Important Considerations & Things to Know

In a comprehensive research paper…

American Innovations:…examine how an American innovation impacted the country, and by extension, how it connects to or represents the American Dream.

Automobiles / Aviation / Radio
Film / Television / Internet

American Icons: ...examine the life and impact of an American cultural icon and explain what their journey communicates about America, and by extension, the American Dream.

George Washington / Thomas Jefferson / Alexander Hamilton
Abraham Lincoln / Andrew Jackson / Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt / John F. Kennedy / Ronald Reagan
Angela Davis / Malcolm X / Martin Luther King, Jr.
Caesar Chavez / Gloria Steinem / Eleanor Roosevelt
John Wayne / Clark Gable / Humphrey Bogart
Marilyn Monroe / Audrey Hepburn / Elizabeth Taylor
Orson Welles / Stanley Kubrick / Steven Spielberg
Billie Holiday / Louis Armstrong / Chuck Berry
Janis Joplin / Jimi Hendrix / Bruce Springsteen
Jackie Robinson / Jesse Owens / Babe Ruth
Michael Jordan / LeBron James / OJ Simpson
Business & Pop Culture
The Wright Brothers / JP Morgan / Henry Ford
Charles Lindbergh / William Randolph Hearst / Charles Manson
Jim Jones / Bill Gates / Steve Jobs

American Mysteries: ...present a comprehensive review of the known facts and commit to and support the explanation your find most reasonable. Then, explain what America’s fascination with the case indicates about the national character and, by extension, the American Dream.

Death of Marilyn Monroe / Assassination of JFK / Disappearance of DB Cooper
Abandonment of Roanoke / Disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa / Disappearance of Amelia Earhart
Roswell Incident of 1947 / Death of John Dillinger / Death of Edgar Allan Poe
The Black Dahlia Murder / Disappearance of Ambrose Bierce / Alcatraz Escape

American Controversies: ...present a comprehensive review of both sides of the issue and commit to and support the explanation your find most reasonable. Then, explain what the conflict indicates about the national character and, by extension, the American Dream.

Lincoln’s Assassination / Jim Crow Laws / Prohibition
Hiroshima/Nagasaki / Communist Blacklisting / Execution of the Rosenbergs
Vietnam War / War on Terror / 2008 Economic Crisis

American Movements: …explain the historical context that gave rise to the movement, how it’s impacted the country, and its current focus. Then, examine how it connects to or represents the American Dream.

Cultural or Ethnic Movements / Feminism / LGBTQ Rights

*If you’d like to propose a topic within one of these categories, please see me!

  • This paper will be graded using our standard 50 pt. rubric. However, because this is the culmination of your work for the entire year and should demonstrate your growth as a writer/producer and researcher, it will be triple weighted; your final score will be out of 150 pts. and entered in the assessment category of the gradebook. It must be in MLA format and include a properly formatted Works Cited. Consider this your final exam for the course.
  • This project will also be accompanied by a brief presentation of your research to the class. Details about the presentation will be forthcoming, but it will involve PowerPoint or Prezi, and it will involve dressing professionally and talking to other humans. Deep breaths.
  • All preliminary research will be submitted and checked via NoodleToolsnotecards. There will be 2 research checks, each worth 40 pts. in the Daily Work category. You will use equal time in and outside of class to complete research, as school Chromebooks and labs will be out of service for state testing.
  • Every “notecard” must include (1) an MLA cited source; (2) the fact, quote, or summary of information you are using; and (3) a brief commentary on how this is relevant to your paper.

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
  • Project Introduction
  • Topic Selection Kahoot
/ 16
  • Topic Selection
  • Research
/ 17
  • Research
/ 18
  • Research
/ 19
  • Research
*20 notecards due midnight on Sunday; print copy of research
  • Jr. Research Paper Results & Feedback
  • Thesis & Detail Selection Practice
/ 23
  • Thesis Composition
  • Thesis Checks
/ 24
  • Outline Set-Up
  • Detail Selection Practice
/ 25
  • Detail Integration Practice
  • Outline Update
/ 26
  • Analysis Practice

  • Research
*20 notecards due at midnight! / 31
  • Introduction & Body Paragraph Exemplar
  • Composition Time
/ 1
  • Composition Time
/ 2
  • Composition Time
*Intro & one body paragraph must be ready for conferencing on Monday!
  • Conferences
  • Composition Time
/ 6: Senior Boards (1-6)
  • Conferences
  • Composition Time
/ 7: Senior Boards (1,3,5)
  • Conferences
  • Composition Time
/ 8: Senior Boards (2,4,6)
  • Conferences
  • Composition Time
/ 9
  • Conferences
  • Composition Time

  • Conclusion Practice
  • Presentation Intro & Prep
/ 13
  • Composition Time
  • Presentation Prep
/ 14
  • Composition Time
  • Presentation Prep
/ 15
  • Composition Time
  • Presentation Prep
/ 16
  • Composition Time
  • Presentation Prep

*Your final paper is due Monday, June 17; presentations will begin the same day.*