Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Stillington Community Centre

Lowson Street, Stillington

Tuesday 29th October 2013


Chair: Cllr. J Turner
Cllrs: J Davies, J Lithgo, P Rogers, J Wills
District Cllr. A Stephenson
PCSO Rob Townsend
Mrs. G Dunn, Clerk

1. Apologies for Absence

There were apologies for absence from Cllrs. B Bardsley, D Foster, K Johnson and R Tingle,

2. Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda

There were none

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

Cllr. J Turner signed the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st October 2013 as a true and correct record. Proposed by Cllr. P Rogers and seconded by Cllr. J Wills.

4. Public Discussion

PCSO Rob Townsend had reported some piles of rubbish in the Mount Pleasant car park to Care for Your Area so that they could be removed before bonfire night. He reported some debris from a property was being transferred to one of the open space areas, the Clerk agreed to check on the nature of the debris and report it if it was a problem. PCSO Townsend reported that he had visited the different companies on the Industrial Estate and had talked to representatives from each company. He has also carried out further patrols in the Forest Park with an Environment Agency Officer and more fines had been issued to anglers without licenses. Cllr. Johnson had asked the Clerk to report that scooters and motorbikes are still being driven inappropriately in the Village at times – PCSO Townsend agreed to monitor the situation.

5. Finance - To consider the payment of accounts

Proposed by Cllr. Turner and seconded by Cllr. Rogers the sum of £30.00 to The Royal British Legion for the Poppy Appeal (cheque no. 100820).

Proposed by Cllr. Davies and seconded by Cllr. Lithgo the sum of £237.76 to The Clerk for salary and expenses (cheque nos. 100821).

The Clerk informed members that a payment of £620.70 had been received from HMRC to re-imburse the VAT that the Council had paid during the financial year 2012/2013.

6. Progress Reports

P653 Proposed Lambs Hill Wind Farm Development, Stillington – update

There were no updates this month.

P654 Other potential wind turbine developments in the local area – update

The application for a small turbine in Grindon had been approved with conditions; the application for a single turbine at Wynyard had been withdrawn.

P654 New Road Sign request – update

The Officer from SBC had informed the Clerk that a sign for the Health Centre would be possible but it was thought that there was not any need for the Post Office to be included on the sign. The Clerk was also informed that any sign of this nature would have to be paid for by the Parish Council or by the companies requesting the sign as it is not a standard notice. The Clerk had consulted the Post Office and they felt that people did come from a wide area to use to Post Office so a sign would be useful and they would be prepared to contribute to the cost. Cllr. Wills informed members that he was asked for directions to the P.O on a regular basis. The Clerk agreed to give this feedback to SBC and ask for a quote for the installation of the sign. She also agreed to find out if the post from a redundant bus stop could be used for the sign to keep the cost as low as possible.

P654 Drainage and vegetation management around the West Street Subway – update

The brambles that were growing around the subway entrance have been cut back by SBC. Network Rail have painted over the graffiti in the subway. The lights have received some remedial attention and a new light has been ordered to replace a damaged unit. There have not been any recent incidences of flooding; the situation would be monitored over the winter.

P654 Improvements to Mount Pleasant Playing Field – Progress Report

SBC have submitted a planning application for the proposed MUGA. The Clerk agreed to send a letter of support for the application. District Cllr. Stephenson agreed to support the proposals also.

P654 Future Plans for Stillington Community Centre – update

A management board for the new organization ‘Onsite’ has been formed. Cllr. Turner and Cllr. Rogers are members of the board and are working with other members to establish how the four community centres involved will be managed in the future. It is hoped that the proposals for the future of the centres will be approved by the SBC Cabinet at a meeting on 27th November and that Onsite will take over the management for 1st April 2014. Once Onsite takes over the management, any assets in the Community Centre that currently belong to SBC will become the property of Onsite.

P654 External Insulation – progress report

Go Warm have been surveying properties for owners who would like to have the external insulation fitted to their houses. BT engineers have carried out work to the phone lines for the affected properties, this is required prior to insulation work taking place. The Clerk agreed to email Go Warm to find out how many properties are due to have the work undertaken and to try and find out what the timescale of the work will be.

P655 Network Rail work request – Park Crescent – update

The Clerk agreed to check whether the trimming work requested had taken place yet.

P655 Future withdrawal of subsidies for bus services in Stockton – update

Cllr. Wills had attended a Public Transport meeting; this subject had been one item on the agenda. At the meeting a representative from Arriva had stated that the No. 6 service will be withdrawn if there is no subsidy provided for the service. SBC Officers had said that if the No. 6 service is withdrawn along with other subsidised services then community bus services ‘may’ be provided.

