DG01 GovDept EMPLOYER Application for Discretionary Grants Funding: August 2012
Discretionary Grants:
DG01 Government Department Employer Application for Discretionary Grants Funding
August2012 Funding Window
ChamberProject Reference No
Closing date for submission
A separate application should be completed for each project.
Document Reference
Document Ref No: / SPRGL003Document Title: / DG01 Government Department Employer Application for Discretionary Grants Funding
Version No: / V.05
Date: / August 2012
Author: / SENIOR MANAGER: Skills Implementation & Monitoring
Document Approval
Name / Signature / DateCompiled by: / Senior Manager: SI & M
Recommended by: / Chief Executive Officer
Approved by: / Board/EXCO
Table of Contents
Discretionary Grants Employer Application 2012 – 2013
Definition of Acronyms
SDLA / Skills Development Levies ActSDA / Skills Development Act
SETA / Sector Education & Training Authority
NSF / National Skills Fund
SARS / South African Revenue Services
HRDS / Human Resources Development Strategy
JIPSA / Joint Initiative on Priority Skills Acquisition
ASGISA / Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for SA
NSDS / National Skills Development Strategy
SSP / Sector Skills plan
SASSETA / Safety & Security Sector Education and Training Authority
SMME / Small Medium and Micro Enterprise
SLA / Service Level Agreement
DOL / Department of Labour
ETQA / Education and Training Quality Assurance
DG / Discretionary Grants
NSDS / National Skills Development Strategy
SAQA / South African Qualification Authority
NQF / National Qualification Authority
ESDA / Employment and Skills Development Agency
ISOE / Institute of Sectoral and Occupational Excellence
NGO / Non Governmental Organisation
CBO / Community Based Organisation
NLPE / Non Levy-Paying Enterprises
Discretionary Grants
Employer Application
2012 – 2013
August 2012 Funding Window
Trading as:
Skills Development Levy (SDL) Number: (Where applicable)
Skills Development Levy (SDL) Number: (Where applicable)
Please take note that when completing this application form reference should be made to the SASSETA Discretionary Grants Guidelines and Criteria for 2011-2012.
This application must be down –loaded.
Contact details:
Call Centre:
Date Stamp: / Received by:Name:
Reference Number: / Signature:
A1 Details of the ApplicantCompany/Organization:
Postal Address:
Postal Code:
Size of the Organization/Company: / 0- 49 / 50 – 149 / 150+ / Mark with an X
A2 Provider Details:
Preferred Provider Name:
Accreditation Number:
Quality Assuring Body:
Programme Approval Details:
Tel No: / Fax No:
Cell: / E-mail:
A3 Banking Details:
Account Holder: / Bank:
Branch: / Branch Code:
Account Number: / Type of Account:
N.B: Attach letters of accreditation as well as a cancelled cheque/stamped Bank Statement
Guidelines: Applying for DG funding
- Each application should respond to the advertisement.
- Ensure that you are familiar with the NSDS111 document of the Department of
Higher Education, especially the NSDS111 key developmental and transformative imperatives as well as the NSDS111 goals
- The project should be linked to SASSETA’s Sector Skills Plan (SSP) as well as your organisation company’s / organisation’s WSP
Completing the DG Application
- A project proposal must be submitted in the prescribed template available on the SASSETA website (
- A separate application must be completed for each project being applied for.
- Ensure that each relevant field in the application is completed.
- Application should include a valid tax clearance.
- Include the fully completed Provider Application(s) with full supporting evidence with your application. Complete the comparative cost per learner template.
- Each application to be signed off by the employer and a labour representative.
- Incomplete applications would be disqualified.
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DG01 GovDept EMPLOYER Application for Discretionary Grants Funding: August 2012
Submitting the Discretionary Grant application
- Both the Application form as well as CV’s should be originals.
- Certified copies of supporting documents should not be older than three months.
- All submissions must either :
-be hand delivered to the mailroom at the SASSETA Office: Level 3 East · Gallagher House · Gallagher Estate · 19 Richards Drive · Midrand;
-Posted to SASSETA at PO Box 7612 · Halfway House · 1685.
- Please indicate on the outside of the envelope:
That it is an application for Discretionary Grant funding – August 2012 Funding Window.
