Vocabulary Chapter 5

5.1 Passive Transport

passive transport: substances crossing the cell membrane without any input of energy by the cell

diffusion: movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration

concentration gradient: a difference in the concentration of a substance across a distance

equilibrium: when the concentration of a substance is the same throughout a space

osmosis: process when water molecules diffuse across a cell membrane from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration

hypotonic: a solution whose solute concentration is lower than the solute concentration inside a cell

hypertonic: a solution whose solute concentration is higher than the solute concentration inside a cell

isotonic: when the concentrations of solutes outside and inside the cell are equal

contractile vacuoles: organelle in fresh water organisms (like paramecium) that collects excess water and pumps it out of the cell.

cytolysis: bursting of a cell

facilitated diffusion: a type of passive transport of substances through a cell membrane along a concentration gradient with the aid of carrier proteins

carrier proteins: protein that transports substances across a cell membrane

ion channels:protein molecules in a cell membrane that form a pore through which ions can pass

5.2 Active Transport

active transport: movement of chemical substances against a concentration gradient; requires cell to use energy

sodium-potassium pump:carrier protein that uses ATP to actively transport sodium and potassium ions against their concentration gradient: sodium is pumpedout of a cell and potassium is pumped into the cell.

endocytosis: process by which a cells ingest other materials (fluids, macromolecules, large particles). The cell membrane surrounds a particle and encloses the material in a vesicle to bringit into the cell.

vesicle: sac which forms when part of the cell membrane surrounds the materials to be taken into or transported within the cell

pinocytosis: type of active transport across the cell membrane where the cell takes in fluids

phagocytosis:process by which a cell engulfs large particles or whole cells, either as a defense mechanism or to obtain food

exocytosis:process by which a substance is released from the cell through a vesicle that transports the substance to the cell surface and then fuses with the membrane to let the substance out.