How to Request Edits from D17 Webmaster

Instructions: Pages 2 and 3 of this document provide examples of how to properly format your edit request. Pages 4 and beyond provide the pre-formatted templates you need to use to communicate your requested edits to the webmaster.

Question 1: What do we mean by “properly formatted”?

If you want certain pieces of text to be bolded, italicized, underlined, or hyperlinked, please implement that formatting on that proper pieces of text before passing it along. If you want certain pieces of text to be the titles of sections of the document (i.e., headers) then use one of the following “Styles” in Microsoft Word: Header 2, Header 3, or Header 4. Please do not try to designate headers by using bold, as it will get messed up when the webmaster copies and pastes it. Spacing between headers and paragraphs is automatically added when you use the proper “Style”. I recommend keeping formatting to a tasteful minimum; when many things are bolded and italicized the reader gets overwhelmed.

Question 2: How do I “hyperlink” a given piece of text?

To make a piece of text point to a given webpage or email address, do the following. First, highlight the piece of text you want to hyperlink. This piece of text can be a single letter, a whole word, a phrase, or a whole sentence. Usually, it is best practice to hyperlink a whole word or phrase. Next, right click on the highlighted text (if you are using a Microsoft Windows computer, otherwise you’ll have to press the command key to bring up the right-click menu). In the menu that pops up, find the menu entry entitled “hyperlink”, click on it, which will bring up a new pop-up box. In the pop-up box, look for the text entry box entitled “Address” at the bottom of the box. If you want this hyperlink to point to a web address (e.g., http://www.div17.org) then copy and paste (or manually type) that web address into this Address text entry box. If you want this hyperlink to point to a email address, type “mailto:” and then the email address, all as one word, into the Address text entry box (e.g., “mailto:”). If you want this hyperlink to point to a file that you provide to the webmaster, please see Question 3 below. Finally, click the “Ok” button in the lower right hand corner of the window. Congratulations, you just hyperlinked a piece of text!

Question 3: What if I want a hyperlink to point to a file?

Send me the file(s) you want hosted/featured on div17.org as an attachment on your email to me. Rename the filenames of these files to make them maximally descriptive and easy to read. For example, if website visitors download a file and it is called “EDITS2-14-15_v1.doc” they will get confused. A much better file name would be “Instructions for Submitting Award Nominations to Div17.doc”. To designate which pieces of text should hyperlink to a given file, underline the desired text and immediately thereafter state the name of the file within square brackets (e.g., “[sample.doc]”). See the bottom of page 2 for an example.

Question 4: How should I use the pre-formatted template to request my edits?

Page 4 and beyond have empty Edit templates. Go ahead and swap out the sample text with the desired text. Each web page (i.e., unique URL) you want to edit should have its own Edit template (e.g., Edit #1 for the first URL, Edit #2 on the next URL). You can insert a page break if you want a quick way to start inputting text on a new page. If there are multiple, separate paragraphs on a single page you want to make changes to, follow the example of Example Edit Request #2 and insert “>” so that I know you are skipping down the page. Your edits to given page/URL can be longer than one .doc page.


Div17.org webpage to be edited:


Revised text chunk for this webpage:

Doctoral Training (this is in “Header 3” style, which automatically adds space above and below the header, just like it will once copied and pasted to the website)

Doctoral level training in counseling psychology typically consists of: (this is in “Normal” style; automatically adds space above and below each paragraph, including when the next part is a bulleted list)

·  Coursework and instruction in the core areas of psychology (biological, cognitive/affective, and social bases of behavior; individual differences; history and systems of psychology).

·  Specialized instruction in theories of counseling and personality, vocational psychology, human life span development, psychological assessment and evaluation, psychopathology, measurement and statistics, research design, professional ethics, supervision, and consultation.

·  Supervised practica focused on the development of counseling, psychotherapy, assessment, and consultation skills.

·  The equivalent of a one year full-time predoctoral internship in professional psychology.

·  And the completion of an original psychologically-based dissertation.

