Job Description

Project NovaCoordinator (EAST)

Role Purpose:

To be fully accountable to the Project Nova National Manager for the delivery, co-ordination and implementation of Project Nova (EAST), deliveringholistic support to Veterans identifiedin Police Custody. This role will work in direct partnership with Norfolk and Suffolk PCC andcustody suites. Project Nova will deliver holistic support to Veterans identified in Police Custody, specificallyin the EAST.

Project Nova is jointly delivered by Walking WithThe Wounded (WWTW) and RFEA - The Forces Employment Charity. Nova began as a trial in the East of England and in this area it is being underpinned by an academic evaluation carried out by Anglia Ruskin University, to measure effectiveness and successful outcomes.

The Nova initiative has now been expanded to the NORTH EAST (Newcastle area) and NORTH WEST. The concept of Nova is to provide advice, guidance and support to Veterans using a “Nova Network” of military charities and organisations that can assist Veterans (depending on their individual needs). Its core focus is early intervention and diversion at point of arrest, in order to prevent repeat offending and/or a prison sentence.

The Nova Coordinator’s (EAST)prime responsibility is to ensure that the project delivers holistic support to Veterans identified in Police Custody in the Norfolk & Suffolk area - to the required standard of quality and within the spirit and vision of theRFEA/WWTW partnering agreement. RFEA and WWTW arecommitted to dealing with each Veteranidentified without prejudice orjudgement in an equitable manner.

Based at:Home based with travel across the local & regional area when required

Reporting to:Project Nova National Manager & RFEA Chief Operating Officer.

Key Performance Indicators: The Project Nova Coordinator (EAST)will work effectively to a defined set ofPerformance Indicators (PIs), as defined by the Nova National Manager.

Compliance: The Project Nova Coordinator is expected to comply with all RFEA Data Protection Procedures, Work Instructions and Project Nova Client Case Management Policies (CCMP).


Project Nova Key Support Strands:

The Project Nova Coordinator (EAST) will co-ordinate and manage the following support strands to Veterans identified in Police Custody. The Project Nova Team Leader (EAST) will develop and sustain the following support strands on behalf of RFEA and WWTW:

  • Support Strand 1: Identification of and engagement with Veterans in Police Custody, including an assessment of needs and vulnerabilities.
  • Support Stand 2: Design a custom support package to address needs and vulnerabilities which may affect the Veteran and his/her family network and stability. This support package may help to prevent re-offending. These may include, housing, mental and physical health, family, social, alcohol/drug dependency, behavioral, training and employment etc.
  • Support Strand 3: Employment preparation and job-finding support. Identify education/training opportunities and carry out active engagement with local employers on behalf of unemployed Veterans who are identified.
  • Support Strand 4: Support to employed Veterans released from Police Custody – identify their levels of need to ensure their offendingbehavior does not put them at risk of losing their job – helping to retain current employment, which therefore helps to reduce the risk of vulnerability.
  • Support Strand 5: Referral of the Veteran to specialist organisations available in the EAST i.e the “Nova Network” – dependent on individual (and family) needs and vulnerability.
  • Support Strand 6: Tracking Function – ensure that regular contact with the Veteran post release has been established, to remind them of the support structures available. This approach will also help to identify successful Nova outcomes in the EAST.

Tracking of Veterans will be carried out as follows:

  • Days 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 post release from Police Custody (“Month 1”).
  • Months 2,3,4,5,6 post release from Police Custody
  • Thereafter – at the 9 and 12month points post release from Police Custody.

Key Responsibilities of the Project Nova Coordinator (EAST)

These include but are not limited to:

  • Attend regular operational meetings with the Project Nova National Manager.
  • Formally report Nova (EAST)Veteran stats and outcomes to the Nova National Manager.
  • Scoping and mapping current provision that is being delivered to Veterans identified in Police Custody, with a particular focus on support available for those who have entered the custody suites in the Norfolk and Suffolk area.
  • In accordance with the Project Nova Client Case Management Policy (CCMP), hold a caseload of referred Veterans who have been identified by Project Nova and require support.
  • Be fully conversant with the PCC and custody suite procedures and directly liaise with NHS Liaison and Diversion Teams (EAST).
  • Conduct visits to Nova Network support organisations/military charity network as and when required - within Norfolk and Suffolk and surrounding areas.
  • Engage with local employers in the regional area who may be able to offer suitable job opportunities to unemployed Veterans who are identified through Project Nova (EAST).
  • Develop relationships with Veterans, Employers, Police, Court and Legal Services to meet Nova outcomes.
  • Assist with the education of Police, Court and Legal Services, informing them of the needs, backgrounds and experiences of Veterans identified in Police Custody(EAST).
  • When required, conduct other tasks andrequests to support RFEA and WWTW in the EAST.

Skill Set & Expertise of Project Nova Team Leader (EAST)

  • All employees working within Project Nova are required to undertake Enhance DBS Clearance and Police Vetting.
  • Working knowledge of the Criminal Justice System is required.
  • Relationship development and management - to ensure that the ProjectNova provision provides the best possible support structure and outcomes for the Veterans engaged.
  • The ability to deal with the rigours that may arise when working with Veterans inthe criminal justice system.
  • A track record of delivering high quality results, with a strong customer focus and be capable of working independently to targets and deadlines
  • Strong communication, IT and organisational skills are essential along with mentoring and coaching. NVQ Level 4 in IAG is highly desirable.
  • Ability to work remotely, across a regional geographic area.
  • A commitment and understanding of the Ex-Services community and Armed Forces Charity networks (particularly in the EAST).
  • Clean driving licence and use of own car is essential.

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