HMS Theatre Boosters Meeting Minutes: October 4, 2016

1.  Attendees: Cynthia Horner, Claire Roque, Jamie Graham, Jill Norcross, Linda Scott, Gemma Starkie, Wendy Rood, Christy Davis, Artie Roggeband, Juan Toro, Lindsay Harris, Kelly Key, Nora St. Arnold, Brandi Weston, Rashika Andere, Gioia Albi, Namir Tubia, Rosalba Cano, Amanda Lowe, Hollis Clapp, Cathy Cutrell

2.  Meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by Cathy Cutrell, President

3.  Welcome and Introductions of Officers (parent and student officers) – Cathy Cutrell

a.  Mission of the boosters: Support Theatre Arts at HMS

4.  Director’s Report- Mr. Scott Pafumi

a.  Classroom update: “Romeo & Juliet” books have arrived for the Spring Performance. Will use Literary Resource / Hawk Time to expose non-drama students to this book. We will read, talk and learn. Version of this book has contemporary and modern English. We will study and learn both.

b.  Performances update:

i.  One Act Performance – “What’s in a Name?” Students have researched/ written their stories and have been working with the playwright, Kristen LePine, to create the One Act performance. Encourage everyone to attend one of the multiple showtimes to show their support. Performances: 11/3/16 3:00pm and 7:00pm – HMS Auditorium and 11/4/16 7:00pm ArtSpace, Herndon. Will have pie/coffee/discussion after the 7pm performance at HMS.

  1. Talent Show - 11/4/16 at HMS Auditorium
  2. Students are very excited. We will have 24 acts of juggling, dancing, singing and other talents. Drama students will be MC for the event. $5/entrance. Fundraising opportunities with concessions and prize drive.
  3. Offsite opportunities:
  4. Herndon Arts Week – Poetry Project at Fortnightly Library – 10/13/16 4:00 – 6:00pm
  5. Fall Theatre Expo (aka TADA workshops). Students should have brought home packets with this information. Students must choose preferences on which classes they would like to attend. Permission slip and payment is due to Mr. Pafumi. Will take place on 10/14 at Franklin Middle School.
  6. Student Lock-in @ HMS, 10/28 until 10:30pm: Students participating in One Act Performance will stay after school for 2 working sessions. The Boosters will provide dinner or the students. Cathy will send out a sign-up genius for parents to sign-up to bring food or volunteer to help serve/ set-up.
  7. Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Romeo & Juliet Field Trip - 11/5 @2pm – Mr. Pafumi/Jill Norcross. Interest in taking a group of students to see the matinee at a reduced ticket price ($35 for student and $55 for chaperone). Cynthia Horner will draft a flyer to be sent home with students to gauge interest. Will need parents to volunteer to help carpool.
  8. Student Officers’ Report- Georgia Cutrell, Anthony Duston, Max Norcross, Lauren Norley, and Ryen Weston
  9. Lauren updated us on how the Advanced Theatre students are working on the One Act Performance. They have 8 pages of the script written and she is excited to see how it is coming together. Ryen discussed the Talent Show. She will be one of the 4 MCs and is excited to see the talents and performances.
  10. Boosters Business
  11. Approval of Minutes: Cynthia Horner made a motion to approve the minutes of the 9/14/16 minutes. Vote was unanimously approved.
  12. Cynthia Horner reviewed the reporting and voting requirements of the Boosters as a 501c3 organization.
  13. Treasurer’s Report- Jill Norcross
  14. See Treasurer’s Report, which includes a 2 year comparison (play versus musical)
  15. 2016-2017 Budget (vote) Nora St. Arnold made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Vote was unanimously approved.
  16. At the request of the Treasurer, Cynthia Horner made a motion to add Manal Megahed, Assistant Treasurer and remove Jennifer Felix, past Treasurer as signatories to the Booster Apple FCU bank account. Vote was unanimously approved.
  17. Booster Membership – Cathy Cutrell
  18. Membership to date: Different commitment levels have different perks.

ii.  Why join? The benefits of the Drama Boosters, the purpose. We discuss what’s going on in class and that parents have access to Mr. Pafumi and one-on-one time to answer any questions. FCPS doesn’t fund the Theatre Department completely. With the Boosters, 100% of the donations go towards the program. For example: this year Mr. Pafumi’s requests help with the purchase of a scrim curtain, which is a theater drop that appears opaque when a scene in front is lighted and transparent or translucent when a scene in back is lighted. The hope is to add depth to the stage.

iii.  NYC Trip. Boosters will provide 2 possibly 3 scholarships this year to help students attend the NYC trip. Fundraisers go towards the scholarships.

  1. Fundraising – Tricia DiMaria
  2. Chipotle – Dining for Dollars will be Tuesday 11/15/16. Chipotle will also donate 20 burritos for concessions at the Talent Show.
  3. Prize Drive for the Talent Show – in need of prizes (i.e. gift certificates from stores, restaurants)
  4. Volunteer Opportunities
  5. Literary Arts Celebration in Herndon 10/13/16, 4-6pm
  6. Needs – for you to attend and enjoy! We also need a parent to walk from the school to the library with the students.
  7. Talent Show 10/14/16, 3 & 7pm: Many hands make light work! We can’t do what we need to do without your help! This is a great opportunity to get involved! Sign-up genius will go out asking for help with the following:
  8. Evening ticket sales and collections
  9. Afternoon merchandise sales and concessions
  10. Evening merchandise sales and concessions
  11. One Act Performance 11/3-4/16: Many hands make light work! We can’t do what we need to do without your help! This is a great opportunity to get involved! Sign-up genius will go out asking for help with the following:
  12. Ticket sales, merchandise sales, pies and coffee/ cocoa/ water

All business being concluded, meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm.

NEXT MEETING – November 1stth @ 7:00pm