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It's a tad nippy isn't it?!

On that note, a reminder that if we have to cancel training and matches in the summer

it's difficult for our coaches to contact all of their squads when they themselves may be at work miles away and don't know what the weather is like at the club, so we have someone who puts a message out on our Twitter page @Harrow_St_Marys. (You don't need to be signed up to Twitter to see be able to see it.)

A the moment, training is on tomorrow (3rd March) but if we get a message to say it's cancelled that's where it will be posted.

Thanks go to...

...one of our senior colts, James, who has been helping us run our U9s sessions on Thursdays this winter. He also attended a coach support course last weekend to learn more about how to assist our coaches. Well done James. And they lookup to him in more ways than one!! We always need more help so please think about how you can help us. You don't need to have played the sport, just to be keen to learn and be enthusiastic. Going on a coach support course is just one of the ways, or you could just be an extra body at training to help lend a hand. Initially, all we would need to do is forward your details to the Direct Barring Service (DBS-what used to be called CRB and is a check carried out to ensure that it's OK for you to work with our children.)

If you want to help all I need from you is your date of birth. I submit that and your name and email address and you supply them with 3 documents to verify your address and details and a check is done. And you get acertificate!!

This is a special request too, from me, to our U9s' parents-we want you to get more involved with helping us the Allstars sessions this summer.

And if any of our older colts want to help us on Monday evenings let me know.

Helping to score

Our coaches have enough to do on match days and scoring the match is something that they can't do easily as well as umpiring. If you'd like to get more involved, scoring is one way so please see this link. Parents, pass it on to your child please. Lots of kids enjoy doing it once they get the idea of it.

Well done Ajay

Congratulations to one of our senior 1st X1 players, Ajay.

World War 1

Our new members may not realise that Harrow St. Mary’s Cricket Club has a long history behind it-a clue being on our shirt logo that shows 1881. That long history has meant that members of ours would have been involved in fighting for our country in both world wars. One was a young man called Ronald Chester, who died on 13th July 1918. He attended HarrowSchool and every year at St Mary's Church up on the hill (our early association with the church is where we get our name from) they hold a "Chester Evensong" when the medals and prizes endowed by his parents in his memory are awarded. This still happens 100 years after his death. The church is planning to hold a memorial service on Friday 13th July 2018 to mark this 100 years anniversary of his death; the time is yet to be confirmed but is likely to be early evening. They’ve contacted me to invite our members and friends to the service and to also ask us if we would like to be involved in the service in any way too.

If you would like to attend please let me know and I’ll keep you informed on the timings.

President's Day-7th July

Once a year we invite our 'old' members to return to the club to reminisce and catch up with one another. Our President, Mel, has chosen our league match against locals Stanmore CC, who were relegated from the Premier League last season and so meet the mighty HSMCC for the first time in a MCCL league match. If you know any ex-HSMCC members who might like to attend pass on my email address to them, please.


Advance warning that match results in the summer are going to be publicised through this website so it you want to be able to follow any of our teams and get league positions and stats from matches, scroll down on the this link and register.


We're in the process of compiling a questionnaire to send to our members to gauge your thoughts and opinions of the club and get ideas on how we can develop in the future. We last sent one out in 2013, so one is overdue. It's particularly important for us to know the thoughts of those of you who use the club because when we apply for grants one of the top questions is always 'how we know we have a need' for something. Basically, we only know we have a need if you tell us. So please have a think of any questions you want us to ask in it and send them to me and we'll collate them all.

Dates for your diary

March 22nd-last U9s indoor session

March 24th-last indoor Saturday session

April 8th-Cricket Force-all help to prepare the club for the season

April 12th-U10s/11s training starts 6-7.30pm

April 13th-U13s/U15s training starts

April 23rd-U9s begins 6-7.30pm

May 7th-U9s is 9.30-11am

May 14th-All Stars begins

June 25th-All Stars finishes

7th July- President's Day

July 23rd-U9s finishes

July 26th-U10s/11s training finishes

July 27th U13s/U15s training finishes

Management committee meetings.

Our Management Committee, elected at ourAGM, oversees the running of the club. If you have anything you wish our committee to discuss please email me and I will add it to the agenda.

Next meeting:

Sunday March 11th 10am