Tiogue Elementary School Monthly



Be Kind. Responsible Behavior. Always Ready to Learn. Value Yourself and Others.

Everybody is Somebody at Tiogue!


From Mrs. Seitsinger, Principal :

Happy February! It has been a coldwinter season and we are aware this is New England and weather conditions may change very quickly. We are hoping we will not have too many more snowstorms as we move into February and March. We appreciate all of your support in keeping our students safe and healthy in this winter season. It has been a very busy and productive January. We have completed S.T.A.R. assessments at Grades K-5 in Reading, and Math. The data gleaned from these screenings will provide important information to help us support our students in terms of interventions and related instruction. Thank you very much for supporting this very important process for our school.

Our teachers are all working diligently to meet all of our students’ academic needs and continue to grow professionally on many levels. Using data from related assessments and classroom performance, teachers are working to help students meet their goals. Classroom teachers and most of our specialists are working on a professional goal to integrate more technology into their instruction. With the support of our Director of Education and Technology Systems, Dr. Lynne Burke, we are all learning more about Google and how to integrate technology into our instruction to support our students. We are also preparing for our PARCC assessments in Grades 3 – 5 which will occur from March 16 – April 7 for the Performance Based Assessment. A testing schedule was forwarded to all parents via e-mail a few weeks ago. More information will be forwarded to you soon. As we prepare for this online, interactive assessment in Reading, Writing, and Math, teachers are practicing released items with our students. They will also be practicing certain technology features available to students as needed including highlighting, magnification, etc. We are testing our technology infrastructure on February 10th with our Grade 3 students only – this will not count as part of their actual testing period. This is simply to test our technological capacities as a district for the actual assessment. Other schools will also be participating in this test on that day. It will take about thirty minutes to one hour and students will be utilizing our ChromeBooks as they will when they take the actual test later in March.

On December 3rd our school enjoyed an outstanding Holiday concert from our Grades 3- 5 chorus with Ms. Maria DiNitto. Their singing was very impressive with very little time for practice. On December 5thh the PTA sponsored its Santa’sDinner and it was a very successful, fun event for all. The weeks of December 8th and 15th the students enjoyed learning about computer programming through our “Hour of Code” event. Our Grade 4 team helped to coordinate this special program for our school as Grade 4 students and teachers helped our other grade levels. I was also fortunate to read “The Polar Express” to Grade 3 students and “Winter’s Gift” to our Grade 2 students in December. Each of these stories has a beautiful message and we engaged in some great reading conversations. We also enjoyed a fabulous holiday concert with our chorus in December for all of our students. In January, parents learned a great deal from our school psychologist in an “Anxiety Workshop.” Third grade students also received dictionaries which were donated to us from the Coventry Grange. We also held a Title I Literacy Night for families at Hopkins Hill School for Blackrock, Hopkins Hill, and Tiogue families. Molar Express was also at Tiogue to provide dental services to students during the month of January.

Some interesting and important events coming up in February. We will be participating in American Heart Association’s “Jumprope for Heart” campaign the week of February 9-14. Students will take part in these activities during their Physical Education classes with Mrs. DelSanto who is coordinating this program for us. Wednesday,February 4, 2015 we will have a Popcorn Day during our lunches. On Wednesday February 11th our PTA will have a meeting at 7:00 p.m. in our library. Our winter recess is from February 16 – 20, 2015. Enjoy! On Thursday, February 12, 2015, I will host a Principal’s Tea in the library. I look forward to discussing any ideas and questions and just getting to know you. Enjoy! There will be a School Committee Meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. On February 26, 2015, Grade 4 only will be participating in NAEP testing in Reading, Math, and Science. This is a National test that schools are randomly chosen for and results are not sent to us at the local level. Results are reviewed at the National level to examine nationwide achievement data. Please go to for more information regarding this assessment. In addition, Coventry will be hosting a Google Summit Conference on February 28th and March 1st for educators from both here and around the state.

We will be participating in “Pennies for Patients” to help raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in March. Look for more information in this newsletter and also in notices to be sent home. Pennies for Patients drive will be happening from March 2- 13. We will be collecting change for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to benefit patients and their families. All students will have individual collection boxes to put their coins in and return to classroom collection boxes. Popcorn Day and Team Up Against Leukemia Day will be held during March. We hope to break last year's total of over $2,000. Start collecting now! Together we can make a difference in the lives of those with leukemia and lymphoma.

