Board Meeting:
26 – 27 November 2012 / Agenda Number:
4 (i) / File Reference:


Business Paper


Report on Vehicle Approvals since last meeting and changes to vehicle numbers since March 2009.


Since the last Board meeting 8 applications to import or transfer motor vehicles were determined by the Chief Executive Officer under the ‘Vehicle Importation, Transfer and Use Policy’:

Applicant / Vehicle Type / Preferred Vehicle / Use / Variation / Comment
Brian Young / Toyota Rav 4 / No / Commercial / 0 / Approved 7/09/2012
Replacement vehicle.
Leon Brice / Honda Lead Scooter / Yes / Private / 0 / Approved 17/09/2012
Transfer from Kevin Wyborn.
Andrea Young / Toyota Camry / No / Private / 0 / Approved 17/09/2012 Replacement vehicle.
David Gardiner / Honda Lead Scooter / Yes / Commercial / 0 / Approved 10/10/2012 Transfer and replacement vehicle.
Peter Riddle
Leanda Lei / Electric Club Car / No / Commercial / 0 / Approved 19/10/2012 Temporary hire vehicle for 2 month trial basis. Current hire vehicle to be garaged throughout trial period.
Warren O’Brien / Toyota Hilux / No / Commercial / 0 / Approved 3/11/2012 Transfer and replacement vehicle.
Jean Petherick / Bolwell Bella Scooter / Yes / Private / - / Not approved, did not comply with policy.
Lance Wilson / Honda Lead Scooter / Yes / Private / 0 / Approved 11/11/2012 Transfer and replacement vehicle.


There has been no increase of vehicles approved for importation to the island since the last Board meeting.

Trend Analysis:

As at March 2009

Registered Road Vehicles / Other
Private / Commercial / Essential / Hire / TOTAL / Plant / Trailers
121 / 50 / 19 / 8 / 198 / 18 / 40

As at September 2011

Registered Road Vehicles / Other
Private / Commercial / Essential / Hire / TOTAL / Plant / Trailers
164 / 59 / 19 / 8 / 250 / 12 / 36

At the May 2010 meeting it was requested that further differentiation in the vehicle statistics to identify motor vehicles and motor cycles / scooters and trucks separately be presented. This information is presented below.

Vehicles as at November 2012 in revised format

Registered Road Vehicles
Car/Utility / Bus / Motorcycle/Scooter / Truck / TOTAL / Plant / Trailers
159 / 28 / 54 / 9 / 250 / 12 / 36

The Board has also completed a review of existing vehicle approvals to determine compliance. As a result the Board has written to over 20 island residents requesting additional information be provided to demonstrate satisfaction with exsiting vehicle approvals and the policy.


Submitted for Board’s information.

Prepared By: Stephen Wills Chief Executive Officer