Guidance Package (GP) for US JS J6 MPE SME to Multi-National Maritime Services Interoperability (M2I2) Board 15-2
to be held in Hamburg, DEU
from 0800, 7 September 2015 to 1800, 11 September 2015
1. Meeting between JS J6 DDC5I IID Mission Partner Environment (MPE) SMEs (Michael Richards and John Nankervis) and DCNO N2/N6 (VADM Branch) 24 February 2015
2. CNO Washington DC M2I2 Board 15-2 Calling Message, R 291717Z MAY 15
3. Future Mission Network (FMN) 90-Day Study Report 17 Dec 2012, JROCM 026-13 5 Feb 2013.
4. DODI 8110.01 (Mission Partner Environment (MPE) Information Sharing Capability Implementation for the DoD) 25 Nov 2014
5. CJCSI 5128.01 Mission partner Environment Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Governance and Management) dated 1 Oct 2014.
6. U.S. Department of Defense Episodic Mission Partner Environment Joining Instructions signed by Director JS J6 LTG Bowman 1 August 2014
7. CJCSI 6010.01E, “Coordination of United States Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems Positions in International Forums,” 8 November 2013
Per reference 1, the Chairman of Multi-National Maritime Services Interoperability Board (M2I2), CNO N2/N6, requested a JS J6 DDC5I IID Mission Partner Environment (MPE) SME present an over view of MPE to M2I2 plenary and then participate in each M2I2 working group to provide insight and practical advice for application of MPE and NATO Federated Mission Networking ( FMN) concepts using existing capabilities within M2I2 participant maritime forces. Per reference 2 paragraph 13, M2I2 15-2 Board focus is the future of mission secret configurable network capabilities in the maritime environment with specific agenda items for presentations on MPE, [NATO] FMN and [Multi-National] Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation System (BICES), and [US] BICES-Extended by representatives from the respective lead organizations (JS J6, HQ SACT, OUSD(I)). Primary focus is to communicate how martime communities may leverage significant investments already made across DOTMLPF and TTP, to include platform IT infrastructures, to achieve ability to operate within peer to peer mission network environments today.
1. Pursuant to the requirements of references 3 through 6, and per reference 7, this GP contains the C4-related positions to be used by the U.S JS J6 DDC5I MPE SME to the Multi-National Maritime Services Interoperability Board (M2I2) 15-2.
A. Move coalition fight off of national networks [SIPRNet].
B. US will leverage JIE transport to deliver MPE Enduring and Episodic enclaves to US facilities and forces involved in coalition operations.
C. Key tenet of MPE, partners involved in an exercise or a mission must be prepared to bring and use their own DOTMLPF, Policy and TTPs to achieve a coalition mission objective. Establishment of a federation of mission networks contributed by “willing to contribute” peer partners has proven to be the most effective method to achieve unity of effort and common understanding within a coalition force.
D. MPE is a use case framework for Mission Commander operational planning and execution with Mission Partners. A federation of mission networks, an MPE use case, is a product of a Commander's Intent and therefore is govered as commander’s business--not the other way round.
E. MPE s a use case is the product of commander’s intent; therefore, is a commander’s business.
F. Mission Partners get a vote as peers—throughout the planning and execution process.
G. Advocate use of foundational MPE JMEIs (reference 6) by M2I2 participants to create event specific guidance, policies, TTPs and CONOPS during CAP and exercise planning process(es) as precursors to establish trusted federations of mission networks using existing DOTMLPF, TTP and policy between maritime partners as well as other multi-national joint force partners.
H. Establish, and agree upon with partners, in forums such as M2I2 Board, common (non-proprietary) information sharing standards, data formats, and identity and access security and protection criteria.
I. Train the way you partner: Change culture via education, training and exercises.
J. MPE Enduring and MPE Episodic represent network environments that are NOT DODIIN, governance and policy(ies) are the responsibility of an operational commander.
K. US JIE infrastructure must be able to support employment of MPE Episodic JMEI (both technical and procedural) to establish US mission network contribution(s) to a federation of mission specific networks during exercises, tests and experiments in addition to real world missions.
L. Use CIAV processes and forums for risk mitigation and interoperability assessment for development, training exercises and operations.
