The Tuition Reimbursement Program allows full-time nonrepresented employees to prepare for career advancement within the MilwaukeeAreaTechnicalCollege. The Professional Development Department administers the program according to the following guidelines. Failure to meet or follow the guidelines may nullify eligibility for reimbursement. Contact the Professional Development Department at 297-6912, if you have questions on any of the guidelines.

  1. This program will commence on July 1, the beginning of each fiscal year and ends on June 30th of the fiscal year. Total reimbursements are limited to the annual budget appropriations approved by the MATC Board.
  1. Courses taken for credit must be approved in advance by the employee's Supervisor, Division Head and the ProfessionalDevelopment Department. Each course must have a separate application form. Employees at and below the Coordinator level mustmeet additional criteria if they want to pursue a Ph.D or Ed.D program or courses. The additional criteria are in number 22 below.
  1. Eligibility for participation in the MATC Tuition Reimbursement Program will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Date of submission of information showing that course tuition has been paid will be the basis of eligibility. Submission of the tuition reimbursement application is aprior step in the tuition reimbursement process and proof of approved deferment and timepayment plans will be accepted.
  1. Courses taken must directly relate to the employees current job. Reimbursements will only occur if the job description the employee currently in requires an advanced degree or the position they are currently in has the likelihood of advancement within that job family to a position requiring an advanced degree.
  1. Courses must be taken at an accredited institution or school approved by the Professional Development Department, orregional accrediting body, such as the Higher Learning Commission (HLC/ North Central Association/NCA).
  1. In questionable situationsthe Associate Vice President of Human Resources will make the final decision about the eligibility of courses and employee participation in the Tuition Reimbursement Program.
  1. This program will reimburse courses taken for credit that promote professional development. Enrichment courses are notreimbursable.
  1. An employee who has a course paid for by another source is not eligible for MATC's Tuition Reimbursement Program.
  1. Employees must satisfactorily complete their coursework by receiving a minimum grade of Bfor undergraduate courses orB for graduate courses. Official documentation of successful completionor transcripts of a course must be provided.
  1. Employees who do not complete courses or who receive an unsatisfactory grade will not be eligible for tuition reimbursement.
  1. Official grade reports or transcripts showing final grade or satisfactory completion must be received by the ProfessionalDevelopment Department within eight weeks after the course ends within the fiscal year or reimbursement will be denied. Extensions may be requested by completing the appropriate form and submitting it to the Professional Development Department.
  1. Employees who do not complete courses or who receive an unsatisfactory grade will not be eligible for tuition reimbursement.
  1. All coursework and related homework must be done on the employee's own time.
  1. Employees whovoluntarily or involuntarily leave MATC service prior to completing reimbursable coursework forfeit their right to reimbursementunless they were laid off.
  1. A six-month waiting period will be served by new employees before they are eligible to apply for tuition reimbursement.
  1. Employees taking courses which automatically qualify them for additional salary increments or bonuses will not beonsidered as qualifying for tuition reimbursement.
  1. Fees for classes/programs, certification tests or professional license and credentials are not reimbursable. Tuition only.
  1. Nonrepresented employees at the Coordinator level or below will be eligible for up to $2,000 per fiscal year. Managers and above will be eligible for up to $4,000 in a fiscal year.
  1. If a nonrepresented employee is cumulatively exceeding$4,000 they would be asked to sign a contract stipulating that they would maintain their employment with MATC for one year after attainment of an advancedor terminal (PhD or EdD) degree or repay the tuition paid under the Tuition Reimbursement program.
  1. Tuition reimbursement is applied to the year in which a course ends and all documentation must be submitted by June 30.
  1. Payments will be processed through the Payroll Department and will applied to payroll within two pay periods.
  1. Nonrepresented tuition Reimbursement application, guidelines, and procedures for employees at the Coordinator level or belowwho wish to pursue a PhD or EdD degree.

. Procedures for employees at or below the Coordinator level

1. The employee must have a master’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

2. The employee must have at least three (3) years of current and continuous employment with MATC.

3. The employee must have good employee performance reviews for the last three years of full time employment.

  1. The employee must complete the Advanced Degree Prior Approval Request Form and obtain approval. This form can be obtained from the Professional Development Department.
  2. Information that must be completed on the form:
  • The employee has to write a narrative requesting approval to the immediate supervisor and division head on the form provided by the Professional Development Department.
  • This narrative by the employee should indicate what type of MATC position this advance degree would make him/her eligible for as a reasonable promotional opportunity at MATC that can be completed within five (5) years.
  • This narrative should also indicate why the employee needs to have employment qualifications beyond the Bachelors/Masters degree level and at the PhD or EdD.
  • On this form both the immediate supervisor and divisional head must approve or reject this request. These administrators should provide a written reason for their decision.
  • If the request is approved, tuition reimbursement monies are provided for the level of the current position.
  • Before monies are allocated the employee must show acceptance in the program, a completed nonrepresented Prior Approval Form with appropriate signatures, schedule of classes, and proof of tuition paid.
  • If the request is rejected, the employee may appeal to the Associate Vice President of Human Resources. The decision of the Associate Vice President will be final.

If you want to know if you are eligible to receive reimbursement for a course, contact the Professional Development Department at 297-6912. Additional Tuition Reimbursement applications are available from this Department.