Chapter 24 – “The Roaring Twenties” NAME______

Section 2 – Life during the 1920s

Big Idea

Americans faced new opportunities, challenges, and fears as major changes swept the country in the 1920s.

Key Terms and People

flappers– young ______who cut their hair short and wore ______and short ______, openly challenging how women were supposed to behave.

Red Scare –a fear of ______or “Reds.” Many worried that Communist ideas might spread in the US like they did in Russia.

Sacco and Vanzetti – Italian-born immigrants accused of being communists and killing a factory paymaster. They were found ______and ______in 1927.

ACLU – The ______Civil Liberties Union – organization formed to help protect ______. They tried unsuccessfully to defend ______and ______

Twenty-first Amendment– Constitutional amendment that ended ______

fundamentalism– a Protestant religious movement characterized by the literal word-for-word interpretation of the ______.

Scopes trial– A Tennessee high school science teacher, John T. Scopes, was put on trial for teaching about ______. He was found guilty, but his conviction was later overturned.

Great Migration– During World War I large numbers of ______began leaving the ______to take jobs in ______factories. During the recession following the war, racial tension and ______occurred in the North.

Marcus Garvey– Garvey encouraged black people around the world to express ______in their culture. This started a movement called “Black Nationalism” which believed that ______should have their own businesses and ______.

Key Questions

  1. How did women in the 1920s express their independence?

They pursued ______education, entered ______, and trained for ______which used to be done only by ______. They dressed in new styles.

  1. Why were new immigration laws passed in the 1920s?

Because at the Americans had developed a ______of ______and saw them as a threat to American ______

  1. What cultural conflict did the Scopes trial represent?

The conflict between ______beliefs and ______ideals over the theory of evolution.

  1. How did minorities react to discrimination in the 1920s?

They formed ______that worked to protect their ______and found ways to express ______in their culture.