PCM 14th September 2015





Present: Councillors: Mrs Belli, Gallagher, Edwards, Mrs Garner (chairman),

Mrs Hopkins, Kenyon, Mrs Mason, Orford,

Clerk: Mrs Smith,


2.  1. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
3.  Apologies were received from Cllr’s Barnshaw, Mrs Barnshaw, Basnett, Cooke, Mrs Cooke, Cosker, and Williams.
5.  2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
Cllr Gallagher declared a personnel interest in item 8.
6.  3. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 13th July and 12th August 2015.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Orford that the minutes of 13th July and 12th August 2015 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
7.  4. Matters arising from the last meeting. To discuss and look at the action list.
8.  None.
5. Planning Committee. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on the 3rd August.
As there was not enough Councillors present who had attended the meeting it was agreed that it should be deferred to next month.
6.  To review the following orders:
i.  Standing Orders.
The Clerk explained that there was nothing missing from the Standing Orders, they had just removed M and N in Oct 2014, to do with the media and therefore the rest of them had renumbered accordingly.
Cllr Mrs Hopkins requested that the venue of the Parish Council Meetings be put on the agenda for October.
ii.  Financial regulations.
The financial regulations had been pick up by the auditor as being out of date. The Clerk gave the Councillors new financial regulations and it will be revisited at October’s meeting.
iii.  Risk Assessment
The Clerk informed that she had contacted the insurer and all Councillors up to the age of 80 were covered by the insurers. This means that Cllr Orford is not. It was agreed that Cllr Orford would not be carrying out any tasks for the Parish Council that would require him to be insured.
iv.  Freedom of Information Act
The Clerk informed that the Council are unable to Charge an hourly rate for labour as agreed at the last meeting, as per the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
7.  CCTV. To discuss incidents and the CCTV policy.
The Chairman informed that the Caretaker of Redwood Drive had had to speak to the some young people who were driving vehicles on the Redwood Drive field and one of the young men became confrontational and followed him into the building. The police had been contacted.
Under the current data protection registration, the Clerk is the only one able to view the CCTV, it was agreed that the Admin Assistant, Chairman and Vice-Chairman should be named on the paperwork as well.
8.  The Old Village Green. Discuss the dead tree and stones – Cllr Mrs Mason
It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the old village green be registered with the land registry under the Parish Council.
7 Agreed. 1 Abstention. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Mason and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they remove the large white stones.
All agreed.
It was suggested that a chain linked fence be put around the green instead.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that they go out of session to allow County Councillors Mrs Talbot to speak.
All agreed.
Cllr Mrs Talbot informed that she had some money left in her County Councillors fund if we would like some to purchase the fencing.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they go back into session.
All agreed.
Cllr Mrs Mason informed that the tree on the green is dead and has been for a number of years. The Clerk informed that she had asked the handymen to look at the tree to see if they could remove it but it is too big of a job for them. The Clerk informed that Mr Sharpe had copied her into his email to Highways where he had asked them to remove the tree, as he believed the salt from the salt bin had killed the tree.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they wait to see if the county council are going to remove the tree and if they are not then the Clerk has the tree removed.
All agreed.
9.  Wooden Benches.
All the metal benches in the village have been painted this year, however, the 2 wooden benches have not.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Mason and seconded by Cllr Mrs Belli that they have the 2 wooden benches in the village painted.
All agreed.
10.  The War Memorial.
The wall is done and they are hoping to get the tiles in, in the next 2 weeks.
An official opening of the memorial was discussed, it was agreed that if possible there should be a ceremony by the Reverend Annabel and the County Councillor, Residents Association, 267 – 263 RAAF Lancaster Squadron Association and member of the church should be invited. With refreshments afterwards in the Community Hub.
11.  Grass Cutting.
The Clerk informed that she would get the quotes for November for next years grass cutting. It was agreed that this month the grass had been cut very well and that feedback should be given to the company.
12.  The Parish Council Web Page.
The website used to be updated by Kev Pridgen but since he had left the Council May not much had been done. It was discussed how it needs to be updated and improved and it was agreed that this was a job for a few people and not just one. Cllr’s Mrs Belli and Edwards volunteered to help the Clerk.
13.  Queens 90th Birthday.
The Queens 90th birthday celebrations are taking place on Saturday 11th June. It was agreed that the Parish Council should do something. All councillors were asked to go away and come up with some ideas for next months meeting.
14.  Sidney Hall Field .
a.  Update on the gate.
The replacement gate has been ordered.
b.  Discuss the official opening event.
There are no surviving relatives of Sidney Thorpe Hall to be present at the opening. It was agreed that the Chairman of the District Council should be asked to open the field, if due to the short notice they are unable to attend, County Councillor Mrs Talbot and District Councillors Lance Pennell would be able to attend.
The company providing the climbing wall were now not attending, it was suggested that the Scouts may have a climbing wall and the Clerk was asked to contact them.
It was agreed that any staff that could help out on the day in anyway would be paid.
Other arrangements for the day were discussed.
c.  Discuss opening of the Car Park.
Once the replacement gates had arrived the car park would be opened and closed as they were previously.
d.  Discuss the Skate Park.
Some repairs are to be made to the Skate Park, they will be starting on the 23rd Sep. Most of the work will be covered by the contract, however the work on the drains will have to be paid by the Parish Council as this is vandalism.
15.  Solar Panels. To discuss the proposal for Solar Panels on the Village Hall.
It was agreed that the item should be deferred to next month as Cllr Williams was not present.
16.  Community Hub. To discuss removing the wall adjacent to the kitchen area.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Orford that they remove the wall.
5 agreed, 2 against, 1 abstention. Carried.
17.  Report from the Project Assistant.
All the Councillors got a copy of the project assistants report.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Hopkins and seconded by Cllr Gallagher that they send a letter of thanks to Burgess Farm.
All agreed.
18.  Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
The Clerk informed that a child had fallen of the climbing frame at the village hall at the weekend and broken their arm.
19.  Finance.
(a)  Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the
finance report be accepted.
All agreed. Carried.
(b)  Signing of cheques / BACS Payments. To resolve to sign cheques / authorise BACS payments listed by the RFO and certify invoices.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that the
cheques and invoices could be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
20.  Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be discussed as a matter of urgency but no resolution can be made.
21.  ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Mrs Hopkins that “In view of the special/confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.”
All agreed. Carried.
a.  Foss Dyke Band.
The Chairman was attending a meeting with the solicitors the next day.
b.  Staff.
Cheryl Mumby has taken over from Jo Rogerson as the Admin Assistant.
c.  Contract of Project Assistant.
The project assistant has been budgeted for to the end of the Financial Year, it will be discussed when setting the budget / precept for next year whether to budget for her again.
d.  Staff Pension.
The Council will have to provide a pension for the Clerk, but may wish to do so for other staff. It was agreed that they should check with LALC about pensions.
22.  Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 12th October 2015.
Meeting closed at 9.50pm. / Action
All Cllrs
Project Assist

