Bluestem Ridge HOA Moore, Ok

Board of Directors Minutes

Date: March 04, 2008 Location: Hutton home: 1721 31st Terrace, Moore, OK

Present: J. Bailey, M. Brewster, A. Hutton, E. McMinn, K. Thompson, P. Wilkerson.

Absent: S. Nickels

Visitors: Joretta Hutton

Call to order by President Hutton at 7:05 pm. A quorum was present.

Approval of the agenda:

Additions/deletions from the agenda

MSC (motion, seconded & carried) to approve the agenda.

I. Approval of minutes of the last meeting:

MSC to approve the minutes of the February 19th, 2008 Board meeting.

II. Treasurer’s Report: As of 3/04/08 current cash balance: $2, 940.72

MSC to approve to the Treasurer’s report.

III. President’s Report :

a. Insurance: A State Farm policy was purchased covering Board of Directors and property liability. Annual cost: $2,167.

MSC to approve the President/Officer’s Report

IV. Committees: (if in attendance)

1. Bluestem Family: $500. Joy reported they are still in the process of organizing.

2. Bluestem Watch: $200. Alex met with this enthusiastic group, and will follow up regarding sign placement.

3. Bluestem YOM: $250. Judy is researching the YOM sign design and contacting businesses for prizes.

4. Bluestem Welcome: $250. No report.

5.Bluestem Architecture:

MSC to approve all committee reports.

V. Old Business:

1. Lawn Care:

MSC to contract with three companies, Budget Mowing, Irish Green, and Hamilton Landscape, LLC. for lawn care, chemical treatments, weeding of beds, trimming of shrubs, sprinkler repair and trash pick up during winter months. This plan will cost the Association approx $7, 900. The next closest bid was $10, 500.

VI. New Business:

1. Signs: Discussion of the variety of signs that have appeared at the Blue stem entrances. Wilkerson read a quote from a KW realtor: “The land outside the entrance is owned by the city. It is illegal to place signs anywhere on city property. This includes the easements that run in front of houses too. Signs need to be placed between the actual house and the sidewalk or easement. Many realtors do put signs in illegal places but are risking a hefty fine and the loss of the sign.”

MSC to table this issue and Brewster is going to research the sign issue further.

2. Bailey submitted her resignation as a Director and Officer.

MSC to accept her resignation with regret.

MSC to appoint Ken Thompson as Board secretary. Bailey turned over the official

record book and a box of supplies & files to Ken.

MSC to appoint Joy Bailey as Communications Coordinator.

Next meeting is: April 8th, 2008, 7 pm.

Location: E. McMinn’s house: 1709 SW 32nd St.

MSC to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm.


Joy Bailey