Rotation 3
This booklet contains your science home learning tasks for the three topics in this rotation.
Each topic has four home learning tasks.
Fill in your personal data section.
YourName / Tutor
Name / Science
Use these grids to record your performance and track positive progress.
Task / Circulation & Respiration / / /1 / Learning List
2 / Using Your learning
3 / Assessment Focus
4 / Reviewing Work
Task / Rocks / / /
1 / Learning List
2 / Using Your learning
3 / Assessment Focus
4 / Reviewing Work
Task / Sound / / /
1 / Learning List
2 / Using Your learning
3 / Assessment Focus
4 / Reviewing Work
Year 8 Learning List: Circulation and respiration
Respiration / Ress per ay shun / Glucose + oxygen à (energy) + carbon dioxide + water
Aerobic respiration / Air ow bik ress per ay shun / A process in living cells that uses oxygen to release energy from glucose. The waste products are carbon dioxide and water.
Anaerobic respiration / Ann air ow bik ress per ay shun / A way for living cells to release energy from glucose without using oxygen.
Oxygen debt / Ok see jen dett / The amount of extra oxygen required to oxidise (remove) lactic acid in the muscles which builds up during vigorous exercise by anaerobic respiration.
Lactic acid / Lak tik ass id / An acid produced in muscles during vigorous exercise by anaerobic respiration
Breathing / Bree thing / The process of taking air in to and out of the lungs.
Trachea / Trak ee ya / Also called the windpipe, a large tube that connects the larynx (voice box) to the lungs.
Bronchi / Bron kye / The two main branches of the trachea as it splits to go to each lung.
Bronchioles / Bron kee oles / A small branch from one of the bronchi
Alveoli / Al vee ow lye / A tiny air sac in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged
Circulation / Ser kewl ay shun / Blood travelling around the body, pumped by the heart
Arteries / Ar terry s / Strong, muscle-walled blood vessels (tubes) that transport blood away from the heart
Veins / Vains / Blood vessels (tube) that carry blood back to the heart
Capillaries / Kap ill arr ees / The smallest blood vessels of a circulatory system, they connect arteries to veins and come into close contact with cells to supply oxygen and nutrients and to remove waste.
Heart / Hart / A muscular organ that pumps blood through the circulatory system
Tissues / Tiss yewz / A group of cells that have a similar structure and work together to perfume a specific function
Blood / Bludd / A red liquid that circulates around the body in blood vessels and carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells and waste products from them.
Red blood
Cells / Redd bludd sells / A cell that carries oxygen in the blood to all cells in the body. It has no nucleus.
Plasma / Plaz mah / A straw coloured, watery liquid that carries blood cells around the body
The Story So Far:
On sports day Susan and Carmel are chosen by their tutor group to run the 400m relay race. Their classmates decided that Carmel would run better than Susan as she does not smoke.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it (and you will!):1) Describe what happens to their circulatory system and breathing system during and after the race.
2) Explain why each change happens
3) Why is Carmel likely to be a better runner than Susan? (think about the lungs)
Top Tips
· Make sure you use the key words in a scientific way.
· Use diagrams (it’s easier than writing loads!!)
· Include the equation for respiration
Key Words
Heart Lungs Alveoli Artery Capillaries Veins
Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Energy Water Sugar (glucose)
Diffusion Red blood cells Haemoglobin
Level / You will have:-
3 / Described simply any changes that take place in the two athletes’ bodies,
named the important organs involved,
explained simply why these changes happened
4 / Said what each organ does
Described how blood is carried around the body
5 / Used labelled diagrams to show how oxygen gets to the body cells and how waste carbon dioxide is removed from the body
Identified the vessels which carry blood around the body,
6 / Said what is needed for respiration and what the products are,
Explained how people get energy for movement,
Used labelled diagrams to show the lungs are adapted to do their job
7 / Included a word equation for respiration and said where it takes place,
Described how the heart and lungs are specialised to do their jobs, described and explained the effects of smoking on the alveoli
Year 8 Learning List: Rocks
Key word / Sounds like / MeaningTexture / Teks chew-er / The physical appearance of a rock – size and shape of grains and their arrangement
Grains / Gray nz / Small particles that make up a rock or may be by themselves (a grain of sand)
Weathering / Weth er ing / Mechanical or chemical breakdown of rocks by forces of weather or nature
Transportation / Tranz por tay shun / Moving something from one place to another
Deposition / Dee poe zish un / The natural process of laying down a deposit of sediment
Compaction / Kom pak shun / Squashing grains of sediment together
Cementation / See men tay shun / Depositing mineral matter between
Fossils / Foss ills / Prehistoric remains of living organisms that have been buried and preserved
Sedimentary rock / Sed ih men tah ree rok / A type of rock that is formed on the earth’s surface by the deposition of material in water
Metamorphic rock / Mett ah more fik rok / Rock which has undergone a change in texture or composition as a result of heat and pressure
Igneous rock / Ig nee us rok / Rock formed when magma cools and solidifies
Crystallisation / Kriss tal ize ay shun / The formation of crystals
Melting / Mell ting / To change from solid to liquid
Pressure / Pres shew err / Continuous physical force exerted on an object
Temperature / Tem per ah chewer / A measurement of heat energy
Rock cycle / Rok sye kull / A never ending process in which rocks change from one type to another
Sediment / Sed ih ment / Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
Magma / Magg mah / Molten rock – a liquid
400 million years ago Simon was a grain of sand sunning himself on a beach in the Caribbean.
