home.. Involves calling people from an established list and requesting a cake brought to Salem before the funeral. Please sign the black Welcome Book or call the church.
Community Meal Coordinators
We need two co-coordinators for our Sunday Community Meals. Each coordinator would be in charge of one meal a month. Salem serves community meal on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.
Please sign up in the black Welcome Book.
Daily Devotionals are available on the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Area and in the literature rack by the church office -- for families Spark Family and for individuals The Word in Season.
Thank you for your giving…
We are thankful for the opportunities of renewal, vacations and activities that come with the advent of summer.To assist in maintaining a positive cash flow over the summer months
we need to keep up with giving throughout the summer. Your financial support is encouraged even when you are out of town. Please consider making weekly contributuions or making additional offerings before you leave or when you return. The mission of “Making Jesus Known” continues through the “down time” of summer.
--Salem’s Executive Committee
Come Visit Our Salem Library This Summer
There are a variety of good children’s books under the sign “Summer Reading” in our library. Come visit us.Books at the Salem Library. can be checked out during the week (office hours 8am-4pm) and on Sunday mornings.
8:30am worship service available on cassette tape in Gathering Area. If you have cassettes, please return them for re-use.
Write prayer requests on the Prayer Card in the pew rack and place in the wooden box by the Caring Ministry Lounge in the Gathering Area or e-mail the church at . Requests are confidential.
Prayer and Praise
For Abid & Janet Rangoonwala on furlough in Minneapolis from
their teaching responsibilities in Kenya.
In the unity of the Holy Spirit and in Christ’s name, we pray for
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
For those serving in our nation’s military on active duty and in the
Reserves, and for those veterans who have faithfully served.
For the ministries and missions of Salem.
For the continued healing and recovery of Courtney, Bonnie
Loncorich, Scott Ampe, Craig Ecklund, Ethelyn Gadway,
MillieTeders, Doris Erickson, and Harvey Reichel.
For the family of Salem member Kimberley “Kim” Jones who died
August 6. Her funeral will be at Salem on Monday.
For Nicole Koester and Donald Hansen on their marriage Saturday.
For Rylee Jean, daughter of Ashley Wallace and Ryan Willard, on
her baptism today.
The radio, altar flowers, communion elements and bulletins are
given in honor of Stan and YvonneHagberg’s 65thwedding
Sunday sponsorship sign up sheets for radio, bulletins, altar flowers, communion elements in remembrance or honor of loved ones are on the bulletin board by the church office.
Costs are: 8:30am radio broadcast (WMIN 1010am) $45 partial/$90 total sponsorship); bulletins or communion elements-$15 each; altar flowers – $25.
Please Pray for Those Serving in Our Nation’s Military on Active Duty: Nicholas Robbins, Captain Andrew Lang, John Lundgren Jr., Travis Aldrich, Eric Naley, Jim Freund, Larry Taing, Jared Woodberry, Paul Maetzold, John Lundgren, Sarah Pettit, Nik Wurdelman, Joseph Porter, Brian Vanderway, Ryan Vanderway, Peter Laclede, Joseph Laclede, Ben Cannon, Allie Laclede and Ty Johnson.
Salem Lutheran Church August 9, 2015
90 Riverside Drive SE Phone 252-1625
St. Cloud, MN 56304 Fax 252-4424
In Christ’s Name, Welcome!
Welcome to worship. Our mission is MAKING JESUS KNOWN! It is our prayer and hope that you will sense the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A special word of welcome to our guests. We are honored by your presence and invite you to return next Sunday for worship. Bibles and hymnals are in the pew racks and/or under the chairs.
The black Welcome Book is at the end of the pew or row where you are seated. Please sign the book to indicate your presence and consider signing up for one or more of the available opportunities. Note with whom you are worshipping and pray silently for these people.
Small children are welcome at worship. If they become restless, there is a nursery available during the worship services for children up to three years old and there are chairs and a sound system in the Gathering Area.
Hearing devices are available from the ushers. They will assist you.
Busy Bags are availablefor small children to useduring worship services. They are on the stand in the Gathering Area.
God’s Garden Share Ministry at Salem
Bring in your washed vegetables on Sunday and drop at the “farmers stand” in the Gathering Area to share your excess produce with everyone at Salem.
Feel free to take fresh veggies home or leave a donation for the stand.