Meeting chaired by:


Actions from Notes from Previous Meeting

Dom explained notes are available on the Borough of Poole Website.

No actions from the previous meeting.

Items on the Agenda

Supporting Schools with Behaviour Management

Attendance and Holiday Fines

Education Excellence Everywhere

Questions and Responses Raised on the Evening

Longspee Outreach

Caseload of 75 pupils spread across 25 schools

20% Infant

45% Primary & Junior

20% Secondary

Child was identified with additional needs pre-school. How are we identifying children and what are we putting in place pre-school?

VW responded: Teacher employed by the Borough of Poole supporting our pre-school providers and we have improved our systems for transferring information from pre-school providers to schools.

What does provision look like?

Longspee is a school and we also provide an Outreach Service.

How is the Outreach funded?

The funding is from the high needs block of the Dedicated School’s Block and therefore currently no individual school pays for the service.

What is the criterion for referrals?

A young person exhibiting challenging behaviour and the school feel they require additional support.

How do you prioritise your workload?

We are able to respond. Schools take on board advice.

What systems are there for training for all teachers?

Yes, training is available. However, it is up to schools to request and send staff on the training which is available.


How do you deal with medical attendance?

Work with schools, parents and health professionals. Training for School Governors has been set up but we have not had good sign up. Please make your Governors aware of this offer.

School Attendance Workers support schools to challenge unauthorised absence.

Holiday Fines

Exceptional circumstances.

In Poole we are awaiting guidance from the DfE. We are therefore continuing to work with schools as to whether circumstances are exceptional. If school decides it is not exceptional they can then request the Local Authority issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Are schools Consistent?

Is it exceptional or not? This is sometimes not consistent. Introducing a format for schools to discuss this issue if a family has siblings at different schools. Ultimately we have to focus on the child’s education.

How many persistent absentees are fined?

We have several tools we can use depending on the reasons for the absence:

  • Fast Track
  • Education Supervision Order
  • Penalty Notices

We work with the school and the medical professionals.

What is the national average for school attendance?

England - 95.4%

Poole - 95.3%

Any Other Business on the Evening

The group discussed continuation of PPV. It was recommended that the group continue with a drive to recruit members.

Any Actions Agreed at Meeting

The Local Authority to continue to contact schools about membership.

Items for Next Agenda

To be decided over the summer period.