Northern California ACT Chapter

Public Policy Committee

January 2016


ACT Webinar: Thursday, January 28, 11amPT/2pm ET on the Fix America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.

Learn about the recently passed five-year federal transportation funding legislation. For more information or to register, visit

Friday, January 29 – Deadline for Best Practices Benchmarking Survey

Do you work with employers in your area who are improving their employee commute programs? Do you directly manage employee transportation programs at worksites with 100+ employees?

If so, please take a few minutes to help Best Workplaces for Commuters (BWC) at the National Center for Transit Research at the University of South Florida and the Employer Council of the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) with a national benchmarking study.

You may complete this survey in more than one sitting. When you return to an incomplete survey, you will be taken to the point where you left off. You may return to the survey later and edit your existing answers, too.
For your reference, a PDF of the questionnaire is located at Don’t worry if the PDF looks a little lengthy! Because the online version of the survey uses branching, you won’t have to answer every question. For your online survey, contactPhil Winters at


See some of the changes in California transportation regulations summarized on the new 2016 New California Transportation Laws page. Let us know if there are others that should added for the benefit of ACT members.

Bay Area Regional Issues

MTC and the Regional Carpool Program

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has recently released two Requests for Proposals (RFP) that relate to the provision of the regional carpool program. One is seeking industry review of the proposed Scope of Work for an upcoming RFP for the future Regional Carpool Program. The second concerns the development of a Private Sector Rideshare Application. For more information or to review the documents, goto

Peninsula’s Highway 101 Traffic Crisis Deserves and Gets Action

The Bay Area Council’s work over the past year to speed traffic relief on the badly congested Highway 101 corridor between San Francisco and San Jose took a major step with legislation (AB 378) introduced by Assemblymember Kevin Mullin (D-San Mateo). The bill includes a number of solutions the Council identified through its work with Silicon Valley and Peninsula member companies and that are believed to be game-changers in easing gridlock. Among the solutions are expanding carpool lanes, deploying advanced traffic management technologies and aggressively promoting ridesharing apps. For more information about the Bay Area Council and their transportation initiatives, visit