Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 1
- Reread chapter 1
- Summarize chapter 1
- Explain how Anna and Caleb feel in this chapter
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 1
1. Write a list of things that are usedto “create a scene”
2. Begin a list of sentences or phrasesfrom the book that you like.
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 2
- Read chapter 2
- identify lines that use a “cadence” and sound good together
Example: “He catches flounder, and sea bass, and bluefish.”
Example: “My favorite colors are the colors of the sea, blue and gray and green, depending on the weather.”
- Write your own sentence that uses a cadence. Model your sentences off the ones above.
- Add to your “lines I like list”
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 3
- Read chapter 3
- Write down three lines that “show, don’t tell” what is going on in the book.
- Writers often use the physical actions or words of a character to create emotion in writing.
Watch the video and write a scene using actions and the words of a character to, “show, don’t tell”.
- Add to the, “lines we like “ list
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 4
- Read chapter 4
- Who is telling this story?
- Make an inference and identify what Anna is thinking up to this point in the story. Write down two sections of text that shows evidence of it.
- How do the actions of others, cause us to think like Anna?
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 5
1. Read chapter 5
2. Identify text that shows thefeelings of each character inchapter 5 and how they are shown, not told.
3. Add to the, “lines we like” list
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 6
1. Read Chapter 6
2. Identify the problem and theme inthe story.
3. Tell how this plot isunderstandable to children andadults.
- Tell how do you relate to thestory?
4. Add to the, Lines we like, list
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 7
1. Read chapter 7
2. Patricia MacLachlan states that,“The characters in my booksbecome, for me, good friends, extended family members, or the brothers and sisters I never had”.
3. Create a character trait list for eachcharacter. Anna, Caleb, Sarah,Papa
4. Create a character. Make upcharacter traits for them.
5. Add to the, Lines we like, list
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 8
1. Read chapter 8
2. Good writers use complicatedsentence structure along withsentences used side by side that vary in length, either by use of a comma or period.
- Identify a group of three sentences from the story that illustrate this statement.
3. Write a paragraph or group ofthree sentences usingcomplicated sentence structure and vary in length
4. Add to the “Lines we like” list
Sarah Plain and Tall: Chapter 9
1. Read Chapter 9
2. Use an interactive website tocorrectly identify the elementsin a story. (see teacher for website)
3. Identify the climax and resolutionof Sarah Plain and Tall.
4. Using the character youcreated after reading chapter 7. Create a problem, climax, and a resolution, for the character.
Culminating Project
1. Design a story (plot it out)
2. Write a scene using writing skillsyou have learned from SarahPlain and Tall.