2005-7-12IEEE C802.20-05/26r1

Project / IEEE 802.20 Working Group on Mobile Broadband Wireless Access

Title / IEEE 802.20 -- PHY/MAC Specifications- Proposed Table of ContentsRequirements
Date Submitted / July-08-2005
Source(s) / Dan Gal
67 Whippany Road,
Whippany, NJ 07981 / Voice: 973-428-7734
Fax: 973-386-4555
Re: / MBWA Call for Contributions: Session #15
Abstract / This contribution proposes a table of contents for the PHY/MAC specifications document, expected to be submitted in 802.20 technology proposals.
Purpose / Propose content-requirements for the PHY/MAC specifications. The adopted text should be included as an annex 3 to the 802.20 Technology Selection Procedure (TSP) document.
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.20 Working Group. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.20.
Patent Policy / The contributor is familiar with IEEE patent policy, as outlined in Section 6.3 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and in Understanding Patent Issues During IEEE Standards Development


2005-7-12IEEE C802.20-05/26r1


Section 2 of this contribution is a proposal for Annex 2 of the IEEE 802.20 Technology Selection Procedure – the Table of Contents of the PHY/MAC specifications

2.0Annex 2: 802.20 PHY/MAC Specifications – Table of Contents


1.1 Scope

1.2 Purpose

2.Reference Documents


4.Abbreviations and Acronyms

5.General Description

5.1 Supported services and applications
5.2 System Architecture

5.2.1 IEEE 802.20-basedgeneral system reference model

5.2.2 Layer 1-2 detailed reference model

5.2.3Handoff provisions

5.2.4 System management provisions in Layer 1-2

5.3 Components of IEEE 802.20-based system architecture

5.3.1Radio access network

5.3.2Layer 3 interfaces

5.3.3 Mobility management
5.3.4Access control

5.3.5 Interoperability with other wireless networks

5.3.6 Inter-system Handoff support

5.3.7System management support

5.3.8Regulatory mandates support

5.4Logical serviceentities

5.4.1Mobile station services

5.4.2Base station services

5.4.3 Intra and Inter-system handoff

5.4.4User access control: security, authentication and station management

5.4.5User identity and traffic privacy

5.4.6 QoSsupport for real-time (RT) and non-RT services.

6.MAC Specifications

6.1 Layer 2 protocols, SAPS and L3 interfaces

6.2Layer 1 interface and support for (optional) multiple PHY technologies
6.3MAC frames

6.3.1MAC frame formats – general description

6.3.2MAC control frames

6.3.3MAC data frames

6.3.4MAC management frames

6.3.5QoS mechanisms

6.3.6Resource management

6.3.7Support for advanced antenna techniques

6.4MAC messages – detailed specifications

6.5System Management support and MIB

6.6Emergency calls support (E911 and/or similar regulatory requirements)

6.7Security and privacy support



6.7.3Security management

6.8MAC Performance specifications


7.Physical layer (PHY) Specifications

7.1PHY overview

7.1.1Radio technology main attributes


7.1.3TDD mode

7.1.4Frequency reuse

7.1.5Intended frequency bands and channel bandwidths

7.2RF characteristics detailed specifications

7.2.1Base station

7.2.2Mobile Station

7.2.3Regulatory requirements: frequency bandsand associated service-rules, transmitter intended emission limits and masks, unwanted emission limits,received-interference limits and performance impact

7.2.4User station radiation – compliance with regulatory health requirements (such as SAR limits)

7.3Antenna system

7.3.1Base station

7.3.2Mobile station

7.4Base station external interfaces
7.5PHY functions

7.5.1Mandatory Service functions

7.5.2Optional Service functions

7.6Detailed PHY channel specifications

7.6.1Physical radio channels

7.6.2Logical radio channels

7.6.3Downlink frames

7.6.4Uplink frames

7.6.5Modulation and link adaptation

7.6.6Forward Error Correction (FEC)


7.6.8Power control


7.6.10Mobile station power on/off operations

7.6.11Signal quality measurements and reporting station station

7.6.12Support for location-based services

7.6.13Handoff support for delay-critical applications

7.6.14Minimum performance requirements for support of Real-time IP-based applications calls calls

7.7Interoperability specifications

7.7.1Base station requirements and minimum performance

7.7.2Mobile station requirements and minimum performance

8.OA&M Support

9.Normative Annexes

10.Informative Annexes