Book of Exodus
Chapters 21-23
God’s Judgments
The judgments were decisions from God about civil and religious life. Some things have already been decided by God. God’s people were not to decide if these things were right or wrong. Their only decision was to obey or disobey God. The judgments (decisions) were based on the Ten Commandments and they were the framework for judging and resolving civil disputes and religious life in Israel. After stating the basic law of the 10 Commandments, God gave laws that applied to specific situations. No person was to take the law into his own hands. God’s judgments show how He is concerned about everything—men, women, children, servants, the unborn, property, and even animals. The Law did not change people’s hearts, but it did help to control their conduct and give order to the nation. Laws and government are ordained by God and we should respect them.
I. Social Regulations (21:1—22:15)
- Rights of People(21:1-32)
- Law concerning slavery – Slavery was a way of life in the ancient world. Slaves were treated like a piece of property instead of as a person. They had no rights. These laws were a great advancement for human rights.
- Law concerning death or injury to a person – The law recognized the difference between premeditated and accidental killing. Four crimes carried the death penalty: 1) premeditated murder; 2) physical violence against parents; 3) kidnapping; 4) verbal abuse of parents.
- Rights of Property(21:33—22:15)
- The main idea here is making restitution– God expects us to respect another person’s property
II. Moral Regulations (22:16—23:9)
- Proper Conduct(22:16-31)
These laws show God’s desire that His people are to be a holy people.
- Law regarding seduction
- Law regarding capital offenses – three crimes were punishable by death – witchcraft (sorcery), bestiality, and sacrifice (worship) of a false god
- Law regarding special groups – strangers (resident aliens), widows, orphans, and the poor – God has compassion on these types of people. Do we?
- Law regarding duties to God – We must respect God and put Him first in everything (Matt. 6:33). If we love God with all our hearts, we will treat other people right, but if God is not first, then we will use people to get what we want. We are to love people and use things instead of loving things and using people.
- Proper Justice(23:1-9)
Treating people fairly would seem like an easy thing to do, but the sinful human heart can lead us astray. Justice and integrity are not for sale or compromise. Four things are mentioned: 1) Don’t shade your testimony; 2) Don’t accept a bribe; 3) Don’t side with the crowd; 4) Don’t show favoritism to the poor.
III. Religious Regulations (23:10-19)
- Sabbatical year(23:10-11) – During the 7th year the land rested (the main benefit was for the poor, but a second benefit was for the land itself – modern agriculture understands the benefit of crop rotation). Fields were left unplanted. Orchards and vineyards were left untended. The Sabbatical year was God’s way of reminding the people that He owned the land and they were only stewards of it.
- Sabbath day(23:12)– On the 7th day the people rested.
- Three national feasts(23:14-17) – Unleavened Bread (Passover), Harvest (Firstfruits, “Pentecost” because it was fifty days after Passover), and Ingathering (Tabernacles, Booths) – These three feasts (festivals) are still observed by the Jews.
IV. Promises of Victory (23:20-33)
- God will guide His people – The Angel is the Lord Himself. Israel would possess the Promised Land by God’s power and presence, not by their military might.
- God will defeat their enemies – the Angel of the Lord, “my fear”, and “hornets”
Notice the “I wills.”
- God requires obedience
- God warns them about false worship – Israel would soon go into enemy territory and they would be tempted to compromise with the wicked people of the land. They must not even speak about the false gods. Sad to say, Israel did not follow God’s instructions and settled down with the heathen people and learned their ways.
God’s judgments (laws) point the way to:
2)Respect for others
3)Respect for the property of others
Book of Exodus
Chapters 21-23
God’s Judgments
The judgments were______from God about civil and religious life.
I. ______Regulations (21:1—22:15)
- Rights of People (21:1-32)
- Law concerning______
- Law concerning______
- Rights of Property(21:33—22:15)
- The main idea here is______
II. ______Regulations (22:16—23:9)
- Proper Conduct (22:16-31)
- Law regarding______
- Law regarding______
- Law regarding______
- Law regarding______
- Proper Justice (23:1-9)
III. ______Regulations (23:10-19)
- ______(23:10-11)
- ______(23:12)
- ______(23:14-17)
IV. ______of Victory (23:20-33)
A. God______
B. God______
- God______
- God______