CMS Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Shannon Magnacca Course/Level: 7th Grade Gifted SS 1.26-1.27

Lesson Components / Details and Steps of Lesson
Focused Standard/Element(s) / SS7H3
Essential Question(s) / What important events happened in SE Asia and who are the important people associated with these events.
(5 minutes) / Name three Southeastern Asian countries with communist governments.
What is the most important river in India? Ganges River
The Huang He River is named for: The yellow slit it carries
What river runs through China, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam? Mekong
What is Asia’s Largest Desert? Gobi
(5-10 min) / Introduce the WebQuest to students. Discuss expectations; hand out IPads, pair students with their partners.
Tuesday: Review the assignment; answer any questions
Work-Time Activities
(35- 40 min) / Students will work with their assigned partners gathering/researching information as instructed in the Chinese Communist Revolution Web Quest: they will choose whether to be a reporter or interior designer and work to create a newspaper or Miss Zeong’s bedroom and interior design.
*See attached Web Quest sheet.
Closure Activity (10 min) / Check for each student pairs’ understanding and progress on the Web Quest. Return IPads to charging station.
Additional Information
How is this a rigorous Common Core lesson?
(Specifically focus on TKES Standards 3 and 8) / Student centered, maximize class time, use of technology, and research skills
Differentiation Strategies
(to target student growth) / Students will be paired based on teacher recommendation. Each student will work with a partner. Each pair will have a choice as to work as a reporter or interior designer.

CMS Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Shannon Magnacca Course/Level: 7th Grade Gifted SS 1.28

Lesson Components / Details and Steps of Lesson
Focused Standard/Element(s) / SS7H3
Essential Question(s) / What important events happened in SE Asia and who are the important people associated with these events.
(5 minutes) / What was the U.S. role in Japan after WWII?
(5-10 min) / Give directions on how each group will put project together.
Work-Time Activities
(35- 40 min) / Students will use this time to organize their work. Teacher will assist each group and provide instruction and guidance.
Closure Activity (10 min) / Check for each groups understanding and progress on the Web Quest. Return IPads to charging station.
Additional Information
How is this a rigorous Common Core lesson?
(Specifically focus on TKES Standards 3 and 8) / Student centered, maximize class time, use of technology, and research skills
Differentiation Strategies
(to target student growth) / Students will be paired based on teacher recommendation. Each group will have a choice as to work as a reporter or interior designer.

CMS Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Shannon Magnacca Course/Level: 7th Grade Gifted SS 1.29

Lesson Components / Details and Steps of Lesson
Focused Standard/Element(s) / SS7H3
Essential Question(s) / What important events happened in SE Asia and who are the important people associated with these events.
(5 minutes) / Define: critique
What is the world’s highest mountain range? Himalayan Mountains
Why is the Ganges river polluted? Sewage, dead animals are thrown in the water, and trash
A major environmental problem in China and India is: air pollution
(5-10 min) / Review/discuss what a critique involves and how each student will write a critique of each group’s presentation.
Work-Time Activities
(35- 40 min) / Each group will present their project. Individual students will write a critique of each groups presentation. This will be their TH writing activity.
Closure Activity (10 min) / Students will share critiques with class.
Additional Information
How is this a rigorous Common Core lesson?
(Specifically focus on TKES Standards 3 and 8) / Student centered, maximize class time, use of technology, and research skills
Differentiation Strategies
(to target student growth) / Students will be paired based on teacher recommendation. Each student will work with a partner. Each pair will have a choice as to work as a reporter or interior designer. Students are creating their own constructed response.

CMS Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Shannon Magnacca Course/Level: 7th Grade Gifted SS 1.30

Lesson Components / Details and Steps of Lesson
Focused Standard/Element(s) / SS7H1,2,3
Essential Question(s) / What are some common characteristics of the history of Africa, Middle East, and SE Asia?
(5 minutes) / Create a Word splash by putting each of the three areas we have learned about history in the middle of 3 pieces of paper and then describe everything you’ve learned concerning the history of Africa, Middle East, SE Asia
(5-10 min) / Students will share their word splash Introduce the “13 elements” we will begin on Monday.
Work-Time Activities
(35- 40 min) / Data Day: remediation- Make up work.
Enrichment- debate using Jr. Scholastic magazine
Topic: Cell phones in school. Students may vote online after debate.
Closure Activity (10 min) / Using their devices, students will submit their vote on the debate in class.
Additional Information
How is this a rigorous Common Core lesson?
(Specifically focus on TKES Standards 3 and 8) / Student centered, maximize class time, use of technology, and research and use of verbal skills
Differentiation Strategies
(to target student growth) / Data day: students will participate in activities based on work, grades, and skill.