EOCT Review –Chapters 28 - 32 of US Hist. Text

Define the following vocabulary:

1.  Warren Court: SC chief justice in 50s & 60s that was known for landmark liberal decisions—“Brown” and “Miranda”

2.  Miranda v Arizona: police must inform suspects of const. rights at time of arrest- strengthened individual rights

3.  Assassination of Kennedy: Dallas 1963 showed govt strong to live on even when Pres. killed and helped LBJ get leg. passed

4.  Great Society: LBJ’s vision for US to give better standard of living and greater opportunity regardless of backgroun

5.  Medicare: Great Society program to provide healthcare for elderly and disabled

6.  Tet Offensive: 1968 Vietcong offensive of 100 South Vietnamese towns. Prompted many in US to turn against war

7.  Assassination of MLK: 1968 caused riots across US . One month later Civil Rights Act 1968- ended housing discrimination

8.  Assassination of Robert Kennedy: 1968 killed on the same night he won the California primary for President

9.  1968 Democratic National Convention: Chicago where police used violence against protesters on TV

10.  Anti-Vietnam War Movement: vocal opposition to war. Began on college campuses opposed to draft- later more radical

11.  Women’s Movement: felt ignored in civil rights and anti-war movements

12.  National Organization for Women (NOW): equality in employment, political & social equality, passage of ERA

13.  United Farm Workers’ Movement: Latino protest to gain civil rights & contract for higher wages and benefits

14.  Cesar Chavez: led nonviolent farm workers boycott of grapes to get new contract for workers

15.  Environmental Movement: protecting environment important in the 1960s

16.  Silent Spring: 1962 book about pesticides’ danger to environment. Led to Water Quality Act

17.  Rachel Carson: Wrote Silent Spring

18.  Earth Day: 1970 celebration with events annually to raise awareness of environmental issues.

19.  Environmental Protection Agency: Nixon created in 1970 to set limits on pollution, research, and assist in clean up of sites

20.  Conservative Movement: believed federal govt should not try to fix social and econ. problems of poverty, discrim. & oppor.

21.  Barry Goldwater: Republican nominee for Pres. in 1964 –Conservative- sell TVA, social security voluntary, increase Vietnam involvement

22.  Richard Nixon: 1968 Conservative Pres. winner. Wanted New Federalism- end fed. powers of social welfare & give to states

23.  Roe v Wade: expanded Const. right of privacy to include abortion- protected woman’s right to choose

24.  Regents of University of California v Bakke: race CAN be used when considering college application- but no quotas

25.  Nixon’s visit to China: success – seeking scientific, cultural, and trade agreements and get support against Soviets

26.  Watergate Scandal: attempt to cover up burglary of Dem. Party offices- forced resignation- public cynical about politics

27.  Gerald Ford: Replaced Nixon and then pardoned him. Vietnam war ended which was good part of 2 year presidency

28.  Jimmy Carter: intl. issues by trying to bring peace to Middle East- Camp David Accords, Iranian Rev., Hostage crisis

29.  Camp David Accords: peace agreement between Egypt and Israel – positive event for Carter

30.  Iranian Revolution: 1978 replaced shah (friendly to US) with Muslim religious leader (unfriendly to US)

31.  Iranian Hostage Crisis: US embassy and hostages taken by revolut. upset over Carter allowing shah in US for medical help

32.  Ronald Reagan: 1980s President- conservative who wanted to decrease the size and role of federal government

33.  Reaganomics: budget & tax cuts, increased defense spending. Cut social welfare budgets- hurt lower income people – led to recession

34.  Iran-Contra Scandal: Reagan failure in intl. policy- weapons sold to Iran using profit to fund Contra rebels in Nicauragua

35.  Collapse of Soviet Union: Reagan success in intl. policy- Soviets on path to Dem. Gov. – led to 15 new countries

36.  Bill Clinton: presidency included NAFTA and impeachment but remained in office and finished 2nd term

37.  North American Free Trade Agreement: brought Mexico into free trade zone with US and Canada. Pro- open growing Mexican market to US trade Con- send jobs to Mexico

38.  Impeachment of Bill Clinton: charged with perjury and obstruction of justice for improper use of money from real estate deal and improper relationship with intern

39.  Electoral College: each state has electors to represent them in voting for president . Bush won in electoral college but Gore won popular vote in 2000 presidential election

40.  George W. Bush: president on 9-11- created Homeland Security and law s increasing ability to find terrorists

41.  Operation Enduring Freedom: response to 9-11 invasion of Afghanistan for harboring al-Qaeda

42.  War on Terrorism: international coalition to fight the al-Qaeda network and other terrorist groups

43.  Operation Iraqi Freedom: Invasion of Iraq looking for WMD and Hussein. Hussein executed… weapons not found