The Clerk agreed to contact John Kavenagh at SBC for an update about the situation. It was agreed that once the plans for the future of the service are more definite then a public meeting should be arranged.

P655 Catalyst Conference – 24th October – feedback

The Clerk and Cllr Rogers had attended this event. There had been a variety of interesting speakers discussing the future of third sector organizations in Stockton.

P655 Tree trimming around streetlight on Mount Pleasant

The Clerk agreed to check whether the trimming work requested had taken place yet.

P655 Cleaning request – South Street Bus Stop – progress report

The bus stop had not received any attention yet. The clerk agreed to find out if any work is due to take place.

P655 Cleaning cenotaph – progress report

The Clerk and Cllr Turner agreed to check the cenotaph and clean it if necessary before the Remembrance Service on 10th November.

P 655 Grass Cutting – wildflower area – progress report

SBC had carried out the work required to this area.

P656 Christmas tree and lights – confirmation of details

The date for the Stillington lights switch on has been changed to 27th November at 6.00pm. Whitton lights will be turned on on 4th December as planned. The clerk confirmed that a tree had been ordered for Whitton. The suppliers had slightly larger trees this year so it was agreed that the clerk should purchase a couple extra sets of lights for Whitton to ensure there were plenty on the tree. The Clerk and Cllr. Turner would put up the Stillington lights and arrange refreshments etc. The Clerk would talk to Mr Tinkler about putting up the lights in Whitton.

P656 Health and Safety Checks in Parish – progress report

Cllr. Johnson had informed that Clerk that he had checked the goal posts on the West Street Playing field. Once set needed firming up as there is some movement and both posts could do with a coat of paint. The Clerk agreed to ask the football team for assistance with this.

The Parish Council benches had been checked by Members of the Council as agreed at the last meeting. No problems were reported. The Clerk had had a report that the plaque is missing from the bench in Honey pot Wood. She agreed to check this and report it to SBC if it is missing.

7. SIEAG – confirmation of next meeting date

The next meeting is due to take place on 4th November. Cllr. Turner and the Clerk plan on attending this meeting.

8. St John’s Church Open Day

The clerk informed Members about an event that is due to take place at St John’s Church on 16th November. The Ministers and PCC would like the church to be open more often for community use and would like feedback about the plans made to date and ideas for future development projects.

9. Correspondence – October 2013

SBC Playground Inspection Results
SBC Invitation to Mayors Carol Service
Barclays Confirmation of signing arrangements
CCLA Statement – Morpeth’s Charity
CLCA Updates from NALC
M&G Investments Statement – Cassidi Hall Trust
SCRGA Grant and community information
TVRCC Grant Information

Cllr Lithgo may be able to attend the Mayors Carol service.

10. Standards/Code of Conduct Issues

The Clerk has attended a meeting for Parish and Town Clerks from Stockton arranged by David Bond, the SBC Director for Law and Democracy. Updates were provided about standards arrangements, code of conduct and declarations of interest issues.

11. Planning Applications

13/2589/FPD Conversion of integral garage into an additional bedroom
66 Forest Park, Stillington

There were no comments on this application.

13/2609/FUL Proposed multi use games area (MUGA) and associated fencing
Mount Pleasant, Stillington

This application had been discussed earlier in the meeting. The Clerk was asked to submit a letter of support for this application.

12. Councillors Reports and Items for Future Agenda

Following a fire at a house in Stillington, where fortunately no one was harmed, Cllr. Rogers asked if awareness could be raised about fire safety checks and smoke alarms.

Cllr. Turner informed Members that the recent art exhibition held in the Community Centre had been very successful. Over 200 people had attended the event. A recording of the event had been made.

The Clerk to check reports that the hedge along the boundary of the Stillington Club is overgrown.

The Clerk to report that inspection covers at the edge of the field opposite the school needed to be re-positioned.

Following a recent fatal road accident near to the Parish Cllr. Johnson had asked the Clerk to discuss with Members whether the Council should ask SBC to try and improve road safety in the area where the accident took place. Members discussed this but agreed as it was outside of our Parish, and on a main road, there was little input that the Council could have. Any appropriate measures to improve safety should be undertaken by SBC.

The Clerk to ask SBC if overgrown vegetation can be cleared from the edge of South Street as it was blocking the gutter.

13. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 3rd December 2013 in the Stillington Community Centre.

Signed: ……………………………………….. Dated: ………………………….…….

Proposed: …………………………………… Seconded: ……………………………….