Everyone must register before being able to use Equo. Registration should only take 10 – 15 minutes. Please follow this guide if you need any assistance!


  1. Visit Equo website.
  2. Click on Sign in/ Register
  3. Click on Competitor Register
  1. The registration page will open
  1. Complete the fields marked with a *
  2. Note: Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one letter and at least one number
  3. Check the box to say you have read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
  4. Click the register button
  5. A holding page will appear and you will be send an activation email.
  1. Log in to your email and click on the link in the email to activate your account. This will return you to your Dashboard page withinEquo page to continue registration.


  1. Click on ‘Would you like to add a rider’
  1. Either copy the rider details from your previously entered details by clicking on the ‘Auto-populate from my details’ box and completing anremaining fields marked with a * OR by completing all boxes marked with a * with the appropriate details.

NOTE: Please ensure you enter BD / BS / Rockrose / SESDG Membership number’s via the ‘Associations’ boxes (each one needs it’s own entry).

This process can be repeated to add more horses if required

Saving this page will return you to your Dashboard.


  1. On the Dashboard click on ‘My Profile’ then ‘Horses’
  2. On the next page the opens click on ‘Add horse’

  1. Complete all boxes marked with a * with the appropriate details.

NOTE: Please remember to enter your horses BS / BD registration numbers (and any other associations you may have).

This process can be repeated to add more horses if required.

Saving this page will return you to your Dashboard. - You are now registered and can enter competitions!


Visit the Rockrose home page and select the competition you wish to enter by clicking on the small triangle next to it and the clicking enter.

Click on the first class you would like to enter

This will bring up the entry page (shown left).

  1. Select Rider from the dropdown list
  2. Select Horse from the dropdown list
  3. If you are a Rockrose Member (Dressage and SJ Club shows) and / or a SESDG Member (Dressage) please tick the box ‘This entry is eligible for discounted entry’ to receive your £2 discount.
  4. Enter any comments or requests in the box provided.
  5. Save by clicking on the appropriate save button (shown below)

You will then be able to enter additional classes/ additional competitions and / or check out.