Azar Baksh – Love-story



And love, again, has taken its toll

Long before you’re aging, you are old

You thought you’d enter the party, life, all would now be starting

Your love would be different, your love would be real

But you fall on the ground and you crawl like a worm

And you still try to smile before the next turn

Love was searching for your Soul, Its flower to unfold

You would not bow though for Its Law, not Surrender in Awe

But used Its Power for your little self, well, at least you tried

Not Being Humbled on your knees to fight the Holy Fight,

The War of Man and Woman, you thought you knew it better

And now you’re crawling on the floor, this is your daily exercise

It doesn’t seem to help though, still you’re getting fatter

And besides, what’s more, you do not even know you’re swarming

Like a worm, burning, in the Sun, for Love

Only Love, the One, Its Heat, can Make you See

But you sneak back under your stone, your haven

You sense it’s safer in the Dark, doesn’t seem so heavy

From there you feel at ease to blame, to shit, dictate

To scream that it’s the other ones who hate, manipulate

You’re so exhausted trying to love by your command

But cannot feel, cannot stop, must hold on to your lonely stance

To shoot your holy shit till the enemy surrenders

Finally submits to your will, to yóur happy ending

So you resigned the Fight and fought on your own

Used for this your lovers, thoughts, all you seemed to own

You’re locked in good intentions, that no one seems to honour

You’re trying to communicate, as a form to veil your hate

Trying to explain to all, the danger’s somewhere else

The killing started long ago but still you manage to suppress

In the name of Love, you’re paid, to murder: Love

Sure, there are moments of regret, panic or reflection

But you don’t have any Clue, at all where to commence

The Truth and Its Companion Love, they’re too far, too Immense

The bastards do not grant you any hold, bluntly refuse to yield to you

Even if in your concealed despair you lowered yourself to pray

So gallantly you must go on, crawling, colouring the mud

Respecting every soul as long as their Light’s not getting not too strong

If so you do your job and try to blind them, these unfaithful, sordid sinners

And hallelujah! you succeed, you almost manage to believe

You’re doing good, your sacrifice does help the world and all

You only had to redefine the Truth and Its Companion

The law, the movies that you saw, the books you’ve read, the dailies

All and everyone granted you your feeling that the Lie is genuine

Even the bottle is cooperating, yes you really love your bailey

You got it now, you have the trick, how to function in the system

How to make it till the end, with not too many blisters

And you shóut to everyone and all for you can’t speak normal anymore

That bitterness is wrong, and love is beautiful and holy

One should fight, never yield, for everything solutions can be found

If you just go on and on and do not feel, all your troubles will be gone

Just like that, a little miracle – and is it warm on a dead volcano?

And Love, again, has taken its toll, long before you’re aging you were old

Your Heart overgrown with mould and Your Story… will never, never be Told