2. Specific elements of USEUCOM ECJ6 request for JS J6 DDC5I assistance:
a. Per reference 1 and subsequent communciations with CNO N2/N6 M2I2 leads, JS J6 DDC5I IID MPE subject matter expert is required on site support to inform and shape M2I2 Board discussion and decisions regarding trust, security and technical compatibility standards necessary to accelerate establishment of mission specific mission networks across a coalition force.
b. JS J6 DD5I IID MPE SME will explain MPE Enduring and MPE Episodic use cases and complementary nature of both to exercises and operations, and alignment of MPE Episodic and NATO FMN.
c. JS J6 DD5I IID MPE SME inform and shape products of M2I2 Board 15-2 Working Groups with regard to development of DOTMLPF, TTP and Policy interoperability tenets for establishment of peer to peer coalition federation of mission networks – specifically in maritime platforms. The working groups are: Executive Steering Group (ESG), Operations and Training (OPS/TRNG) and Technical and Information Assurance (Tech/IA)
d. Collect and assess M2I2 community perspectives on the following focus areas: (1) mission network federation process, (2) compliance checks for security and information assurance criteria, service verification tests between mission partners, (3) authority to connect accreditation process and NETOPS sustainment, (4) assess ability of mission support elements conduct business at a “Rel to Coalition” classification and releasability environment.
e. Ensure M2I2 community understands foundational standards and compliancy criteria are complementary in nature to both US MPE [Episodic] JMEI Joining Instructions and NATO FMN Implementation Plan Joining Instructions. Capture and report recommendations for relevant mission agnostic US MPE JMEI changes as feedback to update US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions.
f. Provide constructive input to improve collective DoD planning processes for MPE Enduring and Episodic employment in support of coalition exercises in any CCMD AORs and a key reference for any future coalition mission Crisis Action Planning team. JS J6 IID will also use feedback to adapt and adjust to ensure synchronicity of implemented MPE JMEI joining instructions with NFIP Instructions and compatibility with JIE EOC operations.
g. After Action Report (AAR) to CNO N2/N6, JS J7, and US MPE and NATO Federated Mission Network (FMN) community stakeholders. This supports a continuous refresh of US MPE Implementation Plan lessons and objectives for MPE implementation within a JIE supported network environment.
Aim: To fulfill M2I2 Chairman request criteria.
a. References 1 and 2
b. Background: The M2I2 Board is the single coalition maritime network forum focused on improving interoperability and cooperation on coalition networks. M2I2 Board 15-2 participants include all US CCMDs, FFC, all US Numbered fleets and corresponding command echelons from the following nations: AUS, CAN, DEU, DNK, FIN, FRA, GBR, KOR, and NLD. Also present will be Navy and Marine Corps representatives from other invited nations.
c. Discussion: Establishment of a common understanding of MPE and NATO FMN use cases and application within coalition operations and exercises within maritime communities is a major step forward in achieving the necessary culture change to improve coalition force interoperability and unity of effort. Adoption of MPE and NATO FMN tenets in combination with use of existing maritime platform capabilities of M2I2 partners will result in further validation of MPE and NATO FMN use case frameworks and dispel the myth that coalition mission networks are somehow “land- or air-centric. MPE and FMN frameworks as the most effective way for a coalition force to achieve unity of effort and accomplish coalition mission objectives. Clear statements regarding MPE and FMN framework alignment is a critical element to allaying partner concerns that choices will have to be made whether to “follow the US” or “follow NATO”. Establishment and implementation of consistent MPE Enduring and Episodic framework criteria across DoD has direct applicability toward US forces ability to achieve unity of effort and speed of command within a coalition force regardless of whether or not the US was in a lead or supporting role. Last it is of tremendous importance that M2I2 community understand the complementary and synergistic nature of MPE Enduring and MPE Episodic network relationhsips in support of US and partner relationships through out all phases of operations (0 through 5).
d. US Position: Continue to advocate and endorse activities that facilitate employment of US DOTMLPF and Policies by US forces contributed to a coalition force within a peer to peer coalition mission network environment.
3. Updates on M2I2 Board participant Mission Network planning and implementation will be provided via a series of trip reports and deliverables. No U.S. position required.
A. C5I IID MPE SME shape development of M2I2 interoperability tenets for maritime application of MPE and NATO FMN use case framework to DOTMLPF, TTP and Policy, to include IT Infrastructure, to establish peer to peer coalition federation of mission networks in support of specific missions and exercises.
B. Collect and assess M2I2 community perspectives on the following focus areas: (1) mission network federation process, (2) compliance checks for security and information assurance criteria, service verification tests between mission partners, (3) authority to connect accreditation process and NETOPS sustainment, (4) assess ability of mission support elements conduct business at a “Rel to Coalition” classification and releasability environment.
C. Ensure M2I2 community understands foundational standards and compliancy criteria are complementary in nature to both US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions and NATO FMN Implementation Plan Joining Instructions. Capture and report relevant mission agnostic changes as feedback to update US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions.
D. Provide constructive input to improve collective DoD planning processes across joint US forces for MPE Enduring and Episodic employment in support of coalition exercises in any CCMD AORs and a key reference for any future coalition mission Crisis Action Planning team. JS J6 IID will also use feedback to adapt and adjust to ensure synchronicity of implemented MPE JMEI joining instructions with NFIP Instructions and compatibility with JIE EOC operations.
E. After Action Report (AAR) to CNO N2/N6, JS J7, and US MPE and NATO Federated Mission Network (FMN) community stakeholders. This supports a continuous refresh of US MPE Implementation Plan lessons and objectives for MPE implementation within a JIE supported network environment.