Randels Elementary School

September 5, 2015

Dear Parents:

My name is Mr. Anderson, and I will be your child’s fourth grade teacher this year. I am looking forward to an exciting, productive year working with you and your child.

Throughout my years of teaching in Carman Ainsworth (since 1999), I have become committed to the importance of parent involvement in a student’s education. I firmly believe that your child receives the best education possible when you and I work as a team.

On the back of this form is a copy of our classroom guidelines, consequences, homework, and grading policy. Please look over the back of this form and let me know if you have any questions or special concerns.

I will be keeping in touch with you all year long. Please do the same with me. I welcome any questions. Feel free to contact me by phone, e-mail or in person. Please like the Mr. Anderson’s 4th Grade Class on Facebook to stay tuned with school happenings. I have also posted recorded lesson (using the educreations App) to our classroom website. Educreations is an app that allows me to record classroom clips which can be viewed online to help your son or daughter with their homework.

E-mail: Website: www.carman.k12.mi.us

Phone: 810-591-7426


Ben Anderson

4th Grade Teacher

Always putting Children first.

Classroom Guidelines

¨  Follow directions.

¨  Promote learning.

¨  Be respectful to peers and adults.

¨  Keep hands and feet to yourself.


1.  Verbal/nonverbal warning.

2.  Verbal/nonverbal reminder.

3.  Phone call home.

4.  Written plan that promotes quality choices.

5.  Written plan signed by parents.

6.  Parent, student, and teacher meeting.

Positive Reinforcement

¨  Words of encouragement (praise).

¨  Classroom celebrations and fun activities.

¨  Individual achievement awards (science fair and accelerated reader awards).

¨  Honor roll celebrations (as a school).


¨  Homework will always be useful and promote learning.

¨  Homework helps reinforce concepts covered in class.

¨  Schoolwork (including homework) is to be handed in on time (if a student is absent they are responsible for completing any work missed, and they will be given one school day for every day they were absent). This builds a student’s sense of responsibility and life skills.

¨  All spelling lists and daily oral language assignments (along with other assignments) are available on our Homework Helper website.

¨  Homework is graded down if it is not handed in on time. We encourage students to get work handed in on time because the homework reinforces the concepts we are covering.


¨  Letter grades will be assigned this school year. I will go over the standard expectations in detail with you at conferences.

¨  Students will receive a print out of missing work every other Monday that will need to be signed and returned in their Monday folder.

¨  Grades may also be checked online daily at ParentVUE (https://parentvue.geneseeisd.org/carm/Login_Parent_PXP.aspx ). I am committed to having the grade book all caught up every other Monday (it is usually caught up every Sunday).