City of Jacksonville Beach


2508 South Beach Parkway, Jacksonville Beach, Florida32250

Phone: (904) 247-6236 ~ Fax: (904) 247-6143

Hours of operation 8:00 am ~ 4:00 pm








The headquarters for this program will be the Jacksonville Beach Recreation & Parks Department located

at 2508 South Beach Pkwy., JaxBeach. For information, questions or problems, call Jimmy Wilkins

of the Recreation Department at (904) 247-6236



The objectives for this league is to foster, promote and regulate, develop and conduct recreational football, to promote clean sportsmanship, fair play & good community relationships.



Officials will be procured and assigned by the Recreation Department. Persons used will be as qualified as the association can possibly find and afford.

*No team will be permitted to refuse any official assigned to any game.



The government for this program shall be the Superintendent of the Recreation & Parks Department as well as other committee members to be decided at the Coaches Meeting. These persons will make decisions and take action as needed such as follows:

Settle disputes over player eligibility;

Enforce all League Rules & Regulations;

Place penalties for any disciplinary reasons;

Add or adjust Rules & Regulations if deemed necessary;

Assist in setting up leagues and tournament format.


1.All participants must be at least 16 years of age to participate in this league.

2.ENTRY FEE: $450.00 with $150.00 being refundable if a team does not forfeit any games. Teams are allowed two (2) forfeits only. A team that does not forfeit any games will receive their entire forfeit fee back. Upon the 1st forfeit, a $50.00 fee is charged. On the 2nd forfeit, the final $50.00 is charged and the teamis out

of the league. Also – each team is responsible for paying $20.00 for one (1) official + $5.00 for the scorekeeper – a total of $25.00 per game per night which shall be paid prior to each game.

3. No player may participate on more than one team and league sponsored by the City of Jacksonville Beach Recreation & Parks Department.

4. If a player’s name appears on two (2) official rosters at the beginning of the season, the said player will be the property of the first team he plays for.

5.Once the schedule has been drawn up (whether written or typed), a team may not receive a refund on their entry fee to withdraw from the league.

6.All official team rosters must be turned in to the Recreation & Parks Department by Friday, November 18th, by 4:00 pm.

Games will be played Monday through Saturdayand teams should be prepared to play on any of these days.



All play is governed by the “NO CONTACT RULE.” There is noblocking – only screen blocking is allowed. This rule will be strictly enforced.

Contact can be a 5 or 15-yard penalty – left to the discretion of the official. Defensive contact is

yardageor replay the down. A 15-yard penalty can result with one warning or expulsion. Second incident

can resultin expulsion and from future league play. The penalty is from the point of contact


The number of players allowed per team will be 18. Players may be added to the rosters at times allowed by the League Supervisor or by rules set by the governing board. The adding or replacing of new players on a roster will be done in the following cases only:

A case of emergency, such as a permanent injury to a player for the entire season with a written statement from a doctor

A registered player moving out of the beaches area may be replaced with a written statement from place of employment.

During the mid-way point of each division (which will be decided once the schedule is drawn up). Transfers will be permitted among teams at this time and this time only. This is for a 1-week period only.

Other considerations may be made by the government whose decision will be final.

Games are played with 7 players on the field. A team may play with 5 players. In no case will a team

beallowed to play with less than 5 players. A team may also begin with 5 players. If at any time during

the game a team drops to 4 players, the game is called a forfeit. If a team does not have enough players to start a game, they may add a player from another team only if both teams agree. Once agreed upon, then no protest is allowed. Also, if player(s) from existing team show up, then the random player must be dropped immediately. A team is only allowed to keep the added player until the roster player(s) arrive at the field.

The City or League is not responsible for an injury that occurs during a league or playoff game.


There will be at least 2 referees per game. (Exception: An unexpectedsituation that may arise.)

Therecan be up to four (4) assigned to a game at the discretion of the League Supervisor. The additional two

Referees will be paid by the Recreation office if needed. If games have only one official, each team will pay

$15.00 each instead of $20.00. Scorekeeper fee remains the same.


The playing field is 120 x 50 yards with 10-yard zones. First downs are achieved by the offensive

teamadvancing from one zone to the next within a normal four-play sequence.

