As of 5/30/06


SITE_IDIntegerPrimary Key

LatDD83DoubleLatitude, decimal degree, NAD27?

LonDD83DoubleLongitude, decimal degree, NAD27?

TypeIntegerSpring, well, fumarole, etc.

Temp_DescrTextCold (<20C), warm (20-37C), hot (>=37C)

NameTextMost-used name of spring

AreaTextGroup (can be 1 ("Kyle") or multiple as in "Steamboat Springs")


StateTextTwo letter state abbreviation


TownNSTextN or S only


RangeEWTextE or W only

SectionIntegerSection (1-36)

1/4SecTextQuarter section or more (we need to adopt single convention)

MeridianTextCadastral coordinate meridian

7 ½ QuadrangleText7.5 minute quad the site occurs within

ElevationIntegerMeters above sea level

HoledepthDoubleDepth of hole, if it is a well

AquiferTextName of Aquifer the spring or well taps into

TABLE SITEMANY('Many' in one to many relationship with SITES)

SITE_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Sites Table

OLDSITEIDIntegerTemporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly

SITEMANY_IDIntegerPrimary Key

CHEM_IDIntegerTo cue temperature/flow rate data to a sample: OPTIONAL

DateDateDate of reading

TempCDoubleTemperature reading in degrees Centigrade

DateDoubleDate temperature (or comment, flow rate…) taken

FlowRateDoubleFlow rate in liters per minute (if Site is a spring)

HoleDepthDoubleTotal Depth of hole in meters (if Site is a well)

SampleDepthDoubleSample depth of hole in meters (if Site is a well)

TABLE SITEEXTRAS('Many' in one to many relationship with SITES)

SITEIDIntegerPrimary Key to Sites Table

SITEEXTRAIDIntegerPrimary Key

OLDSITEIDIntegerTemporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly

TextTextContains data for whatever item is in ‘Item’ Field

TypeTextType of information stored in ‘Text” field (Name, etc.)

The above table is going to contain information on the following fields:

Hot Spring Name

Mapname - Mapscale


SITE_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Sites Table

SITECOMIDIntegerPrimary Key to SITECOM Table

OLDSITEIDIntegerTemporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly

Comment TypeTextType of comment (“Location”, temperature, flow rate, etc.)[i]


TABLE CHEM('Many' in one to many relationship with SITES)

SITE_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Sites Table

CHEM_IDIntegerPrimary Key

OLDSITEIDIntegerTemporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly

DATEDateDate sample collected (or, whatever date in database…)

TIMEDate/TimeTime sample collected

MediumTextMedium sampled (water, steam, gas)

CollectedByTextPerson or group taking the sample

AnalystTextPerson or group analyzing the sample (drop down?)

PointofCollectTextSpot at site where the sample was collected

Lab NumberTextLab sample number

OrigLatDoubleOriginal latitude of sample, DDNAD83[ii]

OrigLonDoubleOriginal longitude of sample, DDNAD83ii

OrigFileTextName of original file data came from (or “hand-entered”, etc)

FiltersizeTextFilter size, in microns, or description such as "unfiltered"

ReferenceTextShort reference, which is also the key to Reference lookup table

TempCDoubleTemperature in Centigrade

Alkalinity-labDoublemg/l as CacO3 in lab[iii]

Alkalinity-fieldDoublemg/l as CacO3 in fieldiii

Alkalinity TypeTextDescription of alkalinity

Alkalinity TotalDoubleTotal alkalinity, incremental titration, mg/l as CaCO3

Conduct FieldDoubleSpecific Conductivity field, microseimens/cm at 25o C, unfilterediii

Conduct LabDoubleSpecific Conductivity lab, microseimens/cm at 25o C, unfilterediii