·  (note that these bullet points are in “List Paragraph” style; items in a list will be single-spaced)

Doctoral Training Options (this is in “Header 4” style; automatically adds space above and below)

To learn more about accredited and non-accredited options for doctoral training in counseling psychology:

·  Check out ourList of APA-Accredited Counseling Psychology PhD and PsyD Programsthat provides direct links to the websites of each doctoral program.

·  Obtain a copy of the bookGraduate Study in Psychology.

·  E-mail the SAS Coordinator, John Smith, for questions.

·  Download a copy of the SAS manual [SAS Manual.doc] for further information.

Note: Please note that you can select a piece of text and then click on a certain “Style” (see the Home tab of Microsoft Word) to turn that text into that style. There are styles for 3 kinds of headers as well as a regular paragraph style and a bulleted list style.


Div17.org webpage to be edited:


Revised text chunk for this webpage:

The general membership LISTSERV(Div17Discuss) is used to facilitate timely dissemination of information to its membership, such as job postings, other position opportunities, and research projects. The announcement-only LISTSERV, on the other hand, is used to facilitate timely dissemination of information from the SCP President to SCP members and primarily consists of monthly updates.

Who can subscribe to the LISTSERVs?

Subscriptions are restricted to Division 17 members and Student Affiliates. VisitAPA membershiporDivision 17 membership for information on how to become a member. Subscription to section, SIG, and STG LISTSERVs also requires membership in that group.

How do I subscribe to the LISTSERVs?

To subscribe to the Discuss, Announce, or the Student Affiliates of Division 17 LISTSERVs, send an e-mail . For other section, SIG, or STG LISTSERVs, you can email or the contact person for the group sponsoring the LISTSERV (see below).

Are LISTSERV messages archived?

To review the archives of posted messages, navigate to the following page (requires you to register for an APA LISTSERV password): http://lists.apa.org


Div17.org webpage to be edited:

website URL goes here

Revised text chunk for this webpage:

Updated text chunk goes here.

Below are some examples of text that has been formatted properly. Use the “Styles” in this document to set pieces of text to the desired style, such as Header 2, Header 3, Header 4, Normal, List Paragraph.

“Header 2” in Times New Roman font (defaults to 16 pt font in this template). Use this for your highest-level headers if you want something really big. Never use bold in your headers to make them stand out; just let the larger size of the headers catch the readers attention.

“Header 3” in Times New Roman font (defaults to 14 pt font in this template). Use this as your highest-level header if you want a normal size header that doesn’t compete with the webpage title. Most headers on div17.org use Header 3 size.

“Header 4” in Times New Roman font (defaults to 13 pt font in this template). Use this as your second-level header (one smaller than Header 3) for sub-sections within sections.

“Normal” in Times New Roman font (defaults to 12 pt font in this template). Use this font for regular paragraph text. When you are creating two separate paragraphs under a same header, manually create a space between the paragraphs by adding that space via the “Enter” key. If you are wanting space to appear before or after a header, just use the header functionality and those spaces will appear automatically. Don’t manually add spaces in such instances.

You can use bulleted lists like this:

·  Thing 1

·  Thing 2

·  Thing 3

You can very selectively bold, italicize, or underline text like this.

You can hyperlink text so that it either points to a webpage or to an email address. See instructions above for how to create hyperlinked text like these examples in the prior sentence.

To tell the SCP Connect team what text should hyperlink to a specific file that you provide to the Team, see the instructions above. Here is an example of text that should point to a specific file, in the next sentence. Download a copy of the SAS manual [SAS Manual.doc] for further information.


Div17.org webpage to be edited:

website URL goes here

Revised text chunk for this webpage:

Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here.

Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here.


Div17.org webpage to be edited:

website URL goes here

Revised text chunk for this webpage:

Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here.

Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here.


Div17.org webpage to be edited:

website URL goes here

Revised text chunk for this webpage:

Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here.

Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here. Updated text chunk goes here.

If you need to edit more than 4 pages/URLs, just copy and paste this last template page to create more, being sure to revise the “#4” in the title of the page to correspond with the proper edit number.