eSmart refers to the safe, appropriate and ethical use of ICT technology within the school. eSmart is a behaviour change initiative designed to create a positive, respectful and inclusive culture which reduces bullying, cyberbullying and increases online safety. Monash aims to provide a school which is a happy, safe, stimulating and supportive environment for all of its students.


eSmart schools provide a framework that guides the introduction of policies, practises and whole school change processes to support the creation of a cybersafe or eSmart environment.

Monash SDS will become an eSmart school by creating change through the 6 eSmart domains over a 4 year period

Implementation to create a positive, smart and safe use of technology within the school will include

1.  Effective school organisation

·  An eSmart committee will plan lessons for the senior students about cyber safety

·  There will be effective supervision of computers in the classroom.

·  There will be an induction process for students and staff to eSmart

2. School plans, policies and procedures

·  Monash SDS will have an eSmart policy

·  School wide positive behaviour plan strategies

·  Students and staff will have Acceptable Use Agreements of ICT within the school.

3. Respectful and Caring School Community

·  A strong set of values will guide behaviour

·  A wide range of opportunities will exist for cross- interaction of students in formal and informal ways including whole school event days and buddy programs

·  Public recognition and reward for positive behaviour through student awards in assemblies.

4. Effective Teacher Practises

·  Teacher modelling of safe, smart and responsible use of technologies

·  Teachers will have effective classroom management skills and will have a sense of responsibility to respond to unsafe or harmful behaviour

5. An eSmart Curriculum

·  Students will be taught about cyber-risks and cyber- safe practises

·  The curriculum will plan for the smart, safe and responsible use of information and communications technology for learning.

·  Students will be actively encouraged to report any incidence of bullying or cyber bullying to staff members

6. Partnerships with parents and the local community

·  Parents will be taught about bullying, cyber safety and the smart, safe and responsible use of information and communications technology through the website and school newsletters.

·  Parents and carers are taught and then requested to reinforce the safe and responsible use of ICT at home.

eSmart User Agreements for Students

1.  Email and worldwide web

·  Students will follow all teacher instruction regarding the use of the internet and email

·  Students will always use the internet and email in a responsible manner

·  Students will ensure that any email they send does not contain inappropriate content

·  Students will talk to a teacher if they

A)  Need help online

B)  They are not sure what they are doing on the internet

C)  They come across a site which is not suitable

2.  Personal Safety

·  Students will not share personal contact information about themselves or other people. Personal information includes addresses, telephone or school addresses.

·  Students will tell the teacher if any messages received are inappropriate or makes the students feel uncomfortable

·  Students will only use their first name on the World Wide Web

3.  ICT equipment

·  Students will take care of all ICT equipment in the school. This includes computers, interactive televisions, digital cameras, IPads and headphones.

·  Software and apps are available to the students as an educational resource. Students must not install, upload or download software without permission from the school. This includes unauthorised programs or games.

4.  Mobile Devices/IPad’s

·  Students will act responsibly with their phone and will not use the device to find, create or send information that may be harmful, inappropriate or hurtful. Students will not display, access or send offensive messages or pictures.

·  Students will not take photos of another student on their phone or Ipad.

·  Mobile phones will be put away during lesson times.

·  Students will not load any content onto websites

·  Students will report any inappropriate language or video on you tube.

5.  ICT Acceptable Use Agreement for students

Parent/Guardian Section
I have read the Monash SDS Acceptable Use Guidelines for my child.
I give permission for my child to access all components of the school electronic network which includes Education Department Internet Access, computer services, computer equipment, mobile devices and related equipment/software for educational purposes.
I understand that this Acceptable Use Guideline will be in place for the entire time that my child is enrolled at Monash SDS.
Parent/Guardian Name______
Parent/Guardian Signature______
Date Implemented / 2016
Author / Taesha Grffin
Approved By / School Council
Approval Authority (Signature & Date) / Feb 2016
Date Reviewed / Feb 2016
Responsible for Review / Assistant Principal
Review Date / 2018