His early life was sedimentary but after a period of change, life hotted up.
Eventually, after lots of adventures, he found himself on
another beach with lots of interesting memories.
level 3 / You know that there are different types of rockYou know that rocks have been around for a long time.
level 4 / You can correctly name the 3 types of rock.
You can correctly use ideas about weathering and erosion.
level 5 / You can describe how igneous and metamorphic rocks are formed.
You can describe the characteristics of the different types of rocks.
level 6 / You know that younger rocks lie on top of older rocks.
You can explain how crystal size depends on rate of cooling.
You can explain the effect of heat and pressure on rocks.
level 7 / You can use ideas about particles to explain how different rates of cooling lead to different particle sizes.
Year 8 Learning List: Sound
Key word / Sounds like / MeaningSound waves / Sou nd way-v / Changes in air pressure that produce sound. Disturbed air particles in turn disturb more air particles allowing sound energy to be transferred.
Frequency / Free kwen see / The number of times that something happens in a given time period
Amplitude / Amm plitt chew-d / The maximum extent of a vibration, measured from the mid point
Vacuum / Vak you-m / A space containing no particles at all
Eardrum / Ear drum / A membrane in the middle ear that vibrates in response to sound waves. The tympanic membrane
Cochlea / Kok lee ah / Snail shaped organ in the inner ear that transmits sound signals via tiny hairs to the auditory nerve
Noise pollution / Noy-s pol oo shun / Annoying and potentially harmful environmental noise
Decibel / Dess i bell / A standard unit for measuring the loudness of sound
Sound meter / Sou nd / A device used to measure sound levels in decibels
Audible / Aw dib bul / Able to be heard
Deafness / Def ness / Partial or complete loss of hearing
Loud / Loud / The quantity of sound as perceived by the listener
Pitch / Pit ch / The property of sound that depends on the frequency of vibration of the sound waves
Vibrate / V-eye bray-t / To move back and forth about a central point
Membrane / Mem bray-n / A thin, flexible sheet of tissue or skin
Noise / Noy-s / Acoustic activity that can disrupt communication
Acoustic / Ak oo stik / Relating to sound
Pop festival
A pop festival is being organised near Flaxford. The organisers need to set up the sound system so that everyone can hear the music. They are going to use loudspeakers in different places. They need your advice!
Level / You should be able to…3 / Show where the sound travels by drawing arrows on the diagram.
4 / Describe how the sound is produced and how the people can hear it.
Place the loudspeakers at sensible places.
5 / Use the particle model to explain how the sound travels through different materials. Explain why people see and hear the band at different times.
6 / Explain the problems in choosing the best place for the loudspeakers.
Explain why the power output of the loudspeakers should be limited.
7 / Use the formula for speed to calculate the time delay needed for each loudspeaker.
Explain in terms of energy transfer ( dissipation ) why sound becomes fainter further away
Fill in the missing words:
When a band plays, the sound travels from the ………………….. to the …………………… .
A guitar makes a sound because the strings ……………………. . These vibrations make
the air ………………….. vibrate. This effect travels through the air and makes our
ear …………… vibrate. This how we hear ……..………. .
Light travels ……………… than sound so we see the drummer hit the drum ………………
we hear the sound.
Flaxford festival site
§ Draw arrows to show where the sound travels
§ Mark on the diagram where you would put loudspeakers
§ Describe what you might see and hear if you sit near one loudspeaker: