PERMIT application

graze livestock on a road reserve

Grazing of livestock on specified roads
Applicant Name
Telephone / Mobile
Email Address / Fax
Preferred method to receive permit: □Fax □Email □Post □ Collect from ISC office
Brand/Breed of livestock:
Number of livestock:
Owner of livestock (if same as applicant, please list “as above”):
Address of owner (if same as applicant, please list “as above”):
Important Requirements:
The applicant MUST hold current Public Liability Insurance for an amount not less than TEN MILLION DOLLARS ($10,000,000) and must produce to Council evidence of such insurance. (Certificate of Currency)
The applicant must comply with any and all terms and conditions attached to the permit
The owner of the stock must have a grazing permit relating to the relevant reserve being grazed
The roads or parts thereof proposed to be grazed must not cause a threat to areas of high conservation significance.
A person making an application for a permit to graze a roadside which does not adjoin his/her property must obtain agreement in writing from the adjoining landowner.
All other conditions under Local Law No 4 apply.
A non-refundable application fee of $109.05 per annum is payable for this application

Checklist for required items

(The application will be returned to the applicant if documentation is not attached)

Copy of current Public Liability Insurance-no less than TEN MILLION DOLLARS

Copy of other consents (VicRoads etc)

Payment of Application Fee $109.05

Permit Number: ______Receipt Number: ______

Customer Service Officer: ______

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

Privacy Policy Information

Personal information collected by Council is used for municipal purposes as specified in the Local Government Act 1989. The personal information will be used solely by Council for these purposes and/or directly related purposes. Council may disclose this information to other organisations if required by legislation. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the above purpose and that he/she may apply to Council for access to and/or amendments of the information. Any requests for access and/or correction should be made to Council’s Privacy Officer.

Terms and Conditions

  1. This permit shall have a maximum life of twelve (12) months from the date of issue.
  2. The applicant must only graze on a Road Reserve abutting their own property.
  3. The livestock grazing roadside under this permit shall at all times be supervised and under effective control of a person who is competent in the management of livestock so as to ensure the safety of all road users.
  4. No temporary fencing is to be erected on a Road Reserve.
  5. The carcass of any livestock under the person’s charge, which dies on a road, is properly disposed of.
  6. Livestock are grazed only during daylight hours.
  7. Signs conforming to guidelines prepared by Vicroads and referred to in the Regulations are in place. (Reference “Manual for traffic control at stock crossings”
  8. Appropriate precautions are taken to ensure that no damage occurs to road surfaces, furniture, drains, culverts, bridges and private entrance ways or to trees and shrubs growing within the road reserve and that erosion is not caused by excessive grazing.
  9. In the event that livestock are causing damage including where overgrazing occurs, they are removed from the road reserve.
  10. Compliance with verbal or written instructions given by an authorised officer or the Council’s Chief Executive Officer or delegate.
  11. All livestock grazing on the road reserve pursuant to this permit shall be removed from the road reserve into a secure fenced area on the livestock owner’s property on the approach of driven livestock and shall not be allowed back onto the road reserve until the driven livestock have fully passed the permit area.
  12. This permit will cease and be inoperative and stock grazed pursuant to this permit shall be removed from the permitted area within two hours of an instruction to so remove if the conditions of this permit have been disregarded or if a notice to remove for other reasons has been given to the supervising stockman or the livestock owner.
  13. The requirement that an Inspector of Livestock of Department of Natural Resources & Environment administering the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 is notified if the person in charge of such livestock becomes aware or suspects that livestock (or any of them) have a disease or has died of a disease listed as a notifiable disease under that Act.
  14. The requirement that the provisions of the Livestock Disease Control Act 1994 and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 are complied with at all times.
  15. That where required by Council any person making an application for a permit to graze a roadside which does not adjoin his own property shall first obtain agreement in writing from the adjoining landowner.
  16. No permit will be issued for areas designated High Conservation Value under Council’s Roadside Management Policy.
  17. The permit holder shall at all times during the agreed term, be the holder of a current Public Liability Insurance Policy in respect of the activities specified herein in the name of the permit holder providing coverage for a minimum sum of $10 million. The Public Liability Policy shall be affected with an insurer approved by the Council.
  18. Special Conditions (to be inserted)


Permit Application - To Graze Livestock on a Road Reserve.doc