Conduct UnkDoubleSpecific Conductivity, unknown method, “ “ unfilterediii

Turbidity-labDoubleLab meas. In Nephalometric Units, unfilterediii

Turbidity-fieldDoubleField meas. In Nephalometric Units, unfilterediii

Turbidity-unkDoubleUnknown method in Nephalometric Units, unfilterediii

HardnessDoublemg/l as CaCO3, filterediii

HardnessDoublemg/l as CaCO3, unfilterediii

Non-Carb HardDoublemg/l as CaCO3

pHFieldDoublepH of sample taken in field at time of samplingiii

pHLabDoublepH of sample taken at labiii

pH PaperDoublepH of sample using pH paper taken in field at time of samplingiii



TDSMDoubleTotal Dissolved Solids (measured), mg/liii

TDSCDoubleTotal Dissolved Solids (calculated), mg/liii

TDSc EquationDoubleTotal dissolved solids using some equation (?), mg/liii

Specific GravityDoubleSpecific gravity, g/cm3

NaDoublemg/l filtered

KDoublemg/l filtered

CaDoublemg/l filtered

MgDoublemg/l filtered

SiO2Doublemg/l filtered

AsDoublemg/l filtered

BDoublemg/l filtered

BaDoublemg/l filtered

FDoublemg/l filtered

FeDoublemg/l filtered

H2SDoublemg/l filtered

LiDoublemg/l filtered

MnDoublemg/l filtered

SiDoublemg/l filtered

Si (total)Doublemg/l filtered

Si02 (total)DoubleTotal silica, mg/l filtered

SrDoublemg/l filtered

BrDoublemg/l filtered

ClDoublemg/l filtered

OHDoublemg/l filtered

PO4Doublemg/l filtered as P

SO3Doublemg/l filtered

SO4Doublemg/l filtered

CO3Doublemg/l filtered

CO3 FieldDoublemg/l filtered field carbonate

CO3 CorrDoublemg/l, filtered, with steam correction

HCO3Doublemg/l filtered bicarbonate

HCO3 FieldDoublemg/l filtered field bicarbonate

HCO3 LabDoublemg/l filtered lab bicarbonate

Cation GeoDoubleCalculated cation geothermometer temperature, degrees C

Silcia GeoDoubleCalculated silica geothermometer temperature, degrees C

Avg GeoDoubleAverage of cation and silica geothermometer[iv]

NOTE: All the data in CHEMMORE is currently duplicated in the CHEM Tableiii

TABLE CHEMMORE(Many in 1 to many relationship with CHEM)

CHEM_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Chem Table

CHEMMOREIDIntegerPrimary Key

VALUEDoubleValue for whatever Type field is (“3.7”)

ItemTextField name for which Value is assigned to (“Alkalinity”)

TypeTextDescriptor for Item (“Field”, “Lab”, etc.)

DateDate/TimeDate listed in the original reference

The above fields are going to contain information on the following fields:*

HardnessDoubleHardness, mg/l

HardTypeText“Lab”, “Non-carbonate”, etc.

pHDoublepH reading, whatever type, pH units

pHTypeText‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’

AlkalinityDoubleAlkalinity value, whatever type

AlkalinityTypeText‘Lab’, ‘Field’, or whatever text is in there (e.g. “CaCO3”)

EhDoubleeH reading, millivolts

EHTypeText‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’

TurbidityDoubleTurbidity reading, Nephalometric Units, unfiltered

TurbidityTypeText‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’

SpecCondDoubleSpecific Conductivity, microseimens/cm at 25o C, unfiltered

SpecCondTypeText‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’

TDSDoubleTotal Dissolved Solids, mg/l

TDSTypeTextCalculated or measured

SourceDoubleSource of Sample (drop down: Stack, Counter, NBMG, etc.)

SourceNo.IntegerNumber associated with source


CHEM_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Chem Table

CHEMCOMIDIntegerPrimary Key

Comment TypeTextDrop down box with discrete type: “Point of Collection”, etc.


TABLE TRACE(Many in 1 to many relationship with SITE)

SITE_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Sites Table

TRACE_IDIntegerPrimary Key

CHEM_IDIntegerPrimary key to tie this sample to data in the chem. table

DATEDate/TimeDate listed in original reference, presumably sample date


Al_FiltersizeDoubleSize, in microns, of filter

Al3 (02)DoubleAl3 value, mg/l, after filtering through a 0.2 micron filter

Al3 (045)DoubleAl3 value, mg/l, after filtering through a 0.45 micron filter

AgDoubleAll the trace elements below are in mg/l

AuDoublemg/l, filtered

BeDoublemg/l, filtered

BiDoublemg/l, filtered

CdDoublemg/l, filtered

CrDoublemg/l, filtered

CsDoublemg/l, filtered

CuDoublemg/l, filtered

DyDoublemg/l, filtered

EuDoublemg/l, filtered

Fe1Doublemg/l, filtered

Fe2Doublemg/l, filtered Fe 2+

FettlDoublemg/l, filtered Fe 2+ + Fe3+

GaDoublemg/l, filtered

GeDoublemg/l, filtered

HgDoublemg/l, filtered

IDoublemg/l, filtered

MoDoublemg/l, filtered

NdDoublemg/l, filtered

NiDoublemg/l, filtered

PbDoublemg/l, filtered

RbDoublemg/l, filtered

SDoublemg/l, filtered

SbDoublemg/l, filtered

ScDoublemg/l, filtered

SeDoublemg/l, filtered

SnDoublemg/l, filtered

ThDoublemg/l, filtered

TiDoublemg/l, filtered

TlDoublemg/l, filtered

UDoublemg/l, filtered

VDoublemg/l, filtered

WDoublemg/l, filtered

ZnDoublemg/l, filtered

ZrDoublemg/l, filtered

(Gas portion of table)


