From Councillor Susan Barker
Chairman Environment Committee
Uttlesford District Council
Dear Sirs,
Following recent weeks of comment and speculation in the newspapers and elsewhere, I would like to address some issues raised on the consultation process regarding the District's Core Strategy for development in Uttlesford.
On Consultation.
The six week consultation period running from November 30th 2007 to January 11th 2008 is fully in line with the Government's Legislative requirements, which states that all responses received within this time frame must be considered.
I have publicly stated that comments and representations received before and after the consultation period started, as well as late responses will be taken into account as recommendations are taken forward.
On Leaflet Delivery
The Post Office was contracted to deliver 34,500 leaflets to homes and businesses across Uttlesford in the week commencing November 26th. Not in December. The Post Office failed to deliver some 4,600 leaflets (13%), which were returned to their main sorting office and pulped. From the time that the Council raised concerns with them it took over two weeks for the Post Office to admit the scale of the problem and provide details of the specific areas affected. I made a decision that we would produce an 'in house' reprint and called on Councillors to assist me with their distribution. I would like to thank Michele Hatwell at UDC and also Councillors Hicks, Down, Ketteridge, Clover, Sadler, Rolfe, Wells, Salmon, Cheetham, Hudson and Alan and Catherine Dean as well as my husband and son who folded and delivered 2000 leaflets with me.
On "Eco Towns"
"Eco Towns" are a private development initiative in partnership with Central Government. The Government could, in effect, impose a development on a District with little or no local consultation. Such a development will be in addition to, NOT INSTEAD OF, the 4200 additional homes required in this District by Central Government. I must stress that I have never referred to any potential development as an "Eco Town" and any such usage in connection with the current consultation is wrong. Uttlesford District Council, is, however, committed to environmentally friendly and sustainable housing. In concluding I would like to thank Sir Alan Haselhurst MP for meeting with Conservative leader, Councillor Jim Ketteridge and a cross party member group as they put their very real concerns to Hazel Blears MP about the impact of current and future housing demands being demanded by central government.
Please remember, if UDC does not make provision for the additional 4200 homes then the government will direct where and how many homes are built.
Yours faithfully,
Councillor Susan Barker
Chairman of the Environment Committee Uttlesford District Council