August 23, 1965

Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, August 23, 1965, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, Dixon Larson, James Paramore and Paul Washburn, Lowell Thomson was absent. Also present were City Manager Earl Wengreen, BYU Student Intern Dennis Moore, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Acting Engineer Chester Kocherhans, Treasurer Victor Christensen, Police Chief Larry Lunnen and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present were Bob Evans, Clyde Weeks and Jo Zimmerman.

Meeting opened with prayer by Paul Washburn.

Motion to approve Minutes of August 16, 1965, as read and corrected was made by James Paramore, seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Paul Washburn to draw up an ordinance providing for issuance of a building permit where streets cannot meet specifications set by the current ordinance. The motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen was authorized to work with Ray Cordner, 1112 South 500 East, on the cost of the 4 inch water line installed by Mr. Cordner on 500 East Street in exchange for street right of way.

Motion was made by Harley Gillman to adopt the following resolution:

Whereas Orem City desires to place on the Federal Aid Secondary System a street known as Center Street extended from Highway 114 to the east boundary of Orem City, and

Whereas Utah County, in cooperation with Orem City, desires to extend the Orem City street known as Center Street east into Utah County thence easterly to the present U.S. Highway 189.

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Orem City Council in regular meeting assembled this 23rdday of August 1965, that they do hereby request Utah County as the agency required by the State of Utah to act in the behalf of Orem City and Utah County to have placed on the Federal Aid Secondary System the above described center street road running from U.S. Highway 114 east to the present U.S. Highway 189, and place as the first priority a flasher signal at the railroad intersection on the west end of the above described center street.

The motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by James Paramore to table action for one week on the amendment to the sewer ordinance as prepared by Attorney Wentz. The motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen was authorized to answer the letter received from Lynn Thatcher of the State Department of Health regarding Orem City water problems.

The following bids were opened for construction of the Fallout Shelter entrance:

W. A. Harmon Construction Company $2,275.00

Clegg Construction Company 1,404.10

Acting Engineer Kocherhans stated that bids are higher than expected and construction will have to be less than specified in order to stay within the budget. The Council asked Mr. Kocherhans to make a study and bring his recommendation to the Council next week.

Bids for installation of the Parshall Flume at the sewerage disposal plant were opened as follows:

Clegg Construction Company $125.00

W. A. Harmon Construction Company 540.00

Motion was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Dixon Larson, to accept the low bid of Clegg Construction Co. in the amount of $125.00 for installation of the Parshall Flume at the disposal plant. Motion passed unanimously.

Mayor Jameson reported he had received a letter of thanks from Mr. Tinsley regarding the meeting with the Mayor, Attorney, and City Manager to discuss codification of ordinances.

Motion was made by Dixon Larson to authorize Attorney Wentz to amend the sewer ordinance as proposed August 2, 1965. The motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen reported that the Committee on Children and Youth had discussed the problem of parents leaving small children in automobiles while they were on an errand and had recommended that the City adopt an ordinance prohibiting parents leaving children unattended in an automotive vehicle. Police Chief Lunnen stated that the ordinance can be enforced, that the Police Department often receives calls about children being left in cars outside taverns. Motion was made by James Paramore to accept the recommendation of the Committee on Children and Youth to authorize the City Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting the leaving of children in cars. The motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Dixon Larson to authorize payment in amount of $522.00 to Brady Walker for pushing over trees on the Taylor Farm. The motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by James Paramore to authorize payment of $842.45 to the Volunteer Fire Department for the month of July. The motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Harley Gillman to pay to First Security Bank, Salt Lake City, $10,000 for 4.5% G.O. Bonds plus $22,275 in interest and pay to Walker Bank, Salt Lake City, $10,000 for 3.5% G.O. Bonds and $10,000 for 4.0% G. O. Bonds plus interest in the amount of $7,897.50. The motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.

City Manager Wengreen reported that Moody's Investors Service, New York, N.Y., has given Orem City an "A" Credit rating which will help in selling low interest rate bonds.

John Bingham presented a program of in-service and outside training for all levels of City employees. After discussion motion was made by Harley Gillman to table action on training proposal until a full Council is present. The motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn to meet in executive session was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Paul Washburn and passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.

Motion to reconvene the Council Meeting was made by James Paramore, seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously. Meeting reconvened at 11:10 p.m. Present were Mayor G. Milton Jameson, chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, James Paramore, and Paul Washburn; City Manager Earl Wengreen; Attorney H. Vern Wentz and Recorder Anne Cooper. Also present was Wallace Wayman.

After discussion, motion was made by James Paramore to file application for permanent point of diversion for forty-one shares of Alta Ditch Corporation water as follows:

Certificate Number 222 for 24.0 shares, and Certificate Number 221 for 5.0 shares, Certificate Number 193 for 10.0 shares and Certificate Number 204 for 2.0 shares. The motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

Alta Ditch Corporation certificate number 222 and 221 have been replaced by a new certificate, number 253 for 29 shares and certificates number 193 and 204 have been replaced by a new certificate number 257 for 12 shares.

Councilman James Paramore introduced and moved the adoption of the Bond Refunding Resolution. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously. (See Resolution in Ordinance and Resolution Book.)

Ordinance No. 81 concerning the joint water and sewer refunding bonds was read. Motion was made by James Paramore to adopt this ordinance. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Washburn.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m.