In March, some important dates:In March we look forward to hosting our Title I Workshop for Parentscalled the STEP program – March 11, 18, and 25.On March 2, 2015 we will have our PTA meeting. On March 4, 2015, popcorn will be sold at all lunches. On March 10, 2015 Tiogue will be hosting the School Committee and make a presentation for our school. You are all welcome to attend to celebrate our students’ and schools’ accomplishments. Our Second Trimester Ends March 13, 2015. Kindergarten registration will take place on March 14, 2015. The PTA Providence Bruins game for Tiogue will be on March 15, 2015. On March 19, 2015 we will have LifeTouch here for Spring photos. The “Bubblemania” performance sponsored by our PTA will take place on March 20, 2015. On March 27,2015, 2nd Trimester Report Cards will Go Home. Spring officially begins on March 20, 2015. Also on March 4, 2015we will have our Popcorn Day with all donations raised to go to our “Pennies for Patients” fund. On March 26, 2015I will be hosting a “Principal’s Tea” at 3:30 p.m. in the library. Our PTA Spring Book Fair will take place from March 26- April 3, 2015. Looking forward to April – Parent Teacher Conferences will be held after school on April 9, 2015. In addition, PARCC Performance Based Assessments in Reading, Writing, and Math will take place in Grades 3-5 from March 16 – April 7, 2015.

Thank you again for all of your continued support for our entire school community at Tiogue. We could not do what we do everyday without all of you and your support!

Your Partner in Education,

Louise K. Seitsinger


Parent Tip of the Month:

After your child eats, he/she should clean up after themselves. This includes clearing the table and making sure there isn’t any trash left on the floor around or around the eating area. It is important for your child to be responsible for cleaning up after themselves no matter where he/she is and to be sure not to litter.

*From “The Essential 55” by Ron Clark

Tiogue Parent List Serv Update:

Our Parent list serv is a great source for school information. There is also a way for parents to go to our website to add their e-mail address if they have not done so earlier this year. Please look for that information on our webpage.

If you should need a form for the list serv please call our office or e-mail me. Thank you. 

February, 2015

Dates to Remember

Tuesday, February 3, 2015 BIOMES Tank Program Gr. 5

Wednesday, February 4, 2015 School Improvement Team Meeting

PTA Popcorn sold at all Lunches

Monday, February 9, 2015 2nd Mid-Trimester Reports Go Home

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 School Committee Mtg. - HH

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 PTA General Membership Meeting

Thursday, February 12, 2015 Universal P.B.I.S. Meeting

Principal’s Tea

Saturday, February 14, 2015 Valentine’s Day

Monday, February 16-20, 2015 Winter Recess

Tuesday, February 24, 2015 School Committee Meeting

Upcoming Dates

March, 2015

March 2 – 13, 2015 “Pennies for Patients” Campaign

Monday, March 2, 2015 PTA General Membership Mtg.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 School Imp. Team Mtg.

PTA Popcorn sold at all Lunches (for “Pennies for Patients” Campaign)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 School Committee Presentation- Tiogue

Wednesday, March 11, 18, 25, 2015 Title I STEP Parenting Program – BR, HH,TI

Thursday, March 12, 2015 Gr. 5 BIOMES Tank Presentation

Friday, March 13, 2015 2nd Trimester Ends

Saturday, March 14, 2015 Kindergarten Registration – Central Office

Sunday, March 15, 2015 PTA Prov. Bruins Game – for Tiogue

Monday, March 16 – Tues. April 7, 2015 PARCC Perf. Based Assess. Gr. 3 – 5

Tuesday, March 19, 2015 Universal P.B.I.S. Mtg./LifeTouch Photos

Friday, March 20, 2015 “ Bubblemania” Presentation/Spring Begins 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 School Comm. Mtg.

Thursday, March 26, 2015 Principal’s Tea

March 26 – April 2, 2015 PTA Scholastic Spring Book Fair

E-Mail Mrs.Seitsinger: 


Feinstein Program:

Mr. Feinstein visited our school and congratulated all of our students, our

“Feinstein Junior Scholars,” for all of their great work and kind deeds.

We have accomplished thousands of good deeds since September at Tiogue!

Our school received a generous donation which will be used to fund technology

and other student materials and programs.

In December our school donated many gifts to families in need. We also

continued our Food Drive with the Coventry Food Bank and donated

over 2,000 items. We donated to 26 families at Thanksgiving with

Thanksgiving baskets. We also donated to several families with special

gifts for the holidays this past December.

By showing their Feinstein Junior Scholar cards in certain venues, students

may receive discounts and in future may help them attain a college scholarship. Mainly, ourentire school community has learned and demonstrates everyday what it means to be kind and to help make a difference in our world. Specialthanks to Ms. D’Aleno who is our Feinstein coordinator. Please be sure check out the Feinstein newsletter which has been posted on our website

for more specific details about our Feinstein program this year. 