Ar_dissDoubleArgon. dissolved














NO3 (N)Double

NO3 FieldDouble


NH3 FreeDouble

NH4 (N)Double

NH4 FieldDouble




SITEIDIntegerPrimary Key to Site Table

OLDSITEIDIntegerTemporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly

ISOTOPEIDIntegerPrimary Key

CHEMIDIntegerPrimary Key to Chem Table



C13 in CO2Double

C14DoublePercent modern

C14 AppDoubleApparent age in years



O18/O16 H20Double

O18/O16 CO2Double

O18/O16 S04Double

NH3 FreeDouble

S 34/32DoubleIsotope ratio per mil

S 34/32 SO4DoubleIsotope ratio per mil in sulfate

AlphaRadioDoubleAlpha radioactivity in mg/l

BRadioCSDoublepicograms per liter Cesium

BRadioSrDoublepicograms per liter Strontium

N15/N14DoubleIsotope ratio, per mil

RadonDoublepictogram (or picocuries?) per liter


ISOALPHAIDIntegerPrimary Key to Isotope Table

SITEIDIntegerPrimary Key

OLDSITEIDIntegerTemporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly

NWISIDIntegerTemporary key for determining units



AlphaTextAlphanumeric assoc with record (“<”, “>”, “below detection”, etc)


IsotopeTextName of isotope

TABLE ALPHAOne to many relationship with CHEM and TRACE tables

CHEM_IDIntegerPrimary Key to Chem Table

ALPHAIDIntegerPrimary Key

Plus fields as described below

This table contains records where there was a problem with analysis of compounds found in the CHEM and TRACE tables. Usually the values are below detection limits of the equipment. In the table are two fields for each compound: the value (if any) and a text ‘alpha’ field showing the flag associated with each record (“<”, “>”, “below detection”, etc). The table has these pairs for Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Fe total, Flowrate, Cr, Cs, Cu, C2H6, CO3, C13, CH4, F, Fe, Ga, Ge, H2, H2S, Hg, I, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, NH4, Ni, NO3, Pb, PO4, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, AlkTtl, Conductivity, He, HCO3, Hardness, Na, N2, O2, O2UF, pH Field, pH Lab, SpecGrav, Turbidity, Tritium, S, SO2, S2O3, SO3, SO4, SiO2, Sr, Sulfide, SulfideH2S, SulfideUF, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Zr

TABLE GETREFSLookup table between CHEM and REF table

IDIntegerKey to table

CHEMIDIntegerCHEM table key

REFIntegerKey to REF table

TABLE REFSContains long (bibliographic) references keyed to ‘ref’ in CHEM

REFIntegerPseudo-primary key for each reference

FAuthorTextFirst author with [second author or "others"] and date

AuthorsTextList of all the authors, in last name + initial(s) format

TitleTextTitle of Text

YearTextYear of Publication

PubTextPublication name, volume, edition, number, etc.

Thus, bibliographic references can be concatenated for any record in the CHEM table.

[i] Based on assumption that some springs or wells will have temperature sampled without any chem. data that would be contained in the chem table. Makes for duplicate location of temperature data

[ii] Original latitude and longitude of a record is maintained because we moved some locations around in the SITE table which we think are better, but we leave the original location here in case we were mistaken.

[iii] Many fields in the CHEM table contain multiple ways a measurement was sampled. For example, pH was potentially sampled both in the field and/or in the lab. The table thus can include multiple fields ‘pH Field’, ‘pH Lab’, or ‘pH Unknown’ if the method was not specified. This data can also be found in the CHEMMORE table keyed to the CHEM table in a one-to-many relationship, with two fields per measurement: “Type” (such as ‘field’, ‘lab’, ‘unknown’, etc.) and “Item” (such as pH, eH, etc.). Yes, this is in violation of database normalization rules, but the data were put in two ways to determine which worked best, with the idea that one way would eventually be removed.

[iv] Yes, this could have been a calculated field