Minutes –Work Health and Safety Committee Meeting

Friday, 29 August 2014 10:00am

Parliament House, Room 1R6


Ross Macdonald / Liberal Party of Australia
Elissa Maloney / Liberal Party of Australia
Colyn Ranken / Liberal Party of Australia
Garry Runge / Liberal Party of Australia
John Ronan / Australian Labor Party
James Peikert / Australian Labor Party
Simon Kelly / The Nationals
Neneh Darwin / Australian Greens
Kim Travers / Community and Public Sector Union
Julie Allais / Office of the Special Minister of State
Megan Edgar / Ministerial and Parliamentary Services (M&PS)
Marg Emerton / M&PS
Anna Hough / M&PS
Ellen Laenen / M&PS
Mary Vetere / Konekt


Rosemary Little / Liberal Party of Australia
Doug Stewart / Australian Labor Party


Adam Ch’ng / Liberal Party of Australia
Joanne Knight / Australian Services Union

Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Employees| Health & Safety Committee


Meeting opened: 10:06 am

Meeting chair: Ross Macdonald

Meeting closed: 11:06am

1.Welcome and apologies

MrMacdonald welcomed members to the meeting and noted apologies.

The Department advised that, following the commencement of new state Senators on 1 July 2014, nominations for a representative of staff of independent Senators and Members were sought, but no nominations were received.


  • The Department to arrange a further nomination process for a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) for employees of independent Senators and Members.

2.Actions arising from the previous meeting

The Committee discussed actions arising from the previous meeting.

Terms of Reference

The Department confirmed that the proposed updates to the Terms of Reference had been agreed by email out of session between committee members, and a finalised version had been published on the Ministerial and Parliamentary Services website.The updates reflected changes to Committee representation following the election of the 44th Parliament.

Transitional arrangements

At its meeting on 30 May 2014 the Committee discussed a number of proposals for transitional arrangements following an election, to ensure adequate representation for MOP(S) Act employees in the interim period before the formation of a new Committee. The Committee did not provide anyadditional proposalsregarding transitional arrangements.

Harassment Contact Officer (HCO) nominations

The previous Committee had requested that HSRs be provided with the opportunity to train as Harassment Contact Officers (HCOs) should they wish to do so. At the Committee meeting on 30May 2014, HSRs were asked to advise the Department if they were interested in training as HCOs. Deputy HSRs were also invited to nominate themselves to train as HCOs. The Department advised that two workgroups have provided HCO nominations.


  • HSRs (and/or Deputy HSRs where necessary), who have not already done so, to email the Department to advise whether they agree to being trained to undertake the role of HCO.
Training options for HCOs

The Committee agreed that HCOs would undertake training over two days, provided that they were not consecutive.


  • The Department to finalise training arrangements for HCOs and confirm with HSRs and Deputy HSRs via email.
Priority of policies to be provided for consultation

The Committee agreed to discuss policy issues via email out of session as they arise. The Department invited members to suggest any other policies the Committee would like developed.


  • The Committee will continue to provide feedback to the Department on the priority of policies for consultation and anynew policies members would like developed.
Comparative WHS data

At the Committee meeting on 30 May 2014, Committee members requested WHS incident data, for comparison purposes, from an organisation with employment conditions similar to MOP(S) Act employment. The Department provided the Committee with data from Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) Annual Reports showing WHS incidents. The Department noted that the AEC was a Commonwealth agency with some features similar to MOP(S) Act employment, such as having a small office in each electorate and working to the electoral cycle.However, the nature of the work undertaken and the employment framework of AEC employees and MOP(S)Act employees differs substantially. For these reasons, comparison between the WHS incident statistics for AEC and MOP(S) Act employees may not be reliable.

3.Proposed amendments to the first aid and emergency management policy

The Committee reviewed the proposed amendments to the first aid and emergency management policy and discussed the rationale behind removing the requirement for First Aid Officers (FAOs) in Parliament House. This decision was taken following consultation with Department of Parliamentary Services which co-ordinates first aid arrangements within Parliament House. This led to discussion about the requirement for FAOs in Ministerial offices located in the Commonwealth Parliament Offices (CPOs). The other main proposed change to the first aid and emergency management policy related to the instructions for the disposal of items from first aid kits.

