Request for Temporary Traffic Regulation Order
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (Section 14)
Applicant Details
Applicant Name:
Company Name:
(including postcode)
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Mobile number:
Emergency/out of hours telephone number:
E-Mail address:
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order Details
Name of road / footpath affected:
Affected length of road / footpath: / From:
Does the affected length of road include a bus route and / or stop(s)? If so provide details:
Type of restriction: Footway Closure / Carriageway Closure / Public Footpath Closure / Speed Restriction / One Way Order
Reason for temporary traffic regulation order:
(Description of works)
Date restriction / prohibition is to be effective from and to: / From: to:
Time restriction / prohibition is to be effective from and to: / From: to:
Diversionary Route for Road Closure
Suggested alternative route (to be approved by
the Highway Authority):
Does the proposed route include low bridges, weight limits, narrow roads, tunnels, fords etc, one way or no entry orders? If so provide details:

I understand that the Highway Authority makes a charge for arranging a TTRO. A charge of £730.00 (£470.00 per extension) is made for planned TTRO’s.

I confirm that I will consult with local residents, businesses, schools, Parish Councils, Statutory Undertakers and Bus Operators where necessary, prior to the commencement of the TTRO. (Please forward copies of any correspondence).


I agree that I or my nominated contractor will be responsible for:

a)The provision and installation of road signs 1 week prior to the commencement date of the TTRO, advertising the commencement date, duration of the TTRO, the contractor for the works and a 24 hour contact telephone number.

b)The provision, installation and maintenance of any temporary signage for businesses etc, and agreed with the Highway Authority prior to installation.

c)Submitting a plan 6 weeks prior to the commencement date of the TTRO, indicating the nature and position of all road signs, traffic cones and barriers associated with the TTRO and the approved alternative route, for the approval of the Highway Authority.

d)The provision, installation and maintenance of road signs, traffic cones and barriers as specified in the approved plan, including roads signs at each end of the site stating the contractor for the works, and a 24 hour contact telephone number.

e)Consultation with the Parish Council, Statutory Undertakers, affected businesses and residents during the TTRO period, where necessary.

f)Re-opening the road / footway with immediate effect should work be completed ahead of schedule, notifying the Highway Authority as soon as the road has re-opened, and removing all temporary road signs, traffic cones and barriers.

Cost of Temporary Traffic Regulation Order
An order number must be supplied with this application for billing purposes: / Order number:
I agree to pay the sum of £730.00 (£470.00 per extension) and abide by Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual published by the Department of Transport whilst working in the highways of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council.
Signature :
Print name:
Contact Details for Assistance
Name: / Kath Walkington
Address: / Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
WMDC Transportation& Highways
Wakefield One
PO Box 700
Burton Street
Contact telephone number: / 01924 306484
Contact fax number: / 01924 306310
E-mail address: /

A fax / E-Mail copy of this form will be accepted but the signed original form must be submitted by post as soon as possible