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Minutes of the Meeting of Standon Parish Council held on Thursday 24thMarch 2016 at 8.00pm in Standon & Puckeridge Community Centre, Station Road, Puckeridge.
PRESENT:Cllr Richard Boxall (chairman),Cllr Dick Rainbird MBE,Cllr Graham Cowell, Cllr Tony Hall, Cllr Michael Marshall, Cllr Pat Foot
CLERK:Belinda Irons
Procedural Items
16.44Councillor apologies for absence: Cllr James Cartwright, Cllr Mary Wilkinson
16.45Other Councillor absences: none
16.46Declaration of Members’ Interests (pecuniary/non-pecuniary) for this meeting:
Cllr Cowell Employed by the Environment Agencypersonal interest
Cllr HallStandon & Puckeridge Community Centre Management Committee Member personal interest
Standon First Responderspersonal interest
Cllr FootAllotment holderpersonal interest
16.47Minutes of Previous Parish Council Meeting: 25thFebruary 2016.
Minutes of the meeting held on the 25th February were agreed as a true and correct record of the meeting and were duly signed
16.48Chairman’s Announcements: none
16.49Co-option of new Councillors:
The clerk will contact a resident who has indicated an interest.
16.50Actions Update by Councillors: Actions requiring update are entered on the agenda and will be reported on at the appropriate point in the meeting.
16.51Public comment or representation:
No comments received
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Meeting resumed for
16.52Urgent matters not listed anywhere else on the agenda (for inclusion on the next agenda for full discussion):
Football Club: the clerk will contact the football club to request the goals are moved before the Memorial Field is cleared of debris.
Burrs Meadow: hedge: see item 16.61 below
Buntingford Road: bus stop: under ongoing discussion with Cllr Rose Cheswright.
Standon Village Hall: work required to culvert: Cllr Marshall is investigating.
Station Road litter bin full of dog waste: raised with EHDC.
Century Hall:
Cllr Rainbird advised the meeting that the Congregational Church is now closed, and the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches (EFCC) has advised it will remain closed for between 6 and 9 months in order for the organisation to take an informed decision on the building. There are a variety of options open to the church, including sale of the building. Cllr Rainbird suggested the Parish Council consider making an application to EHDC to make the church an ‘Asset of Community Value’. There are several benefits to doing this, however the overriding consideration is that it offers the opportunity for the community to consider raising funds to purchase, should it come on the market.
PROPOSAL: That Standon Parish Council identify and assess evidence to justify an ‘Asset of Community Value’ application to EHDC for Century Hall to be registered as such an asset’. PROPOSED: Cllr Rainbird, seconded Cllr Hall. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY.
Cllrs Rainbird, Hall and Marshall will progress information gathering which will be presented to the next meeting for consideration.
Bowls Club: application for a banner on Bowls Club fence, and A board advertisements:
Councillors discussed at length the difference between advertising ‘within the site of the Community Centre’ and ‘advertising on the exterior fence to the Community Centre’ and the legal implications for the latter.
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The decision was made that advertising within the Community Centre site and on property owned by the Bowls Club was significantly different to advertising to the exterior of the Community Centre which is subject to fly posting legislation policed by EHDC, and a decision would be made once the proof for the banner is provided for the next meeting.
New: LAIS1388 Planning Changes
This is an important consultation for all local councils. The Housing and Planning Bill reached the Committee Stage in the House of Lords in March 2016. Local councils will wish to be aware that Government is progressing consultations on implementing legislation while the Bill passes through Parliament. The ‘Technical Consultation on Implementation of Planning Changes’ closes on 15 April 2016.
This consultation covers some major planning proposals, including:
- Creating incentivised planning fees and potentially introducing commercialisation into the planning application process.
- Introducing a two-stage planning process of permission ‘in principle’ and ‘technical details’. The stated aim is that ‘Permission in principle will help bring forward suitable sites for development more quickly, while reducing the amount of time that the planning system spends considering the detail of development that is unsuitable in principle.’ Owing to the fact that the applications process would be fundamentally changed, local councils will wish to be alert to the potential for changes to be made which also alter the consultation and engagement process. The proposal is for a fast-track ‘in principle’ stage, with consultation, considering only location, use and numbers of housing units and then a ‘technical details’ stage (based on tightly defined information and when conditions and planning obligations could be set) when consulting with the community would be optional. Not only is this planned erosion of consultation something that local councils will be interested in but also, as local councils are not mentioned, it will be important to monitor whether any remaining consultation will involve a compulsory element of notifying and consulting local councils.