Open Forum

Mr Ged Hallam from the High Street, asked if the Council could consider a 20mph limit on the High Street and if a stop sign could be put where Lower High Street joins the High Street. He explained that traffic was going down the High Street and Lower High Street to avoid the traffic build up by the traffic lights on Grantham Road and they were doing so at speed. With all the cars now being parked on the High Street an accident is going to happen.

Cllr Gallagher informed that it was a County Council matter.

The Clerk informed that Cllr Phil Cosker had asked for this to be put on the agenda for next months meeting.

It was agreed that when the Council has a meeting with Highways, Mr Hallam should be invited to attend.

Mr Hallam also asked why the bus needs to come down the High Street, he added that on numerous occasions the bus is mounting the pavement to get passed parked cars which is dangerous to pedestrians.


The police reported that during the period 13th July to 14th September 15 there had been 12 crimes reported.

14th / 15th July. Criminal damage to St Michaels Church.

22nd July. Assault on the Skate park.

27th July. Theft from the Road Works on Brant Road, a roller was taken.

27th July. Burglary at Brant Road sewage works, safe and cash taken.

28th / 29th July. Theft from Skate Park of wooden gates.

Theft from RAF Waddington, fence panels and posts taken.

13th August. Theft from motor vehicle on Hollywell Road, MPS player taken.

18th / 19th August. Criminal damage Millers Road, car tyres slashed.

Criminal damage Capps Lane, car tyres slashed.

22nd August. Assault Bar Lane, 1 male has been arrested.

30th August. Criminal damage Redwood Drive.

31st August. Burglary Malt Kiln Lane, cash taken.

Cllr Peter Kenyon asked if there were any night patrols.

The PCSO informed they the PCSO’s go around until 10pm and then it is the PC’s night patrols.

County Councillor

Councillor Mrs Talbot informed that there would be temporary traffic restrictions on the 2nd October due to the unveiling of the Bomber Command. She informed that she had been invited to the opening, but she is unable to attend so she transferred her invite to Stu Read. There will be around 300 veterans at the ceremony.

She informed that she had been communicating with a resident regarding the weeds and moss on the block paving on the Little Australian site. Spraying is done on an annual basis but the resident informed that it is not good enough. She has also been contacted by a resident regarding the tree on the Village green the resident believes that the salt from the grit bin has killed a tree there. Highways are sending an inspector to look at the tree.

District Councillor

District Councillor Peter Burley sent his apologies.

District Councillor Lindsey Cawrey sent her apologies.

District Councillor Lance Pennell informed that North Kesteven had resolved to instruct Upper Witham Drainage Board to maintain the Hollywell Road drainage scheme every 2 years.

He commented that he had also been in contact with the resident on Hobart Close regarding the block paved roads on little Australia and that the Lakeside Estate is going to have a lot of block paving as well. He asked that the Parish Council contact them in the spring and ask for it to be sprayed to stop this happening again next year.

Cllr Pennell informed that he had received a letter from North Kesteven informing that they are going to be working with other authorities to help prepare for any Syrian Refugees that might come this way.