Teams may warm up on the sidelines as long as it is on the opposite end of play and from the 20-yard

line to the back of the end zone. At no time can this be done on the field unless game has not started or is



Games will be played with two 20-minute halves. Each half will have a running clock. The clock will be Regulation Football for the last two minutes of the first half and second half. This means that the clock will stop for the following: Incomplete passes, play that stops out of bounds, touchdowns and extra points, regular team time-outs, and for injury.

Please note that if a team fakes an injury to stop the clock – there will be a 15-yard penalty assessed at the discretion of the official.

The only time the clock stops prior to the two-minute warning is for a regular team

time-out or for serious injury. The clock runs continuously and only stops before two

minutes for a team time out, serious injury and a scoring play (touchdown). The game

clock does not run during extra point attempts. The clock remains stopped and does not

start again until the ball is snapped on the ensuing play bythe opposingoffense. Once the extra point play is complete a team has 40 seconds to begin play.

With five minutes to go in the game, if a team is up by 25 points or more – the clock will continue to run and stop only on a time-out. Seventeen points or more with three minutes to go, the same applies. A 40-point or more lead at any time, the game is over no matter how much time is on the clock.

Play clock is 25 seconds. Play clock will start upon referee setting ball marks. If incomplete pass,

play clock will start immediately at end of previous play (referees will NOT wait for offensive players to

return to the line of scrimmage)

The offense may have one man in motion. The motion must always be moving lateralor backwards to the line of scrimmage. Any other movement before the snap of the ball will result in a 5-yard penalty. All other players must be set before the snap.

Possession beyond the line of scrimmage is determined in two ways: Once the ball

carrier crosses the line of scrimmage, or a pass is caught down field. This is a judgment

call by the official. If a receiver is trying to catch a pass and a moving screen occurs preventing the defender from making a play on saidreceiver, then this will be considered OFFENSIVE PASS INTERFERENCE.

A regular screen block must be done with no arms or legs extended to check the defensive player. The screener must stop and give the defense adequate room to adjust and run around the screen. An illegal screen once again, results in a 5-yard penalty from the point of infraction and loss of down.

Face guarding is considered part of pass interference.

Spinning will be allowed. If the officials think while the player is spinning he or she is purposely throwing elbows – player may be ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Players are marked down where the flags are pulled. It will do players no good to stick the ball out in front of themselves when running. Mark is where the waist is located when flags are pulled or where waist is when tagged. **In a touchdown situation, if a player’s waist is in the end zone and the ball is caught just outside the end zone—it is still ruled atouchdown. When a flag(s) is pulled—it is marked down at the farthest point forward of the belt.


The offensive team must announce all punts. No player on the punting team may cross the line of scrimmage until the ball has actually been kicked. The receiving team or defense may not rush the punter. If the offense releases early or the defense rushes the punt, there is an automatic 5-yard penalty on the guilty team. Once the ball is marked, you have 20 seconds to punt – not hike the ball. This penalty will constitute loss of down as well. Ball must be hiked. If a team does not announce they are going for one or two after a touchdown, ball will automatically be set to go for one. This is the team’s responsibility. Once ball is marked, if the team decides to change their decision – you are charged a time-out.


Each team is allowed two (2) time-outs per half. Time-outs will be limited to 30 seconds.

(Half-time will be 2 minutes.) This will be left up to the discretion of the officials. First-half time-outs not used may not be carried over. Second-half time-outs not used may not be carried into overtime. A time-out can only be called by a player on the field. Each team will have one timeout in overtime.

If you are within five (5) yards of a first down, or a touchdown – defense lines up on the first down

line or goal line.

The defensive team must always start five (5) yards from the line of scrimmage.

The only exception: when the offensive is within five (5) yards of a first down or touchdown.

Once a player runs across the line of scrimmage for a play, he cannot come back and throw a pass.

The defensive player may not run through screens. Also – the defense may not shove the screener out

of the way to get to the ball carrier. No contact is allowed. The penalty is normally 5 yards, but flagrant

foulsby the defensive will result in a 15 yard penalty (from the point of contact). The call is judgmental by


The center cannot receive the ball right back between the legs, by his side, or on his back. He must turn and receive a pass or a shuttle pass. Ball must go between his legs even on punts. If not done—a five yard penalty will be administered.

Offside penalty: If offense jumps offside before the snap - a flag will be thrown. If defense jumps

Offsideand gets back, of course nothing happens. If the defense jumps offside during the snap – the play

will continue with the offense having the choice of taking the penalty or the play.

