

Dear Parents & Guardians,

It’s our first field trip! On Tuesday, September 24, the RenaissanceAcademyfirst through third grade (4th – 6th Grade) students will go to Chicago to visit the Field Museum of Natural History. To make it even more exciting the students will travel to Chicago by train. Wow!

Students should be brought directly to the SouthShore Shops Train Station on Carroll Avenue by 8:20am where the teachers will be waiting to sign them in. Please make sure your child is checked in by the teachers as he/she joins the group. The train to Chicago loads at 8:35 am to leave at 8:38 am. (Parents with students who need to come early for before school camp should call the office to make special arrangements for transportation to the train station).

In Chicago we’ll walk to the FieldMuseum, where groups of students and parents will explore the many fascinating exhibits at the museum. This year, the students are studying Earth’s ancient history and this trip ties right in with their curriculum. In the afternoon we’ll head back to the returntrain. Students should be picked up at the Carroll Avenue Station at 4:15pm.

Students are required to wear the dress uniform. (If you are not sure what the dress uniform is, you can ask the office for a copy or find it at The trip will include a considerable amount of walking, so if you are concerned about your child being uncomfortable in their dress uniform shoes, any comfortable walking shoes may be worn. Students should also bring a sack lunch that is disposable (paper bag, etc.)

We will need six parent chaperones per class who will be responsible for leading a group at the museum. The adult cost is $20. Please let us know right away if you would like to fill oneof the chaperone spots. We are all looking forward to a fabulous learning day!

When:Tuesday, September 24, 8:20 am ~4:15 pm at Carroll St. Train Station

Where:ChicagoFieldMuseum by train

Cost: $20.00 per chaperone. All adults and students should bring a disposable lunch

Dress:Dress uniform required



My child ______has permission to go on the train field tripto Chicago. I will drop my child off at the Carroll Ave. Station by 8:20am. I will pick up my child at the Carroll Ave. Station at 4:15pm

____ I would like to serve as a chaperone for this trip. (Any parent who would like to serve as a chaperone for this trip must return this permission slip to their child’s teacher ASAP. A background check must be cleared prior to signing up for any trip.)

Parent: ______