Information & Technology Services

Initiatives for FY 09

Division: Provost

Office: Information & Technology Services


Initiative Persons Responsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A) Increase Knowledge of Constituent Needs and Preferences
·  Administer biennial MISO user survey
·  Develop service improvement strategy based on survey results
·  Distribute report of MISO survey results and service improvement strategy / C. Ferguson, I&TS directors, IRC, and key external stake-holders / In progress; to be administered in February / ·  Survey administered
·  PLU results received
·  PLU results reporting in progress
·  MISO cohort result to be received by end of May
B) Expand and Improve Communication with Leading I&TS Constituencies
·  Design an I&TS communication plan for I&TS news, systems & services advisories, instructional opportunities, and features of interest to constituencies through a variety of media
·  Designate an I&TS communications manager to develop and manage content, serve as I&TS web deputy, and otherwise implement I&TS communication plan / C. Ferguson, I&TS directors, IRC, and key external stake-holders / Awaiting permission to fill existing vacancy / ·  Position unfilled. Major reorganization of I&TS sets this initiative aside for now.
C) Focus I&TS Instructional Efforts on Leading Constituent Needs
·  Develop an annual instruction plan that coordinates librarian, Digital Media Center, User Support, and Multimedia Services educational efforts
·  Working with communications manager, promote instructional opportunities to campus constituencies / C. Ferguson, I&TS directors, IRC, and key external stake-holders / Awaiting communications manager (above); pro-motional brochure designed, printed, and distributed / ·  Major reorganization of I&TS is building this responsibility into a unit.
D) Assess Department Information Access and Technology Needs
·  Assess results of faculty interview pilot with Sociology & Social Work; determine feasibility of extending to rest of campus
·  Develop program for assessment of department needs and translation of findings into solutions plans / C. Ferguson, I&TS directors, IRC, and key external stake-holders / In progress; design of initial needs assessment is underway / ·  Position unfilled. Major reorganization of I&TS sets this initiative aside for now


Initiative Persons Responsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A) Develop Research Instruction Assessment Program
·  Review and select assessment tools (e.g., pre/post testing, NCATE standards)
·  Design strategy, implement program / Librarians, esp. G. Williams and G. Egbers / Feasibility of completing this year is under review / ·  Rolling this initiative over until FY2010.
B) Upgrade Additional Learning Spaces and Meetings Rooms with “Smart” Technologies
§  UC 201, Regency Room, 133, 134, 171
§  Rieke 210, 221, 223
§  MBR 3-5 classrooms TBD / K. Isakson and Multimedia Services staff / “Smart” upgrades completed for 5 UC rooms & 2 MBR classrooms plus Hauge 213 & 200, Hong 246A, Ingram 100, Leraas LH; media carts created for Harstad 109 and Eastvold 211, 227, 228. Rieke on hold. / ·  Completed.
C) Sustain Development of Sakai as Premier Learning Management System
§  Upgrade to version 2.5x
§  Enhance integration of online resources with Citation Manager tool
§  Implement and integrate anti-plagiarism software / L. Nordgren and DMC staff / ·  Sakai upgraded completed
·  Citation Manager installed
·  Turnitin installed, quick-starts created, training incorporated into Sakai workshops / ·  Turnitin application reviewed with IRC
D) Accelerate Cascade Content Management System Implementation
§  Migrate from VM to new hardware platform to improve performance
§  Continue migration of content into new sites; train and support new users
§  Integrate gallery and other multimedia display functionality
§  Integrate forms processing tool
(Something on next phase of CMS implementation? – LN) / L. Nordgren, A. Gerow, and DMC staff in consultation with University Communications / ·  Hardware migration done
·  27 new sites up; web deputies for sites trained / ·  Gallery integration complete


Initiative Persons Responsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A) Improve Physical Access to Services and Resources
§  Inventory 2nd floor print collection
§  Transfer CDs to main floor, increasing visibility & accessibility
§  Develop (and if feasible, implement) plan to extend regular weekday library hours to 2 a.m.
§  Install digital signage in library lobby, as planned in FY08 /
D. Harris & Library Circulation staff / ·  Inventory underway
·  CDs transfer completed
·  Library open to 2am for mid-terms, dead week, finals
·  Digital displays installed / ·  Complete
·  Complete
·  Library open to 1am
·  Complete
B) Improve Digital Access to Services and Resources
§  Review online license agreements and enter “terms of use” information into systems for display through online catalog and for use with eReserves, interlibrary loan, and Sakai
§  Complete 5-year project to catalog backlog in Archives and Special Collections / F. Lane Rasmus and Library Technical Services staff / ·  In progress
·  In progress / ·  In progress
·  Complete
C) Prepare for Library Renovation Planning
§  Complete the comprehensive signage program in progress for the library; begin implementation where feasible
§  Assess print collection growth needs for 2008 to 2018 / F. Lane Rasmus, Library Circulation staff, and Library Technical Services staff / ·  In progress
·  In progress / ·  In progress
·  Complete
D) Ensure Preservation of University’s Administrative History
§  Finalize university’s document retention program
§  Obtain endorsement from university officers and counsel
§  Publicize program and provide compliance instruction / K. Ringdahl / ·  In progress
·  In progress
·  In progress / ·  In progress