Illegal Substitution: All players that are in play must come from the huddle for the offense. If there is no huddle – then the substitution must come insidethe hash marks. Failure to do this results in a 5-yard penalty.


There will be one (1) point awarded for passing or running from the 5-yard line and two (2) points awarded for passing or running from the 10-yard line. If 2 points or 1 point is intercepted – 2 points will be awarded (if run back). If teams do not announce they are going for one or two after a touchdown, ball will automatically set to go for 1. This is the team’s responsibility.


The receiver must always have at least one foot in-bounds and have control of the ball.


If the offensive player accidentally loses their flag belt, they must be tagged to be considered down. This is a judgment call. Individual caught tying flags will result in a 15-yard penalty from the line of scrimmage and expulsion from the game. If the belt is pulled and clip is broken, said player is still down if flags are not pulled.

If the quarterback or anyone in the backfield accidentally loses their flags – or if they are pulled off

while not having the ball – they are still eligible to compete. Player must then be tagged.


‘C’ League: Play begins on the 30-yard line.

‘A’ ‘B’ League follow the ‘Kickoff Rule’.

“Kickoff Rule” is as follows:

  • Kickoffs will start the game and 2ndhalf only—not after every touchdown;
  • As soon as the ball is touched by the kicker, the clock will start. Team receiving the ball should have their offense ready to go on the sideline, because as soon as the mark has been set, officials will start the play clock;
  • Kickoffs are from the 30 yard line;
  • If the ball is kicked out of bounds, the ball will be placed at the 35 yard line. If the ball does not make it to the 35 yard line, it will be marked approximately where it went out of bounds;
  • If a team does not want to kick off, the ball is automatically placed at the 35 yard line;
  • At no time does the clock stop once the kicker has touched the ball except for an injury or for any occurrence the officials deem necessary. (Any penalty on the kickoff—the clock still runs.)
  • If the ball is fumbled or is touched and then falls back to the ground—the play is dead, same as it is for a punt.


There are no fumbles. If the center snap touches the ground after it is snapped, the ball is dead where it touches the ground. Fumbled punts &kickoffs are dead where dropped. The ball may not hit the ground and be picked up and advanced. The receiver must field the ball cleanly or the play is dead.


Do not put knots in belts. If official asks you to untie the knot in your belt and later finds it is not done or has been redone – an “Unsportsmanlike Penalty” will be administered. If knots are found in a belt, a 15-yard penalty will be assessed. It does not matter whether the belt already had the knots when the player put it on. Looping the belt around the belt must be done in front of clip. If loops are beyond the clip, then belt is considered TIED and a 15-yard penalty will be assessed.

All players must wear flags while competing on the field. They must be worn at the waist. If individual purposely pulls flag from other individual who does not have the ball, it will be considered a “15-yardPersonal Foul Penalty.” Teams are required to return all flags back to the middle sideline. Teams can be penalized in some form if not done. Teams may not provide their own flags.


If a team wants to discuss with an official a penalty or other situation, the captain ON THE FIELD must call a time-out, identify themselves as the captain, and then state their concern. If a penalty or situation changes as a result of said conversation, then the team will not be charged a time-out.

No one, including a captain, may come from off the field to have a discussion with an official until a time-out has been granted. This will result in a 15- yard “Unsportsmanlike” penalty.


All teams must be at games and ready to play on time. A 15-minute grace period is allowed for

the first game only. Scheduled game time is forfeit time on all remaining games.


If a protest is lodged, the contesting manager, player or team must make a formal (stating they want to officially play the game under protest) protest to both of the officials, and scorekeepers. All protest will go before a review board and settled within a two week period. No protest will be considered on a judgment call. Eligibility must be protested at the start of the game or when said player enters the game at a later stage.

A written statement of the specific protest, along with $25.00 must be turned in to the Recreation

Department by 4:00 p.m.the following working day. If this protest procedure is not followed – the protest

will be deemed invalid. Once the game is over, a protest may not be lodged under any circumstances. The

$25.00 protest fee will be refunded only if the protest is upheld.


All players on the field participating must have matching color shirts. (*Matching shirt is the body of

the shirt only. Screen print & print colors, letters or numbers may be different.) If not, said individual is not