Lecture: MWF –1:00p – 1:50p
Location: CEH 170

Instructor: Dr. Clay E. Corbin

Telephone: x4134

Office: HSC 173


Web page:

Text: Ricklefs, RE. 2001. Economy of Nature. 5/e. Freeman Pub.

Study Aids:

Text website:

§  interactive tutorials

§  text enrichment topics

§  self quizzes

§  “Student E-Study Center”

Other readings may be assigned throughout the semester.

Office Hours: See table to right


TOPIC / READING selections from the following**
I / Introduction, Science,
Life, the Physical Environment and
Evolution / Outside Sources
Chapter 1 (Introduction)
Chapters 4 (pp. 73-89), 5 (all)
II / Ecosystems / Chapters 6 (all), 7 (brief overview)
III / Organisms
Life Histories and Evolutionary Fitness / Chapters 9 (pp. 180-188, 192-196) 10 (all)
IV / Sex and Evolution
Family and Evolution / Chapters 11 and 12 (all)
V / Primate Evolution / Outside sources
VI / Populations / Chapters 13 (pp. 253-257), 14 (all), 16 (all)
VII / Communities and Beyond / Chapters 17 and 18 (pp. 329-340, 346-358), 19 (all), selected readings from Chapters 20 – 26.

* Readings may be supplemented by outside sources.


Some other important dates to remember:

  1. E-registration closes Aug 29th (2pm)
  2. Schedule Changes end: Friday, Sept 2nd (4pm)
  3. Monday, Sept 5th – Labor day – no classes.
  4. Friday, Oct 14th – Reading day – no classes.
  5. Tuesday, Nov 8th – last day to withdraw (4:30pm)
  1. Thanksgiving Break. Tuesday, Nov 22nd (10pm) – 27th.
  2. Sunday, Dec 11, Reading Day.

8.  FINAL EXAM DATE: Wednesday, Dec 14th 8-10am.



To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, the following policies will be in place.

1. Cheating: Students will be penalized for demonstrating a lack of academic integrity. The penalty is at my discretion and may include a failing grade for the course or request that the student voluntarily withdraw from the course. Examples of conduct lacking academic integrity include plagiarism, fabrication and cheating. Additional examples are listed in “The Pilot” and under “Academic Policies” at Cheating is defined as “unauthorized use of books or notes, use of crib sheets, copying from another student’s papers, exchanging information with another student orally or by signals, obtaining a copy of the examination illegally, and other similar activities”. A student suspected of, or caught cheating may be given a failing grade for this course, and may be expelled from school. No one will be allowed to wear headgear during exams. YOU KNOW WHAT CHEATING IS, DON’T DO IT, IT’S NOT WORTH IT!!

2. Exams: Exams will consist of objective questions (multiple choice, True/False, matching, etc.) or more subjective formats (short answer, definition, essay) and may be computer graded. Your grades will be posted in Hartline Science Center Lobby by a unique identifier and online.

3. Make-up examinations: there will be no make-up examinations. If the student misses an exam, (s)he will be given a zero grade for that exam. Exceptions will be made at the instructor’s discretion for documented illness, death of a family member, or absence due to a university approved function (see Pilot). Acceptable documentation of illness will be a written evaluation from a medical professional indicating illness of sufficient severity to disable the student at the time of the exam. Exams will not be given early.

4. Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive in nature. It will be equivalent to two hourly exams. The final will be administered as described above unless otherwise noted during the semester. Other than because of documented schedule conflicts with other final exams, no makeup will be given. If you miss the final, you will receive a zero grade for the final exam grade. The final will be administered only at the designated time.

5. Attendance: Attend class. 10% of your grade depends upon it. This grade will be evaluated with random attendance sheets.

6. Grading: The final grade for the course will be determined as a straight-scale percentage of the total points possible. Assignment of letter grades will be as follows:

Percentage Letter Grade Percentage Letter Grade


93-100 A

90-92 A-

87-89 B+

83-86 B

80-82 B-

77-79 C+

73-76 C

70-72 C-

67-69 D+

60-66 D

< 60 E


The seven quizzes are worth 10% each and the comprehensive final is worth 20%. These plus the 10% attendance equals 100%.

Students should read the assigned material before class. Lectures supplement and highlight the text. Time does not allow for all assigned reading to be discussed in class. However, an understanding of the assigned reading is necessary for mastery of course content (and a decent grade). Material in the readings that is not discussed in class may be included on exams. Be sure to ask any questions you have about assigned material not discussed in class.

8. Students will be expected to conduct themselves in an adult, considerate manner during class.

9. Notify me the first week of class if you have any learning needs that require special instructional assistance, or as soon as such need arises.

10. Instructions for forwarding BloomU e-mail to another account:

A.  Log on to Student Email. Go to , click on “Popular Resources” then “Email (MyMail)”. If you do not know your login and password, log on to STINF, and click on Biographical.

B.  After you have logged on to Student Email, click on the Options and Styles Drop Box.

C.  Click on forwarding.

D.  Type in your personal Email address. Messages will be forwarded to that address.