- Allowing small builders to apply directly for permission in principle for minor development (potentially extended to major developments too).
- Requiring planning authorities to have a statutory register of brownfield land that is suitable for housing development.
- Creating a small sites register to achieve a doubling in the number of custom build homes by 2020.
- Speeding up and simplifying neighbourhood planning and giving more powers to neighbourhood forums.
- Creating criteria to inform decisions on intervention if local plans are not produced by early 2017.
- Extending the existing designation of under-performance for planning authorities to include applications for non-major development.
- Requiring the statement of economic benefits of development to local authority planning committees;
- Creating a Section 106 dispute resolution service.
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- Changing the planning system to facilitate delivery of new state-funded school places, including free schools, through expanded Permitted Development Rights.
- Changing the relationship with all statutory consultees.
15 April 2016 deadline for responses
This consultation, receive today, is vitally import to the future of the Neighbourhood Plan and the Localism Act, as it has the potential to undermine all the work done to date, and put ‘Localism’ under threat.
Sir Oliver Heald MP, and CPRE will be contacted for advice and comment, and the Parish Council will respond as appropriate. ACTION: CLERK
16.53PCSO Clark report: by email 18th March 2016:
The community event went very well this morning with 10 attendees, they received some excellent crime prevention advice which ranged from distraction burglaries to scam phone calls. Attached is a picture of the event in progress just for your interest.
16.54County Councillors Report
Cllr Cheswright by telephone: Standon bypass consultation leaflets to be delivered within the next three weeks with three suggested routes:
North of Puckeridge; South of Standon; improve existing A120
Councillors agreed that the response of the residents should drive this consultation, and the Parish Council will reserve comment. It is noted that a recent email from Herts County Council has indicated that environmental assessment will delay a decision on the route.
16.55District Councillor Report: no reports available.
Business Items:
To appoint an insurance company for the year 2016/17, and to consider a long term agreement
Quotes were received from Zurich, Hiscox, Ecclesiastic and Aviva, with Hiscox, Ecclesiastic and Aviva quotes being supplied by Came and Company brokers.
Following extensive discussion, Councillors agreed to accept the one year quote from Aviva through Came & Company, subject to further authorised negotiation to be carried out by the clerk regarding the cost of the three year long term contract.
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PROPOSAL: That Standon Parish Council agrees to a one year insurance contract with Aviva through Came and Company subject to further authorised negotiations regarding the price of a three year contract to be carried out by the clerk, to a maximum cost of £3,000 (Three thousand pounds) and preferably below £3,000. PROPOSED: Cllr Boxall, seconded Cllr Cowell. AGREED AND RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY. ACTION: CLERK
(NOTE TO MINUTES: Following emailed correspondence with a representative of Came & Company, and a more detailed investigation into the terms and conditions relating to the respective insurance companies, Councillors agreed to accept the three year term from Aviva through Came & Company as the terms across all quotes were variable and not easily comparable. The value of the three year term is £3,173.85)
16.57Planning Matters:
Planning applications
3/16/0463Planning application / The Poplars, Wellpond Green
Proposed extensions and internal alteration to residential property: no objection
Planning application / The Conifers, Old Hall Green
2 storey front and rear extensions. Raise roof height to facilitate loft conversion. Front and rear dormer windows and 1st floor flank windows: Objection: overbearing in the street scene, inaccurate description of development.
Outline application / Land adjacent to Buntingford Road/A10/Clements Close, Puckeridge
Outline application for 11 dwellings. All matters reserved except for access: Objection: Dangerous site for housing, sewer, access, amenity.