Grade K:

Happy Winter! We have been learning about our new season through non- fiction texts and building on prior knowledge. The weather has certainly helped our classroom discussions! We love snow in Kindergarten! Fundations is moving along as we learn to read and spell CVC words through tapping. We are also doing a quick review of writing upper case letters. Please have your child begin to practice writing their last names. Our expectation is that children use an upper case letter for the first letter and lower case for the rest.  Math is moving along with our addition unit, and we will soon switch gears and begin subtraction. The students are enjoying our reading series topics, and we are beginning guided reading groups. It’s an exciting time in Kindergarten! Mid- trimester reports will be coming home soon. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. It’s hard to believe that half our Kindergarten year is over! We are on our way to getting ready for first grade! Stay tuned for information regarding the 100th day of school! Please practice sight words daily! Thank you for your support at home! 

Mrs. Abood

Mr. Tripp

Ms. Maxwell

Ms. Gorter

Mrs. Hague

Grade 1:

January has been a busy work month for first graders as they arrived back from the Holidays rested and ready to work. The children had lots of holiday stories and fun times to share with us when they came back. It’s always fun to hear what they have to say.

In whole-class reading we have been exposing our students to lots of wonderful non-fiction books. They are enjoying learning about such topics as penguins, Martin Luther King Jr. and soon will be learning about some of our most famous presidents. The work of Dr. Seuss will also be one our upcoming highlights in the coming weeks of February and March. We will do an author study and read many of his wonderful books.

In math we should be finishing up unit 5 before the end of the month of February. We have been working with numbers up to 50. We have continued such concepts as ordering numbers (sequencing), number patterns, mental addition and subtraction facts (+1, +2, doubles). Geometry will be a large focus of this unit as we explore shapes and their properties. We continue to work on word problems and would like ask for your support in helping your child to practice simple addition/subtraction facts mentally with your child at home, as automaticity is expected.

As the flu season is now in full bloom, it would be helpful to review good health (coughing into elbow and how to properly blow their nose) and hand washing habits with your child. As always, we can use antibacterial wipes for our classrooms. Hopefully these extra measures will help to keep our children well and in school.

Have a great February and March!


Mrs. Costa

Mrs. Hackett

Mrs. Viccione

Ms. Maxwell

Ms. Gorter

Mrs. Hague

Grade 2:

Now that the winter months have approached the children will be learning about penguins. We will read several non-fiction books and observe penguins in their natural habitat on various websites. Science and math concepts will also be integrated, such as measurement, graphing, and problem solving. To conclude our unit, students will be researching different types of penguins. They will create a report in the form of a paragraph and teach the class about their penguin.

We are working on our first science kit; pebbles, sand, and silt. The children are enjoying many hands-on activities using these earth materials. They are also learning to independently record their scientific observations in their science notebook. They are becoming quite the geologists.

In social studies we will be exploring various landforms using globes and maps. The children will learn about how climates are different depending upon your location in the world and how weather changes daily. They will discover how we rely on natural resources in our daily lives.

Many children have become “masters” with their addition facts. We have already learned how to add two and three digit numbers using many strategies. At this time of the year, we are focusing on subtraction. The children are learning different strategies to subtract two and three digit numbers including using base ten blocks. This will help them to understand the concept of “borrowing” and “renaming.” Subtraction math facts will continue to be sent home weekly. Please work with your child at home with the flashcards.

Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Caruso

Mrs. Citrone

Mrs. Gallagher

Ms. Gorter

Ms. Maxwell

Mrs. Hague

Grade 3:

A winter wonderland of learning has taken place over the month of January. Over the course of the month we as a team have been utilizing the Chromebook cart to prepare our students for the upcoming PARCC Assessment which will take place in March. Parents can visit to see sample test items, complete tutorials with valuable information and provide students with opportunities to become more familiar with the assessment.

To continue our community and teambuilding efforts, in conjunction with our ELA and social studies curriculum, two guest speakers from the State House visited us in January. They discussed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Senator Lou Raptakis and Senator Harold Metts met with all of our students to explain the importance of Freedom and its impact on our lives today. We viewed the famous “I Have a Dream Speech”. They also discussed that everyone has dreams of what they would like to be someday when they are adults and if you work hard those dreams can come true.

Students are required to read 20 minutes independently each night. In addition, students need to practice their facts (multiplication or division) for at least 10 minutes nightly. Every Monday, Reading/Math logs are expected to be returned to school, in exchange a new log is given for the new week.


In math, we have been very busy learning division facts and applying them to two and three step word problems. All students need to be sure that they are practicing their multiplication and division facts nightly. Fact automaticity, or the recall of facts is essential as we move onto fractions and advanced mathematical concepts. Each week my students have a POW to complete they are due every Friday. Remember to make every learning experience a problem solving one!


Our Super Scientists finished our water unit with a writing activity. Students read “The Power of Water” from our Foss Science Kits storybooks and constructed a written response. They used a CLOSE graphic organizer to record their notes from their reading. We learned a new technique for recording our written responses called the RAISE. They used a graphic organizer to complete their RAISE and then rewrote a final copy with a picture. We will be working on RAISE written responses for our units in science for the remainder of the year.