1315 South Broadway
New Ulm, MN 56073
ph(507) 359-8760
fax (507) 359-1380
Doug Hazen, Coordinator
R.I.S.E. (Reaching Independence through Structured Education) PROGRAM
The R.I.S.E Program is for ASD or DCD students. These students are separated into two separate classrooms to address their individual needs. This program serves students, K-12, who need individualized environments, academic and/or functional skill development, and behavioral support.
Student’s Name:______
Grade:______Date of Birth:______
Referring District: ______
Contact Person ______Phone: ______
Is the student receiving ASD or DCD services at least 21-60% of their school day? ______
Has the River Bend Special Education Coordinator observed/consulted with the special education case manager concerning this child?______
Identify the concerns and problems that the student has been encountering:
List any medication currently and previously taken by the student. Include name of medication, amount prescribed, how often taken, etc.
Academic strengths of the student:
Academic weaknesses of the student.
Academic Achievement Levels (Ex: Reading: 5.2, etc.)
Reading:______Math:______Written Expression:______
Student’s Full-Scale IQ: ______
Social History
Family structure (parent, stepparent, siblings, adoption, etc): Issues or concerns to be aware of: ______
School history (including concerns or areas of difficulty): ______
Medical history (serious illness or current health issues): ______
Contact information from anyone involved with mental health history: ______
Legal issues (CHIPS, delinquency, out-of-home placement, drug issues, etc.)
/ River Bend R.I.S.E.Program1315 South Broadway
New Ulm, MN 56073
ph(507) 359-8760
fax (507) 359-1380
Doug Hazen, Coordinator
Health Information
Student: ______DOB: ______
Address: ______Grade: ______
______Sex: ______
Home Phone: ______
Mother’s Name: ______Mother’s Work Number:
Mother’s Address: ______Mother’s Cell Phone:
Father’s Name: ______Father’s Work Phone: ______
Father’s Address:______Father’s Cell Phone: ______
Parent Authorized Designee to p/u student if parents are unavailable:
Names:Phone Numbers:
Present Health Status of Student
____ Good – No adaptations needed
____ Has a chronic illness or disability
Name of chronic illness or disability: ______
Medication or Treatment: ______
____ Has allergies
Treatment: ______
Physician’s Name: ______Phone # ______
Address: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
/ River Bend R.I.S.E. Program1315 South Broadway
New Ulm, MN 56073
ph(507) 359-8760
fax (507) 359-1380
Doug Hazen, Coordinator
Client Name: ______Date of Birth ______
I authorize River Bend to ___ Exchange with or ____Disclose To or _____Obtain From: ______
Name of Organization & Individual ______
Mailing Address ______
City/State/Zip: ______Telephone # ______Fax ______
The information is necessary for the following purpose:
_____ Evaluation/Treatment____ Other ______
Information to be released (circle Yes or No)
Yes No Evaluations, notes/summaries including Psychiatric, Psychological, Medical, Chemical Dependency
Yes No Service date
Yes NoCourt/Corrections Information
Yes NoSchool or Educational Information (may include academic progress,
behavior issues, special education data)
Yes NoSocial Services Agency Information
Yes NoOther (specify) ______
* This information may include chemical dependency information
* I have the right to revoke this authorization at any time by given written notice to River Bend Education District. I understand that the revocation will not apply: 1: to information that has already been released in response to this authorization or 2: to my insurance company as the law provides my insurer with the right to contest a claim under my policy.
* I need not sign this authorization to receive services unless the services are court-ordered or are being created solely for a third party (i.e., consultation)
* River Bend can not prevent the re-disclosure of records released as a result of this request and that after release from River Bend, the records may not be subject to privacy rule protections.
* This authorization will permit two-way telephone communication and exchange of information by electronic methods.
* I’m entitled to a copy of this authorization once I have signed it and I may review/request copies of information disclosed.
* A photograph or facsimile of this authorization is as effective as the original.
This authorization shall remain in effect until this date: ______(one year maximum)
Client Signature DateWitness SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureRelationship to Client Date
A copy of this authorization to obtain information was sent to the above agency on
(date) ______by ______
Signature Date Signed: Date Expires: Entered By