Planning decisions:
3/15/1080/FULDecision awaited / Home Farm, Dane End
Agricultural lagoon holding 30,000 cubic litres of digestate
Decision awaited / Land off Standon Hill, Puckeridge
Erection of up to 205 dwellings inclusive of affordable housing, green infrastructure, landscaping, estate roads and footpaths/cycleways. Phase 1 is for the erection of 101 residential dwellings and phase 2 is for outline planning on 104 dwellings
Listed building decision awaited / St Edmunds College, Old Hall Green
Proposed 3rd floor internal alterations to school boarding accommodation to form
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a staff flat. The works will include refurbishment of internal rooms
Permission granted / 46 Batchelors, Puckeridge
2 storey front extension
Listed building permission granted / 41 High Street, Standon
Dormer roof to existing first floor window
Permission granted / 11 Southfields, Standon
Single storey front and side extensions and single and 2 storey rear extension
Permission granted / 10 Rib Close, Standon
Conversion of garage to provide habitable room and infill extension
Permission granted / St Edmunds College, Old Hall Green
Replacement of existing cricket practice nets with a new 40 x 17m MUGA pitch with retractable netting and rebound perimeter fence
Decision awaited / Latchford Farm, Morley Lane, Latchford
Change of use of paddock to residential curtilage and the erection of 2 x outbuildings
Decision awaited / The Winnats, Kents Lane, Standon
Demolition of conservatory and garage. Erection of a single storey side extension/garage
Permission refused / Land north of St Marys Church, Colliers End
Erection of 3 dwellings with associated landscaping, access and parking
Decision awaited / Highfield Farm, Bromley Lane, Wellpond Green
Demolition of single storey side extension. Erection of 2 storey rear extension and 2 storey side extension. Alterations to rear fenestration to Juliet balcony’s and cart bay with storage to front
Decision awaited / 6 High Street, Standon
Single storey rear extension
Decision awaited / Vintage Court, Cambridge Road, Puckeridge
Demolition of existing retail unit and erection of a three storey extension consisting of two retail units at ground floor, 2 x two bed and 1 x 4 bed residential units within the roof space
Decision awaited / 95 Station Road, Puckeridge
Single storey rear extension
Decision awaited / 7 Batchelors, Puckeridge
Two storey front and single storey rear extension
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Planning appeal: 3/15/1811/FUL / Vintage CourtPlanning appeal: 3/15/2170/HH / New Bungalow, Old Hall Green: no further comments allowed: Householder Appeals Service
Planning appeal: 3/15/1577/FUL
AP/16/0013/REFUSE / 47 Aston Road, Standon
APP/J1915/W/16/3143440 by 19th April
Enforcement: E/15/0261/EHF / 28 High Street, Puckeridge
Enforcement: E.15/0388/ENF / Ashley House, Wellpond Green:
Car port being enclosed with garage door; 6’ fence erected to the front of the boundary; driveway not in the position for which permission was granted
Cafe Field application:S106 request from EHDC: ongoing.
16.58Finance: Itemised Payments will be shown on a separate Appendix
Finance Committee:update
Finance Summary:Balance Brought Forward:£106,067.97 Plus Income: £0.00
Less FebPayments£10,511.48
Total available to Council £95,556.49
Came & Co:Insurance quotes: discussions: see 16.56 above
Zurich:Insurance quote: discussion: see 16.56 above
Unity Bank: update on progress: next agenda
16.59Neighbourhood Planupdate by Cllrs Cowell and Rainbird:
Cllr Rainbird advised the Council that constructive independent and joint meetings have been held between Members of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, the Neighbourhood Plan consultant, EHDC, HCC, Strutt & Parker, and Thames Water.
Thames Water has provided detailed advice on the Puckeridge sewer, surface water drainage and flood risk, in a letter to Cllr Rainbird, which requires all major developments to provide a ‘Developer Sewer Impact Study’.The respective developers have to ensure that sewer mitigation measures are included in the cost of development, and the Study must also form part of the planning application. The sewer cannot be overloaded, and any new development cannot impact those already on the sewer system.
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The meeting which took place with EHDC and Strutt & Parker has resulted in Strutt & Parker considering their strategy for Cafe Field in light of the Thames Water advice. Should permission be granted, houses cannot be occupied until the sewer requirements are fulfilled.
Herts County Council Highways meeting:
A120 bypass: Cllr Rainbird advised officers on the history of the bypass, and actions which would be required to bring development to fruition with access onto the A120. HCC is now considering its position.
Access onto A120 from side roads:
HCC officers advised that new junctions from primary roads will only be considered if a comparable number of existing junctions are closed off.
Due to the lateness of the hour, only urgent items were dealt with until the meeting closed.
16.60Members Portfolio Updates: individual Councillors
Cllr RainbirdHighways and Transport
A120 Standon bypass consultation
The Green, Buntingford Road
Buntingford Road: bus stop
High Street, Standon: obstruction of highway
Cllrs Marshall & HallCommunity Centre and Village Hall
Tennis Club licence
Hedge between football hut & tennis court
Tesco shopper bus: update
Cllr CowellFootway Lighting: working party report
Hadham Road: culvert
16.61Clerk’s updates
Queen’s 90th birthday:Schools update re mementos:
The schools have indicated interest in accepting the Parish Council’s offer of financial assistance. A more detailed update will be provided at the next meeting. ACTION: CLERK
Hedge maintenance & tidy up: meeting with contractor update
The clerk met with the Parish Council contractor on Friday, 18th March to discuss works including cutting Burrs Meadow hedge, cutting the hedge between the tennis court and the football hut on the Memorial Field, removing debris from the Memorial Field, cutting the green and verge at the junction of Buntingford Road, Clements Close and B1368.
