Wellington Town Council

Town MayorTown Clerk

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBEKAREN ROPER

B.A (Hons), DMS

Civic Offices, Larkin Way

Tan Bank, Wellington

Telford TF1 1LX

Tel: 01952 567697

Fax: 01952 567690





Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 27thJuly 2016commencing at 11.00am.


Cllr Cindy Mason-Morris
Cllr Dennis Allen
Cllr Angela McClements – arrived late after appointment
Cllr Brittain
Cllr Fairclough
Cllr Phil Morris-Jones
Kevin Tanner
Bob Coalbran
Ross Vickers
John Sweetland
Jean Wordsworth
Eric Westwood
Ian Davies

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Communications and Events Manager

25/16Welcome and Introductory Remarks

In Cllr Carter and Cllr Tomlinson’s absence Cllr Mason-Morris took the chair and welcomed members to the meeting.

26/16Apologies for Absence

Cllr Fikeis, Cllr Tomlinson, Cllr Carter, Cllr Hall

Apologies accepted

At this point the meeting was not quorate. Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Brittain and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that it is recommended to Full Council that Councillors who sit on the P & L Committee that do not have voting rights should be given them to prevent delays in the decision making process.

Cllr McClements arrived at this point and the meeting was therefore now quorate.

27/16Declarations of Interest

Members only need declare any interest they may have in items of business in this Agenda.No declarations were received.

28/16To confirm the minutes from the last meeting – Wednesday 29thJune 2016.

Proposed by CllrBrittain, seconded by Cllr Mason-Morrisand RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that the minutes of the meeting held on 29thJune 2016 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

29/16Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.

(vi) / Minute 18/16(iii) Wellington Map re-print
Caroline confirmed to the Committee that the amendments had been made and the ‘final’ proof was expected back from Emerge Design today. This would then be authorised and confirmation given to re-print. Expected delivery within two weeks.
Minute 18/16 (iv) Indoor Market plan of stalls
Caroline confirmed that after speaking to Fay Easton the Market Company had no spare funding for this to be a joint venture. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the Council should be promoting the Market and instructed Caroline to speak with Fay to ensure that if authorised the map would include both the indoor and the outdoor market areas. The conversation should also include that this is what the market traders themselves would like to see and how it would be maintained. The cost of the project would be reduced due to the Committee agreeing not to purchase the hanging signs and only the floor plan.
Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Brittain and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that Caroline should liaise with Fay and obtain further in depth information on this and produce a mock up for the next meeting.
Minute 18/16 (v) Wellington Carnival Committee
Caroline made the Committee aware that there was to be a group of interested people meeting on 1st August at 7.00pm at the Plough pub to discuss the future of the Carnival to hopefully form a working group to get the Carnival revived.
Cllr Brittain expressed concern that she had been told that Joan Jones was going to donate the previous Carnival fund of £1500.00 to charity if she was not contacted soon.
Minute 19/16 (i) £1000.00 donation
Caroline confirmed that the £1000.00 had been received from the Wellington Partnership and was available to spend.
On the back of the previous discussion in minute 18/16 (iv) above it was agreed that the donation could be used to cover this cost.
Caroline also presented the opportunity of planting bulbs in two areas identified by Rob Jeavons with the donation, this was dismissed by the Committee.
After further discussion it was Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr Brittain and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that Caroline should liaise with Fay and obtain further in depth information on this and produce a mock up for the next meeting as noted in the above minute.
Minute 22/16 (i) Damage to Station Road public information board
As Cllr Carter was absent there was no update received on this.
Minute 23/16 (i) Update on repair work from Stella Jameson to frontages of Wellingtons buildings.
As Cllr Carter was absent there was no update received on this.
Ross Vickers mentioned that Frank Lauriello from the Chamber of Commerce had written a letter to T & W proposing a scheme to move this forward and was yet to hear back from them.
After a conversation Ross had with the Manager at Weatherspoons Ross was delighted to report that work was already underway painting and maintaining their property.

30/16 Correspondence:

Best Dressed Window Competition

Caroline showed the Committee a mock up letter that is normally sent to local shops and the market promoting the best dressed window and market stall competition. Fay Easton had suggested a Victorian rascal theme for the forthcoming Victorian Market so presented the idea of a ‘Christmas Carol’ theme for the window / stall displays. Fay had also included a handy ‘tip’ sheet to help people in designing their displays that could be sent out with the entry letter and was also in discussions with the fancy dress shop in Market Street in the hope that they would hold donated stock that people could come in and borrow materials.

It was agreed by all members that this was a good idea and they authorised the theme and the helpful tip sheet.

Eric Westwood mentioned that the little theatre at Donnington would be performing a Christmas Carol in November.

Bayley Mile

Jim Mostyn, of Wrekin College, called into the office to speak with Caroline last week. Jim is still working with Wrekin College but in a reduced capacity. Jim wanted Caroline to ask the Council if they were still happy for him to co-ordinate the Bayley Mile due to his circumstances changing.

Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris, seconded by Cllr McClements and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that Jim Mostyn should continue to co-ordinate the Bayley Mile in future years.

Market Square Lamp Post Banners

It had been suggested at the recent Wellington Festival meeting the idea or re-introducing banners on the four lampposts in the Market Square. Caroline had received a quote from the sign shop of £220.00 per pair of brackets to hold the banners in place.

A discussion took place whether or not to purchase them due to the fact that to see the banners the public would already be in the Market Square so would it be a waste of money, or alternatively having them in place would show the public that Wellington has events going on and the cost would be a long term investment which other community groups could utilise.

Proposed by Cllr Mason-Morris , seconded by Cllr McClements and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that two pairs of brackets should be purchased after banner and cherry picker prices had been clarified further.

31/16Forthcoming events calendar and additional events for 2016/2017 including Rob Francis’s events.

Cllr Carter had spoken to Caroline and said that he was planning on presenting this in Spring next year ready for Summer 2017.

It was then mentioned within the Committee that complaints had been made to Councillors about the noise level at some of the events in the Market Square and that organisers, such as Rob Francis and Tony Nicholls, should be responsible for policing the event and checking on the level of noise.

32/16Wellington Festival:

Cllr Mason-Morris informed the Committee that the Wellington Festival programme was now complete and the final proof was with Emerge Design. An example of the programme was held up for the Committee to see that this year a bright and vibrant look had been given to mark the 20th anniversary and expansion of the festival.

Extra focus had been given to the marketing of the festival and adverts had been made in the following publications: Family Grapevine, 31 Days, Hype, Scene, Wrekin news and What’s on. A poster had also been designed for on the new Southwater Car park for the month of September.

More venues and a more diverse range of events had been organised for this year, in addition to the traditionalevents.

An online ticket system had been introduced where the public were encourage to pre book tickets – although all tickets would be free still, only independent events carry a small charge. By using Eventbrite a database was being created and figures on ticket sales could be easily produced. Email ‘shots’ could be regularly sent to the database further increasing ticket sales. In the attempt to omit people not turning up to events emails were planned to be sent a few days prior to each event as a reminder and requesting if seats no longer needed that we were told so that tickets could be reissued.

20% of tickets had already been taken which was a great result as the programme still had not been launched and interested ‘acts’ were still approaching Caroline to be part of the festival. If they could be included Caroline was adding to the programme continuously broadening the festival appeal.

It was suggested that the database being created could be used to promote other Council events – Caroline to look into data protection surrounding this.

33/16Walkers are Welcome:

Bob Coalbran informed the Committee that it was only seven weeks until their walking festival. Two display and promotion days were planned in the PRH and Wellington leisure centre to further promote the event.

Walking festival banners were requested to be erected on Aug 22nd, Caroline to arrange.

The path clearance team had completed work on Christine Avenue and Ercall Lane and were starting work tomorrow on connecting paths at Dothill Nature reserve across the meadow. On 4th and 18th August the team would be concentrating on any footpaths that are reported as needing attention within Wellington.

A meeting was being held later today to discuss rescue work on the Limekiln Wood footpaths.

34/16To receive information on other future events and activities.

September 25thArleston Memories Day – SHOULD READ 24th

September 25thMayors Civic Service6.30pm All Saints Church

OctoberWellington Festival

December 11thMayors Carol Service6.30pm All Saints Church

Caroline passed around a provisional document containing the Terms of Reference for the P & L committee. It was requested that any amendments / additions to this should be given to Caroline or direct to the Town Clerk.

The Wrekin Salon is open for entries on Monday 1 August and closes on Sunday 9 November.

Rob Francis’s successful PIYHS Muriel trail bid is moving forward. Historic people have been chosen and sites contacted. Please see attached document for further details.

Telford Lions will be holding a bric a brac stall in the market on the 12th and 13th August.

Ross Vickers mentioned that the light in the Lychgate needed to be repaired and could also do with re-decoration as the Lych gate, after renovation, looks much improved but these last two items could do with addressing. Cllr McClements requested that Ross Vickers cc’s her into any email trails so that she can follow up with T & W.

Ian Davies mentioned to the Committee the bad state that the Bus Station was in. Caroline reported that annual cleansing had been completed, after a previous complaint, and that the cleaning company were adamant they had done all that they were required to do.

It was agreed that Caroline should pass this recent complaint to Cllr Carter along with the issue of lack of timetables in the town and on the bus station noticeboards as people going to the Library are being directed to the Telford depot.

Cllr Mason-Morris agreed to draft up a letter that could be sent to Arriva highlighting discussed points.

Cllr Mason-Morris ended the meeting by mentioning a new website that promotes events in Wellington after 6.00pm and if any members know of any such events to getthem promoted on the site.

34/16To agree date and time of next meeting;

Wednesday 28thSeptember2016 at 11.00am.

Signed ……………….…28thSeptember 2016
