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The purpose of a student field trip is to directly enhance the curricular, co-curricular or extracurricular program of the schools. It must include educational outcomes consistent with the objectives of the educational program. The trip must be appropriate for the age level of the student. Field trips are appropriate when they utilize the resources of the community and/or region which cannot be brought into the classroom. Appropriate instruction shall take place preceding and following each trip. For purposes of this policy and regulation, the term "field trip" shall include excursions and trips to athletic events.


Students may be charged reasonable fees for field trips, but no student shall be denied participation because of a lack of sufficient funds. Students not participating in field trips shall be provided with alternative instruction and shall not be penalized academically for nonparticipation in the field trip. Field trips are not authorized if any student who is a member of an identifiable group taking the field trip will be excluded from participation in the field trip because of a lack of sufficient funds.

A field trip is a co-curricular or extracurricular activity with inherent risks and hazards where serious accidents can occur. As provided for in Education Code section 35330, all persons making the field trip shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the district or the State of California for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip.


Whenever and wherever held, when conducted under the name of the school or school district or any class or organization thereof, field trip activities shall be under the general supervision of the school authorities.

All field trips shall be under the direct supervision of a certificated employee of the district. Field trips to athletic events may by directly supervised by a non-certificated employee, in place of a certificated employee, if the non-certificated employee has met the requirements of Title 5, Sections 5590 and 5596 of the California Code of Regulations. Parents may also accompany students on field trips and assist in supervision.

Students shall comply with all applicable school bus, school, and field trip rules and shall be subject to discipline consistent with Board Policy 5150.


AMENDED: 2-3-88, 7-6-93, 11/14/00