Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 1

  1. Reread chapter 1
  2. Summarize chapter 1
  3. Explain how Anna and Caleb feel in this chapter

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 1

1. Write a list of things that are usedto “create a scene”

2. Begin a list of sentences or phrasesfrom the book that you like.

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 2

  1. Read chapter 2
  2. identify lines that use a “cadence” and sound good together

Example: “He catches flounder, and sea bass, and bluefish.”

Example: “My favorite colors are the colors of the sea, blue and gray and green, depending on the weather.”

  1. Write your own sentence that uses a cadence. Model your sentences off the ones above.
  2. Add to your “lines I like list”

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 3

  1. Read chapter 3
  2. Write down three lines that “show, don’t tell” what is going on in the book.
  3. Writers often use the physical actions or words of a character to create emotion in writing.

Watch the video and write a scene using actions and the words of a character to, “show, don’t tell”.

  1. Add to the, “lines we like “ list

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 4

  1. Read chapter 4
  2. Who is telling this story?
  3. Make an inference and identify what Anna is thinking up to this point in the story. Write down two sections of text that shows evidence of it.
  4. How do the actions of others, cause us to think like Anna?

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 5

1. Read chapter 5

2. Identify text that shows thefeelings of each character inchapter 5 and how they are shown, not told.





3. Add to the, “lines we like” list

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 6

1. Read Chapter 6

2. Identify the problem and theme inthe story.

3. Tell how this plot isunderstandable to children andadults.

  • Tell how do you relate to thestory?

4. Add to the, Lines we like, list

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 7

1. Read chapter 7

2. Patricia MacLachlan states that,“The characters in my booksbecome, for me, good friends, extended family members, or the brothers and sisters I never had”.

3. Create a character trait list for eachcharacter. Anna, Caleb, Sarah,Papa

4. Create a character. Make upcharacter traits for them.

5. Add to the, Lines we like, list

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 8

1. Read chapter 8

2. Good writers use complicatedsentence structure along withsentences used side by side that vary in length, either by use of a comma or period.

  • Identify a group of three sentences from the story that illustrate this statement.

3. Write a paragraph or group ofthree sentences usingcomplicated sentence structure and vary in length

4. Add to the “Lines we like” list

Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 9

1. Read Chapter 9

2. Use an interactive website tocorrectly identify the elementsin a story. (see teacher for website)

3. Identify the climax and resolutionof Sarah Plain and Tall.

4. Using the character youcreated after reading chapter 7. Create a problem, climax, and a resolution, for the character.

Culminating Project

1. Design a story (plot it out)

2. Write a scene using writing skillsyou have learned from SarahPlain and Tall.