--Jacksboro High School–
Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance
2015-2016 School Year
Teacher:Hillary Deffebach
Room:Room 603
Phone: 940-567-7168
Conference and Planning Periods: 8:30-9:25
OBJECTIVE:In Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance, students gain knowledge and skills in economies and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing. Students analyze the sales process and financial management principles. This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, problems and settings in business, marketing, and finance.
Supplies Needed:
One 3 ring binder with paper
Pencils and Pens
Highlighter and Colored Pencils
Individual Class Supplies Requested: In order to keep supplies available for all sick students throughout the year each student is asked to contribute one box of Kleenex to class.
Class Rules:
- Be in class on time
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
Tiger Essentials
- When the bell rings:
- Sit down
- Stop talking
- Face the front
- Give me two eyes
- Put your backpack on the floor. Place these items in plain sight on your desk:
- Notebook
- Pen or pencil
- Make quick and smooth transitions.
- Do not distract others.
- No cell phones.
- No uninvited talking.
- Work hard and do not stop until all your work it complete.
Discipline: If you break any of these rules I will expect you to serve a lunch detention. You will have 2 days to take care of this. If behavior continues you will be referred to the office.
Late work: All work is due when called for in class.
- 10 points off for each day late.
- After 3 days you will receive a zero
Grading Policy:
25 % Daily Grades – broken down as follows
Weekly Assessments
Homework and Class Work
Weekly Quizzes
50 % Assessments
Major Tests
Projects may be worth multiple grades
25 % Six Weeks Tests
If you need to meet with me for any reason, please send me an email so we can schedule a time. I will be available during the tutorial period if you need any additional help.
Please sign below acknowledging that you and your student have read and understand the syllabus.
Student SignatureParent Signature
Parent Email AddressParent Phone Number