General Member Meeting

Wednesday, September 13th, 20065:00-5:45 p.m.

Student Union: Key West Room 218B (Moved to 218D)

  1. President Welcoming:

¨Welcome to our new and returning members. Thank you for putting forth the effort to become involved on our campus and in our organization. Members were directed to sign in and pick up an agenda. Cookies were offered too! After everyone was seated, Kaylin passed out raffle tickets. Those who wore an NSCS t-shirt received two tickets while all others received one.


oPresident: Kristi Sorger,

oExecutive Vice President: Peggie Yu,

oVP of Community Service: Drishtie Patel,

oVP of Planning for College Success: Kaylin Ackerson,

oVP of Public Relations: Janna Aboodi,

oVP of Public Relations: Jaqueline Duignan,

oSecretary: Carollaine Hall,

oTreasurer: Britney Beard,

oWebmaster: Yoh Yamamoto,

Executive Officer Announcements:

  1. Kristi:

•Membership: Discussed membership perks, such as 10% discount at and the Barnes & Noble website. Also, there are many opportunities available through NSCS, such as overseas opportunities. A list of all the opportunities can be found on the website after login.

•Induction: The induction is October 7th, 2006 in the Student Union. An e-mail will be sent out to remind members of the time and location.

• Login information: Members were asked to pick up their login information if they hadn’t already done so.

  1. Peggie:

•Point system: An overview of the point system was given to the members. Members get points for attending meetings and participating in NSCS programs, among other things. At the end of the school year, members with sufficient points get invited to the Award Banquet in the spring, which is catered by UCF. Also, members will be recognized at the banquet in the forms of scholarships, gift certificates, honor cords and other awards. An overview of the point system will be posted on our website at a later date.

•Members’ opportunities: There are many opportunities for members to get points. Some examples include: attending community service events, attending partner events, attending scholarship events, donations, PFCS participation, committee participation, and wearing NSCS paraphernalia to meetings.

  1. Drishtie:

•VUCF: Tamera, a VUCF board member, talked about the various opportunities to volunteer through VUCF. They have an upcoming event called Rock For Hunger and requests for more information regarding this event can be sent to Chris Goyzueta at . Involvement in this organization is voluntary and members that sign up for their events do not necessarily have to attend if they don’t wish to do so. Volunteer hours are tracked by VUCF and NSCS members that participate receive points.

•Get Carded: Briefly discussed this program’s purpose of getting people to become organ donors.

  1. Kaylin:

•Outreach Love

§Next orientation is Saturday, September 23rd, 2006 at 9:00 AM.

§This is a volunteer program that works with at-risk children in the Downtown Orlando area every other Saturday. Kaylin discussed how meaningful and wonderful the experience is and encouraged members to volunteer for it. Members receive many points for participating in this program. Experience is not necessary, and volunteers are assigned a child to tutor for the entire year. This program also works with a church in the area and there are elders from the organization that also help tutor.

§E-mail if you’d like to attend!

•March to College

§Kaylin discussed how the students from the Outreach Love program are brought to campus in the spring and given a tour. The children are shown that attending college is feasible and talked to about the financial aid available to help financing it.

  1. Kristi:

§Member feedback: Member feedback forms were passed out and members were instructed to write down anything that they would like to see at the meetings that would encourage them to attend. They were given a few minutes to complete this.

7.Yoh: Our UCF NSCS Website!

oMembers were encouraged to visit our website that our webmaster has done such a good job of putting together.

oGo to

oGet meeting minutes, event updates, and more. . .



§Members were encouraged to stop by the NSCS cubicle if they had any questions.


oRaffle drawing

§Kaylin drew raffle tickets for prizes. Prizes included candy with balloons, t-shirts, and a $10 Target gift card.

oClosing questions/concerns

§Members were asked if they had questions regarding anything. The meeting was ended and some members came up to the front to get flyers and to talk to officers regarding questions of what was discussed.

10.The officers discussed a meeting time for an officer’s meeting to discuss details of the induction. Our meeting will be next Friday at 7:00pm in front of the Student Union ballroom.