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The Huntsmans Close car park hedge was checked and had been cut to the agreed height. A quote is awaited. ACTION: CLERK
Dog & litter bin replacement:Plymouth Brethren schedule:
The Plymouth Brethren will undertake a replacement programme commencing the Easter weekend.
The dog bins which were removed in South Road will be replaced.
Standon Tennis Club:Request for letter of support for grant funding applications: supplied.
Hedleys SolicitorsAdvice re land at Colliers End
Came & CoInsurance quotes
Mr C Jenkins:Dog fouling and DNA testing
Plymouth BrethrenLitter and dog bin replacement schedule
Mrs Cowardrequest for more litter bins
Mr Ganzrequest to put Bowls Club banner on inside of Community Centre railings
Pelham Structuresdraft licence & map for land at Colliers End
Herts County CouncilA120 Standon bypass: consultation 28.3.16
Mr D OlliverCulvert in Hadham Road
Environment AgencyCulvert in Hadham Road: update
16.63Items for future agenda:
Meeting suspended for
Adjournment for Public Discussion: limited to 15 minutes
Meeting resumed
16.64Dates of Next Meetings:
Parish Council:
28th April26th May (Annual Meeting)23rd June28th July 22nd September 27th October 24th November
12th April10th May14th June12th July13th Sept 11th October 8th November
10th May12th July13th September
8th November
Annual Parish Meeting: 26th May
Meeting closed at 10.20pm
Date of Meeting / Area / Action / Lead Officer / DateResolved
27.1.2015 / Clements Close Puckeridge / Street lights too bright: refer to HCC Cllr Cheswright. Not HCC but developer. Lighting company agreed light fitting is incorrect for site. / Cllr Rainbird / Cllr Rainbird liaising with management committee, Clements Close.
27.1.2015 / Memorial Field / Dog fouling
Licencing / Police
Clerk/DR / Ongoing.
24.3.2015 / Buntingford Rd / Brass plaque to be resited / Cllr Cowell / Asset inspection to assess best site
19.5.15 / Buntingford Road / Ponding on footway
HCC audit completed. Concern regarding snagging and responsibility for overseeing development / HCC / Cllr Rainbird continuing investigations.
19.5.15 / Colliers End / Village sign missing / HCC / Cllr Andrews investigating
23.6.15 / Lt Hadham bypass & STANDon A120 / HCC plan app submitted? / Cllr Rainbird / ongoing
23.6.15 / Community Centre / BBE Law claim / Clerk / ongoing
28.1.16 / Street lights / Working party to evaluate and instigate replacement programme / G Cowell
T Hall
M Marshall / April 16 agenda
25.2.16 / Buntingford Road bus stop / Letter to HCC re lack of consultation / clerk / April 16 agenda
25.2.16 / Hadham Road culvert / Investigation / G Cowell
M Marshall / April 16 agenda
25.2.16 / Parish dog and litter bins / Plymouth Brethren have produced a replacement schedule
Awaiting installations / clerk / COMPLETED
25.2.16 / Unity Bank application / In process / clerk / April 16 agenda
25.2.16 / Tesco Shopper Bus / Investigation into extension of service to include Standon / T Hall
M Marshall / April 16 agenda
25.2.16 / Queen’s 90th birthday celebration / Clerk to contact schools for update on celebration and mementos : update / clerk / April 16 agenda
25.2.16 / Hedge maintenance / Meeting with contractor to discuss: quote requested / clerk / April 16 agenda
24.3.16 / Century Hall / Gather evidence re Asset of Community Value application / DR/ TH/MM / CLERK / April 16 agenda
24.3.16 / HAPTC planning consultation / Response by 15th April / Clerk/ councillors / April 16 agenda
24.3.16 / Potential Councillors / Clerk to contact / clerk / April 16 agenda
24.3.16 / Football Club / Store football goals / clerk / April 16 agenda
24.3.16 / PC Insurance / Clerk to contact insurer re 3 year term price / clerk / April 16 agenda
Chairman’s signature...... Date: 26thMay 2016