Linked Groups of the
Strategic Co-ordinating Groups (SCoGs)
To enable effective information-sharing between Task-and-Finish/Link Groups, SCoGs and the Children and Young People's Framework Partnership
Reporting to which SCoG? / EYDCP- Linked group to Learn and Achieve SCoG
Meeting: / EYDCP linked group
Date, venue and time of meeting / 3 June 2009
MEMBERSHIP / Hilary Harriman – Chair
Phyllis Matthews – Vice Chair
Carys Gwyn - MYM
Debbie Williams - NCMA
Jackie Ryan - NDNA
Panna Champaneria - LEA
Ann Ledsham– Job Centre Plus
Sandra Thompson - CPCKC
Maureen Williams – Church schools
Moya Williams - WPPA
Ann Joynson Evans - Yale
Mike Barclay – LEA (Play Dev Officer) / Kath Eccleston – LEA (Foundation Phase Head)
Karen Southern – Glyndwr Univ.
Sue Aston - Health
Buddug Selway-Jones – LEA (Welsh Advisory Team)
Deb Jones – LEA (FS Advisory Teacher)
Lauren Pilling – LEA
Sue Glover – CSSIW
Paula Seamarks - CSSIW
Attendees: / Hilary Harriman (Chair)
Jackie Ryan (NDNA)
Ann Ledsham (Job Centre Plus)
Mike Barclay (Play Development Officer)
Maureen Williams – Church schools
Sandra Thompson (CPCKC)
Moya Williams (WPPA)
Panna Champaneria (LEA-Education Psychology Service)
Paula Seamarks (CSSIW)
Apologies: / Phyllis Matthews (Vice Chair)
Carys Gwyn (MYM)
Debbie Williams (NCMA)
Kath Eccleston (Chirk Infants)
Buddug Selway-Jones (LEA – Welsh Advisors) / Sue Aston (North Wales East NHS Trust)
Karen Southern (Glyndwr University)
Lauren Pilling (WCBC)
Deb Jones (FS Advisory Teacher)
Name of provider of update report: / Angela Coles (Senior Admin Officer – Early Education)
Organisation: / WCBC
Capacity of attendance: Eg. TF Group Chair and Rep of WCBC Department, LHB, NEWT, Voluntary Sector etc. / Minute Taker
Contact details: /

BRIEF summary of main issues discussed and actions agreed:

Issue / Key discussion points /
Action/Who resp/by when?
§  Welcome and apologies / §  Hilary welcomed everyone to the meeting and a particular welcome back to Paula Seamarks who has returned from maternity leave.
§  There were 9 apologies.
§  Minutes and Matters Arising / §  No Matters Arising
§  Flying Start Update / §  The Update provided by Deb Jones was distributed. Members read through report and HH expanded and clarified items. Items covered were:
§  Flying Start Childcare Settings – transition. This is an area being looked at generally throughout Flying Start and Early Education to ensure the seamless transition of children from one phase into the next.
§  Training: Module 4 of the National Training for the Childcare Settings
§  Training on Movement and Play/Jabbadao for the Health Team.
§  Basic Skills – progress and development with LAP training
§  Speech and Language.
§  Library – regular story time sessions at Hafod y Wern, Little Sunflowers, The Venture, Penycae and Min y Ddol
§  Foundation Phase Update / §  The update provided by Alison Heale (FPTSO) was distributed – HH talked through the update. Areas covered:
§  Foundation Phase School Service Delivery.
§  Foundation Phase Documentation – Child development profile.
§  Foundation Phase Training:
-  Module 5 – Additional Learning Needs
-  Building on Continuous Provision
-  Management of change training
§  Foundation Phase Twilight Training (Physical development; Creative Development – Music; Literacy; Mathematical Development.
§  Foundation Phase Resource Room – Indoor and outdoor learning environments.
§  Early Education Training / Events:
-  EE Celebration Event and Exhibition – 6/7 July at Erlas
-  Grow with ME/Tyfu gyda Fi Project – Llangollen Gardening Show – 6/7 June 09 at Llangollen International Eisteddfod Pavilion
§  Draft Childcare Sufficiency Assessment Action Plan (ST) / §  In PM’s absence ST fed back regarding current situation.
§  The responsible organisation met on 22 May 2009, all actions, timescales and resources were discussed – amendments made to some and agreement reached.
§  Now being updated by Lauren Pilling who will present to the EYDCP at the next meeting. / LP
§  Play Strategy Update (MB) / §  MB had hoped to give a more comprehensive update, however, the presentation of the Play Strategy to Executive Board has been delayed until end of June. MB will feed back at next meeting.
§  Request for Play Strategy to appear as a regular Agenda item agreed / AC ensure on agenda
§  Task and Finish Groups – Update (ST) / §  Community Focused Schools – the group met yesterday and approved additional project at Minera Primary school.
§  A seminar is planned for the Autumn.
§  HH asked how many schools within Wrexham are without After School Clubs – only half a dozen.
§  There has been very successful development of the project here in Wrexham, for which Sandra was congratulated for all her hard work in this area.
§  WAG Initiatives – sharing information / §  WAG is looking into developing Welsh Books for 0 – 3s and are currently seeking representation on a panel to look into this. Further details to follow when known.
§  AOB / §  National Play Day – Wednesday 5/8/09 – Annual Event, to be held in Queen’s Square. All welcome to attend – contact MB. Lots of exciting and enjoyable events.
§  Wrexham Extravaganza – Saturday 6/6/09 in Llwyn Isaf.
§  MW reported that Wales PPA will no longer have Development Workers in Wrexhan from 31/7/09, although WPPA based in Mold will provide support for some paperwork, but will not be able to offer the same number of visits; settings will be visited once a year. Jackie Dines will still be available. PPA in ongoing discussions with Prevention and Inclusion – regarding part time post and ‘Traffic Light’ system of assessing support needs of Playgroups. Concerns regarding vulnerable groups expressed. PS commented that the large majority of playgroups which are supported by the Early Education Team (as Approved Providers of Funded Education for 3 yr olds) were not causing concern, but some of the playgroups who were not approved Early Education providers continued to need support currently being given by PPA Development Workers. MW pointed out that the work of the WPPA was not limited to Playgroups, but covered all pre-school provision. Discussion nationally currently ongoing to decide on change of name to reflect broader remit of the association.
§  Date of next meeting / §  Wednesday 7 October 2009 2 – 4 p.m. at Erlas Centre / AC to book/confirm venue.
On-going/outstanding work projects to be noted:
§  Childcare Sufficiency Action Plan
Future TF/Link Group agenda items
§  .
Agenda items to propose to the SCoG for consideration
Date, location and time of next meeting:
§  Wednesday 7 October 2009 at 2 – 4 p.m. at Erlas Centre, Wrexham

G:\EARLY EDUCATION TEAM\EARLY EDUCATION 2008 - 2009\HILARY HARRIMAN\EYDCP\Minutes and Agendas 08-09\Minutes-CommReTool-03.Jun.09.AC.HH.doc