School Rules

Integration Specialist – Tania Kraus

When I am in school, I will have some special rules to follow. I follow these rules when I am sitting in my chair. I follow these rules when I am sitting on the floor. I follow these rules when I am standing or walking in line.

In school I must look at the teacher.

In school I must listen to the teacher.

In school I must use a quiet voice.

Sometimes I get excited. That is okay! My voice may be loud. That is not okay. In school, I need to use a quiet voice. I will try and keep my voice quiet even when I am excited.

In school I must keep my hands and feet to myself.

In school I must raise my hand if I need to talk.

In school I will wait to talk if someone else is talking. I do not want to interrupt. That is rude behavior.

In school my teacher tells the class it is time to stop. It is time to get ready for another activity. I need to look at the teacher. I need to listen to the teacher. I must stop my activity and get ready for the next activity. I will see all the other kids getting ready for the next activity too.

In school I will have recess. I may play outside at recess. When recess is done, a bell will ring. That means I need to stop playing and line up. I will see all the other kids line up too. It is time to start another activity.

I line up to go in the lunchroom. If I bring lunch from home, or cold lunch, I go sit at a table. If I buy hot lunch, I stand in line with my lunch ticket. I pick up my hot lunch tray and sit down at the table. Sometimes I may not like a food that is on my tray. That is okay. I can just leave it on my tray. I will eat the food I like.

These are some of the special rules that I will try and follow in school. When I follow the rules, my teachers will be happy. My Mom and Dad will be happy. I will feel proud of myself.