-The Chamber
-The Project Name
-The Project Number
Please note that each application covers ONE project only
No / Discretionary Grants Project as advertised for the specific Chamber LS or SP / LS orSP / NQF
level / No of learners / NSDS 111
18.1 / 18.2
Please complete the following tables to indicate the equity spread of the learners across provinces
Please complete the following tables to indicate the Urban / Rural provincial spread of the learnersEC / FS / GP / KZN / LP / MP / NC / NWP / WC
R / U / R / U / R / U / R / U / R / U / R / U / R / U / R / U / R / U
Please complete the following tables to indicate the spread provincial of People With Disabilities (PWD’s).
EC / FS / GP / KZN / LP / MP / NC / NWP / WC
Please provide details of each of the following indicated in the table below
FUNDING WINDOW:Project Title / NQF Level / Credits
Start Date:
End Date:
Primary ETQA:
Provider Name:
Executive Summary
Provide a brief summary of what the project is going toachieve as well as the strategic objectives of the NSDS and SETA targets
Scope of work
Provide the work breakdown structure of the project
Project Deliverables
Provide concrete deliverables that the project aims to achieve and how they will be measured.
Project Title / NQF Level / Credits
Start Date:
End Date:
Primary ETQA:
Provider Name:
Project Management
Details of how the project is going to be managed as well as reporting
Monitoring and Evaluation
Indicate how the project will be monitored and evaluated.
PART D: Calculating the Cost per Learner (Please attach provider applications as supporting evidence)
Learning ProgrammeNumber of training days / Provider 1 / Provider 2 / Provider 3 / Comment
-Consecutive days training
-Portfolio-building Workshop
Item / Cost Per Item Per Learner Per Provider (Group of 25 Learners)
Provider 1 / Provider 2 / Provider 3
Workshop Training costs
Training Materials
Facilitator(s) fee
Venue hire
Audio-visual equipment
Assessments of Portfolios
Moderation of Portfolios
Certification of learners
Road Travel (R per km)
Toll fees (where appropriate)
Flights (where appropriate)
Car hire (where appropriate)
Project Management Cost
Reasons for the choice of preferred provider / Comment
Capacity to deliver / Qualified and experienced Project Team
Qualified and experienced facilitators
Qualified and experienced moderators
Costing / Within the budget
Reasonable Cost Per Learner
First time entrant / Had not previously been awarded a SASSETA Discretionary Grant training project?
Project plan / Well structured Project / Implementation plan
Value add / What does the provider offer that November add value to this project?
Vulnerable Group / Company owned by Youth, Women and People with Disabilities
Project # / Project Title / Overall Cost= Cost per learner X the Targeted No. of Learners)
Grand Total
I/We the undersigned hereby declare and certify that:
- The information provided in this application is factually correct in all material respects
- I/We are duly authorized to submit this application on behalf of Click here andtype the name of applying organization.
- Confirm that Levy-Paying Organizations are up-to-date with levy payments to the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Services (if applicable) and that the application is supported by management and employees.
Employer Representative/Organization
Full Name:Designation:
Signature: / Date:
Employee Representative:
(Where applicable):
Full Name:
Position in Union:
Signature: / Date:
Checklist before Sending your Application
Yes / N/A / NoWe requested assistance from SASSETA where clarity was needed
The Discretionary Grant Guidelines were considered in completing this application.
Each relevant and required section of the application form has been duly completed.
Each supporting document is in line with the application requirements
The accreditation details requirements are in order.
The capacity requirements (assessors / moderator) requirements are in order.
Each of the legal compliance (Tax clearance / CIPRO) requirements is in order.
The certified documents are not older than three months.
The application is an original (not a copy of a copy)
Each relevant organisational party endorsed this application?
The applicable and authorised company representative signed-off the application form.
The application is a product of consultation with the relevant stakeholder parties?
The application is signed and dated (where appropriate) by each relevant party
The coversheet template is pasted on the back of the envelope.
This application is accompanied by a duly completed provider application form. (DG05)
An independent person checked this application for compliance with each requirement.
17. / The application is posted / hand delivered to reach SASSETA by the due date and time.
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