The Committee discussed whether EpiPens should be included as optional items in first aid kits for Senators and Members’ offices. The Department advised that it would investigate this possibility and provide an update to the Committee at the next meeting.


  • The Department to remove all references to FAOs in the Ministerial Wing in the first aid and emergency management policy.
  • The Department to provide more information to the Committee regarding FAOs in CPOs, including historical data on the number of FAO positionsfilled in CPOs.
  • The Department to explore issues associated with including EpiPens in first aid kits.

4.WHS Report

The Committee noted and discussed the report.

A committee member requested that the Department include a separate category in the incident mechanism table to indicate the number of ergonomic assessments reported during the relevant quarter. In the current WHS Report format, ergonomic assessments are grouped under the ‘No mechanism identified’ category. The Committee agreed that a separate category for ergonomic assessments would be useful. The Committee also requested that annotations be included in future reports to provide further clarification of any unusual data. Committee members also asked that the Department circulate the Notifiable Incident flow chart from the M&PS website to the Committee for their information.


  • The Department will amend future WHS Reports to include a separate category for ergonomic assessments under ‘incident mechanism’, and provide annotations on certain data for clarification.
  • The Department to circulate the Notifiable Incident flow chart to the Committee for information.

5.Other Business

A committee member raised concerns in relation to the provision of equipment recommended following an ergonomic assessment to MOP(S) Act employees located in the Senate Wing of Parliament House, and advised that information on the issue would be presented at the next meeting. The Department advised that it is aware of the issue and is consulting with the Department of the Senate to seek a solution.

Another committee member advised that a former MOP(S) Act employee had requested that the Committee consider the WHS implications for MOP(S) Act employees who are required to undertake regular long trips. The Department agreed to circulate resources currently available to MOP(S) Act employees relating to WHS and travel. The issue will be discussed at the next meeting.


  • The Department will continue discussions with the Department of the Senate regarding the provision of ergonomic equipment to MOP(S) Act employees located in the Senate Wing of Parliament House.
  • Prior to the next meeting, the Department will circulate to the Committee links to resources relating to WHS and travel currently available to MOP(S) Act employees.
  • At the next meeting the Committee will discuss WHS issues associated with MOP(S) Act employees undertaking regular long trips.

6.Next meeting

The Committee agreed that next meeting will be held at Parliament House at 10:00am on Friday 5 December 2014.

Action Item / Status
The Department to facilitate a further nomination process for a staff representative for Independent Senators and Members.
HSRs (and/or Deputy HSRs where necessary), who have not already done so, to email the Department to advise whether they agree to being trained to undertake the role of HCO.
The Department to finalise training arrangements for HCOs and confirm these with HSRs and Deputy HSRs via email.
The Department to provide historical data relating to the number of First Aid Officer positions previously filled in ministerial offices before the requirement was phased out.
The Department to explore issues associated with includingEpiPens in first aid kits.
The Department to remove all references to FAOs in the Ministerial Wing in the first aid and emergency management policy.
The Department to provide more information to the Committee regarding FAOs in CPOs, including historical data on the number of FAO positions filled in CPOs.
The Department will amend future WHS Reports to include a separate category for ergonomic assessments under ‘incident mechanism’, and provide annotations on certain data for clarification.
The Department to circulate the Notifiable Incident flow chart to the Committee for information.
The Department will continue discussions with the Department of the Senate regarding the provision of ergonomic equipment to MOP(S) Act employees located in the Senate Wing of Parliament House.
Prior to the next meeting, the Department will circulate to the Committee links to resources relating to WHS and travel currently available to MOP(S) Act employees.
The Committee will discuss at its next meeting the WHS implications of MOP(S) Act employees undertaking regular long trips.
The Committee will consider the Department’s proposals, as well as any alternative transitional arrangements following an election, and provide input to the Department. / In progress
The Committee will provide feedback to the Department on the priority of policies to be provided for consultation or developed. / Ongoing
The Committee to advise the Department of any changes they would like to the WHS Quarterly Reports. / Ongoing
Action Item / Status
M&PS to update Bullying and Harassment policy to include references to HCOs. / To be included once trained HCOs are in place.
HSRs to advise M&PS of any proposals in relation to better managing the role of HCOs for the representative of staff for minority parties and Independent Senators and Members. / Ongoing

Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 Employees| Health & Safety Committee