Initiative Persons Responsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A) Increase Campus Awareness of Guidelines for Computing and Information Security
§  Develop guidelines for more secure laptop use
§  Refine existing guidelines, information sources; create appropriate content in Cascade
§  Undertake publicity campaign for protecting/safeguarding University data, coordinating this initiative with initiative I.A., above / M. Crayton, User Support, Staff, key directors in I&TS /
Review of current guidelines underway; refinement and publicity to follow / ·  Process started but interrupted due to other projects.
B) Develop Comprehensive Training Program for Desktop Computing
§  Assess campus-wide interests in training content, frequency, and modes of instruction
§  Plan and implement training program, coordinating with Human Resources and with initiatives I.A. and I.C., above / M. Crayton, User Support, and key external stake-holders / Developing targeted survey to determine needs; 4 workshops already planned for Feb. 3 Prof. Dev. Day / ·  Began discussion of training needs. Project on hold due to preparation of several workshops held in coordination with HR and a special training project organized for Facilities staff.


Initiative Persons Responsible Mid-Year Review End of Year

A) Improve Viability and Functionality of the Banner Information System
§  Migrate Banner to a new hardware environment (Mint3), including new servers and backup & recovery systems
§  Install Banner 8.x into pre-production testing
§  Begin planning for migration off VMS operating system / C. Sanders and Administrative Computing staff / “Cocoa” enters production Dec. 12, “Mint” enters production in Spring; VMS system awaits Jan. release of funds / ·  New systems (Cocoa and Mint) and backups are in production.
·  Sungard has not released Banner 8.x to run on VMS as of this report
·  Discussions are being held on campus, Dimension Systems and HP.
B) Ensure Alignment of Administrative Computing Operations and Resources with Campus Priorities and Expectations
§  Review and adjust project priorities monthly with AIE Group
§  Assess and review with AIE Group all requests for administrative software
§  Coordinate annual tactical and strategic initiatives with AIE Group / C. Sanders and Administrative Computing staff / Processes established; work with functional groups and AIE Group is now ongoing / • Continuing to Meet with Functional Teams and with the AIE Group
C) Continue Network Upgrade and Expansion Program
§  Wireless network: expand and upgrade wireless zones for more extensive and robust coverage
§  Network core and Internet connectivity: establish redundancy to increase overall reliability of network and networked resources
§  Replace remainder of outdated network hardware / D. Allen and Systems & Communication staff / · 
·  Installation plan on schedule; now 60% complete
·  Core network equipment mostly updated, K-20 network redundancy project underway / ·  Installation now 75% complete. New designs and plans for academic spaces
·  K-20 project tentatively scheduled for last week in May.
D) Increase Support Capacity for Systems & Communication
§  Fill senior systems administrator vacancy (existing position)
§  Fill network engineer vacancy (new position)
§  Realign team and individual responsibilities based on technical experience and areas of interest / D. Allen, C. Ferguson, and Systems & Communication staff / ·  Two vacancies filled
·  Major realignment of responsibilities complete; ongoing review of success underway / ·  Complete
·  New challenge: Impending July 24th departure of Unix Systems Administrator
E) Implement More Flexible and Dynamic Systems Architecture
§  Implement new VMWare and iSCSI systems
§  Re-provision several existing systems onto new platform / D. Allen and Systems & Communication staff / ·  New VMWare ad ISCSI systems now online
·  Transition of other existing systems to follow soon / ·  Some physical to virtual migration complete, more scheduled for Memorial Day
F) Begin Shift From “1 server = 1 service” Resource Allocation to Resource Need-Based Model
§  Perform capacity assessments and capacity planning of systems and services, particularly mission critical applications
§  Establish procedures for providing services that use new dynamic resource pools, including Processor/Memory (VMWare), Storage, (SAN), and redundancy (MCLT & LIBR Data centers) / D. Allen and Systems & Communication staff / Will begin following completion of V.E., above / ·  Began using a similar model as we plan PIMS migration and begin planning around AIE/Web consulting process